Saturday, August 6, 2011

What I'm Reading in Bloggy World: Saturday Stumbles

If you haven't entered my Thunder of Heaven giveaway it's not too late! Giveaway runs through August 7, 2011! :)

Hey friends!

Today I'm joining
Staci and her Saturday Stumbles!

Saturday Stumbles is a fun way to post some of our favorite bloggy finds from the week. Since I'm continually coming across such amazing work out in bloggy world, I thought count me in on the fun!

Here are some of my Favorite Finds...

* Perfect for moms of girls (and everyone else too) ~ How to Talk to Little Girls

* In case I hear the "B" word from my kids ~
Summer Boredom Busters

* The first time I've been called "a disco ball in an otherwise dark world" ~ new friend from Speak Up

* Wondering what to make for dinner? ~ August Meal plan! (woo hoo!)

* A great way to support the relief effort in Somolia (and involve your family too!) ~ Somalia on Saturday

What have you stumbled upon this week? I'd love to hear from you!!

Have a wonderful, joy-filled weekend!

P.S. For more great Saturday Stumbles or to join the fun,
head over and visit Staci! :)


  1. Those summer boredom tips look so fun! Thanks so much for linking up :)

  2. The link for "new friend from speak up" did not work. I really enjoyed "How to Talk to Little Girls." :)

  3. I found a Monday Mingles blog hop and made some new friends. I also joined Then Sings My Soul Saturday meme again (after a year or so) and met some new friends too. :o) That's about it for me.

    Have a super blessed evening!

  4. Oh, I love blog posts that push me in new directions and towards new bloggers. Thanks for doing the work, girl.

    And now, I see a wedding picture that I must view!
