Monday, June 27, 2011

Tuesday's Top Ten ~ 4th of July Parade Essentials

If you haven't signed up for my Carol Kent book GIVEAWAY it's not too late! Be sure to join the fun!

It's almost the 4th of July. Woo Hoo!

One of my favorite traditions is to start the day attending a 4th of July Parade (actually we attend two!). I love it!

Here are my Top 10 "must haves" when heading to a 4th of July Parade ~

1. Blanket ~ Of course a red, white, or blue blanket works best :)

2. Color sheets and Markers ~ We like to grab a parade spot early, so I bring color sheets and markers to keep the kiddos busy while we wait for the parade to start.

You can print color sheets here.

3. Lunch bags (for parade candy) ~ I pack white paper lunch bags for the kids to catch the candy (and markers for the kids to decorate the bags while we wait for the parade to start).

Be sure to bring extra'll be surprised at how many extra kids will head your way when they see you having lots of decorating fun!

4. Nail Polish ~ I also pack a bag filled with red nail polish, white nail polish, blue nail polish, cotton balls, and nail polish remover to the parade. I love painting my girls nails/toes before the parade. What fun!

5. Donuts/Drinks ~ OK, you may think I'm crazy, but one year I searched all over town for the most festive 4th of July donuts. I found them!

Now, every 4th of July I get up early, go to my favorite bakery, and buy dozens of cute, colorful donuts. I pack a picnic basket with the donuts, flag napkins, drinks, etc.. and have a "mini tailgate" before the parade. I love it!

We rarely have donuts, so it's a very special treat for my kids. And I love having extras to share with parade friends!

6. Party supplies (leis, fun sunglasses, hats, etc.) ~ Fun! Fun! Fun!

7. Tatoos ~ Another fun idea for the kids while we wait for the parade to start.

8. Sunblock ~ Not exciting, but definitely an essential!

9. Flags ~ Be sure to have plenty of flags to pass out and wave in celebration!

10. Camera ~ You won't want to miss a moment of the fun!

How do you celebrate the 4th? Do you go to any parades? What's on your Parade Essentials list? I'd love to hear from you!

And if you live in West Michigan and don't have a parade plan yet, let me know. I'd love to have you join us!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! Have a Terrific Tuesday!!

P.S. For more great Top Ten lists, hop over and visit Oh Amanda!

Top Ten {Tuesday}

P.S.S. I created a "Parade Checklist" that I print off before the parade (I don't want to forget anything in all my excitement!). If this would be a helpful resource, send me a quick email at I'd be happy to forward it to you!! Happy Parading! :)


  1. You are my ultimate party girl blogfriend!!!

    I did my own Top Ten list over at The Point. Thanks for the idea.

  2. What a great list! If we weren't going to the in-laws we'd totally join you!

  3. My favorite parade has always been the Grandville 4th of July parade because you always get alot of candy. I have gone almost every year since I was little. They even have Warthog planes fly over every year :) and then they have fireworks at night.

  4. You're getting me excited for the 4th! We always go to a local orchestra open air concert with great patriotic music and then to fireworks nearby. We love it!

  5. I love this! I'm linking it to my 4th of July post.
