Anybody weary??
Or feeling dangerously close to empty today??
Personally, this week, I reached the "stick a fork in me, I'm done" stage.
After a full month with kids stuff, plus a bazillion camps & activities, not to mention fun brainstorming sessions, big decisions with Jake, the She Speaks Conference in North Carolina (and super late nights while I was there), and an exciting project I can't wait to tell you about (only God!)....
I reached empty. Ugh.
Sunday night, soon after getting off the plane, hugging everybody, and collapsing in my comfy purple chair, I was ready for a big long nap....EXCEPT....
....we were leaving bright an early in the morning for 4 days at a lakeside cottage.
Everything in me just wanted to stay in my jammies all day (have you been there before too?)...
....but this beautiful cottage was waiting for us...
My husband John's friend invited our family to stay at his cottage (for free!). Just our little family while his family was away. What a huge blessing! :)
Thankfully John had everyone packed (but me) when I got home from my trip ~ so I scooped all my heels and jackets and business cards out of my suitcase, and plopped in tank tops, bathing suits and flip flops.
And we were off!
Here is a quick photo recap of my week unplugged(Yes ~ no TV, no internet, no screens ~ except my new little iPhone that sometimes had a signal....)
* Tubing
* Fishing (not that I went anywhere near the fish, but everyone else did!)
*Loving on my gang....
* Joking with John :) (I warned him this was going on the blog!)
And yes, I did manage to find some quiet time to work on my "scripts". :)
I'm so thankful that Jesus offers rest for our weary souls.
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.] Matthew 11:28 AMP
I know life doesn't always allow for us to refresh at a lakeside cottage (if only!) ~ so here's what I've learned to do when my "low fuel" light is warning me to pull over and fill up!!
Pull over for a pit stop! Pay attention to the symptoms (weariness, short temperedness, craving coffee, etc...) and just stop.
2. Spend time with Jesus
Sometimes when John has come home, I've literally I've run out the door with my Bible and made a beeline for the local bookstore. To fill up, I must spend time with Jesus in prayer, and digging into the Word.
3. Examine my Schedule/Priorities/To-Do List
Am I using my new favorite word "or", or have I overextended myself?
Does something need to go from my schedule?? Are my priorities in order??
4. Allow God to fill me back up (& stay in His care until He's done so!)
Of course, everyone is different. Personally, I fill up by being alone with God, renewing my mind with Truth, and some good 1:1 with time with loved ones, where I can just "be" and not have to "do, do, do".
5. Pay attention to Self Care
Am I eating well? Resting? Drinking water? Getting exercise??
I am learning that self care is crucial (and not selfish), but critical to living as the rest-full, joy-filled woman God has created me to be.
So how about for you??How do you fill up when you are starting to feel empty? Weary? Discouraged from life's demands?? I'd love to hear from you (please!).
May we learn from one another and have tips & techniques ready for when our "tank" starts heading towards "low fuel"!
Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*!! God's richest, fullest blessings to you!
P.S. The winner of the Ann Voskamp giveaway is Lora (please send me your mailing info, Lora)! Thank you to all who entered! :)