Friday, August 5, 2011

Eleven Years!

If you haven't entered my Thunder of Heaven giveaway it's not too late! Giveaway runs through August 7, 2011! :)

Hey Friends~

Eleven years ago today, on August 5, 2000 ~ I walked down the aisle, escorted by my dad, as Ms. Cindy Stille....

We had a beautiful ceremony officiated by our friend and Pastor, Rob Bell. The wedding was held at our home church at the time, Mars Hill Bible Church.

And before I knew it, I was walking back down the aisle ~ this time as Mrs. John Bultema. Woo Hoo!!

In honor of our special day (and the 11 years we've celebrated together), I'd like to share....

The Top "11" reasons I'm grateful to be Mrs. John Bultema

1. John is an incredible man of integrity. He is trustworthy, honest, and a true man of Godly character. (If you know John, you know this is true!)

2. John is an amazing dad! Absolutely amazing!! He is so attentive to our kids and their needs ~ it is a huge blessing to parent alongside of him!

3. I love John's knowledge of the Word of God. I love asking him his thoughts about Bible passages, and studying the Word with him. I also love hearing him share Bible stories with our kids. I love his sharp mind and wise insights! :)

4. John is supportive of my ministry dreams. How many men would quit their jobs and become a stay-at-home dad so their wife could continue on in full-time ministry?? John did...and was an excellent stay-at-home dad for almost 3 years! He still continues to support me and my ministry dreams in so many ways ~ and I am very grateful!

5. John has such a huge heart for the world. He dreams of being involved with global ministry someday, and is passionate about helping kids learn more about God's work around the world. How cool is that?!

6. John has taught me a lot about living a balanced, restful, healthy life. He takes excellent care of his body, our cars, our home (and extends much grace to a more "creative/messy" person like me).

7. He does all of our family's laundry :)

8. John accepted my son Jake from the very first minute he met him (when John was Jake's kindergarten small group leader at church). Not only did John have the privilege of leading Jake to Jesus back in 1999 (when he was still "Mr. John") ~ John has loved Jake with such unconditional, unfailing love! :) (No wonder Jake wanted us to get married so bad ~ he's no dummy!)

9. John is very wise with our finances. If our budget was up to me, we'd be in bad shape. Trust me.

10. John is a ton of fun to be around! I love hanging out, playing cards, boating, picnicing or just "being" with him. He is my best friend!

And the 11th reason I'm grateful to be Mrs. John Bultema....

11. He's so handsome!! :)

Happy Anniversary, honey (if you're reading this!).

May the Lord continue to bless us with many, many more years of love, joy, peace in our home, fun family times, and Kingdom-building opportunities. You are loved - a lot! :)

Me :)

P.S. Just for fun, here's a picture of the junior bride and groom that day ~ Ms. Sara Robinson and my dear son Jake. Aren't they too adorable?!


  1. Happy Anniversary!! May God bless you with many more wonderful years together.

  2. happy day! i love your story so much. thank you for sharing today. you made me smile!

  3. Happy Anniversary! I loved your list. The laundry one made me giggle, and the rest made me smile.

  4. Happy anniversary, dear friend! To many, many more years with your sweetheart!

  5. Happy Anniversary! I loved hearing about your hubs in this post. He sounds awesome. So glad for you guys!

  6. Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your special day :)

  7. Happy Anniversary!! What a sweet list! And he does the laundry?! AWESOME!!

  8. Oh, you rock. Thanks for sharing your life here with all of us. You look so happy in the pics.
