Monday, June 27, 2011

My heart is FULL (Speak Up Recap & Carol Kent GIVEAWAY)

Hey Friends!

I'm home! I'm home!! Woo Hoo!!

You may remember, I spent much of last week at Carol Kent's Speak Up With Confidence! I've shared many times before how God has used this powerful conference to significantly teach and encourage me. :)

This year I was THRILLED to be invited to join the leadership team! What fun! And last week, I had an absolute *BLAST* meeting so many AMAZING women from 17 different states (and Australia!).

My heart is so FULL! (My mouth is actually sore from smiling so much!). It was such an amazing, anointed, God inspired week! Yippee!!!

If I had to sum up my time at Speak Up with 3 quick, personal highlights, they would include...

1. Meeting so many wonderful women and hearing their personal stories.

I met women (and men!) with such beautiful hearts for the Lord, and such a sacrificial desire to serve Him with excellence. I wish I could have enjoyed a cup of coffee with every single one of them!!!

* Pic above: Donna Fagerstrom, Me, Amelia Rhodes (Amelia & I actually attend the same church. How cool is that!)

* Pic above: Me and Cathy Stover-Fry (Her story is one I will not soon forget!)

* Pic above:
Me & dear friends from Sunshine Church in Grand Rapids

* Pic above:
Me & Robyn Dykstra (talk about a powerful testimony!)

For more pictures, let's be Facebook friends so you can check out my Facebook page here. :)

2. Teaching my workshop on Expanding Your Ministry through Social Online Media

I loved sharing what I've learned about Social Media with the other leaders, and had so much fun teaching this Workshop. I am praying that the seeds that were planted would grow a 100 fold harvest in the Kingdom!!!

I was also thankful to make it through the Q & A time on Saturday afternoon! Talk about "nerve wracking"! Thankfully the questions for me were on areas I am passionate about, and I made it through without "losing my lunch"! Lol!

3. Being a part of Carol Kent's Speak Up team

I am so incredibly humbled and grateful to be a part of a team that is so Christ-centered and focused on helping others become all that God desires for them to be! There are no "rock stars" on this team ~ and I learned a TON by watching them in action (i.e. humility, servant leadership, encouragement, generosity and compassion).

A highlight was enjoying dinner together after the Speak Up Conference was over. What a blessing to hear each leader share their praises from the week. It was like a worship service ~ with God alone receiving ALL of the GLORY!!!

And now, dear bloggy friend, I must tell you that while I was at Speak Up I also had YOU on my mind!

I picked up a copy of Carol's latest (and amazing) book Between A Rock and A Grace Place, and I would love, love, love to share this book with you!!

To Win my Between A Rock and A Grace Place Giveaway: Leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:

Why would you like to win Carol Kent's Between A Rock and A Grace Place??

Extra Entries:

•Follow *She Sparkles*
•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*
•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

RULES: Starts today, Monday, June 27th and ends Thursday, June 30th at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog during the week of July 1st.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

I'll close with these powerful words shared by Carol (from 1 Peter 4)....

"Friends when life gets really difficult, don’t jump to the conclusion that God isn’t on the job. Instead, be glad that you are in the very thick of what Christ experienced. This is a spiritual refining process, with glory just around the corner.” 1 Peter 4:12-13 (MSG)

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Have a wonderful, grace-filled, day!!

P.S. If you attended Speak Up this year, I'd love to hear your highlights too! Share with us please! :) (And if you blogged about it, be sure to share the link!)


  1. It was such a pleasure to meet you! I'm still in awe of how God works. What a blessing this past week, and YOU were!

  2. oh, I absolutely love Carol Kent!!! I had the pleasure of meeting her and her husband when she spoke at our Women's retreat here in FL.(waaay back when! :-) What a wonderful giveaway!

  3. Sparkle Lady, it was great seeing you again, and I look forward to seeing you again in a month. I would like to win the book just so I could talk over coffee with you about it. :o)

  4. Cindy,

    I love your post and thank you so much for including me and encouraging me. My three highlights of the week were.

    1. Being taught by Carol Kent (my far away and seasonal mentor)

    2. Being Encouraged by Cindy Bultema to start my personal Blog again. (I redid the look and pictures last night and I hope to write something tonight.)

    3. Being touched by so many other woman that have a story to TELL.

    I don't need to enter in the drawing because I, too purchased the same book. I have been wanting it for awhile so I got it! Thanks so much for doing this giveaway though and I will pray that God gets it to the doorstep of the exact person who needs to hear HIS word!

    You are a BEAUTIFUL woman of GOD. So glad that I have met you! I will never forget coming home to the hotel and crying on my bed as I was reading your STORY! Keep shining for JESUS!

  5. Hi, Cindy,

    I'm so glad the conference was a success! I wanted to let you know that I've not yet received the last Carol Kent book from one of your past giveaways. I wasn't sure if you had mailed it yet or not (if you haven't, then disregard this...but if you have, I wanted to let you know I had not received it in case it got lost or something, which has happened to me before!)

    Anyway, I had never heard of Carol Kent until I read her chapter in the For the Write Reason book. And then, when you mentioned the conference. So out of curiosity, I looked her up,and...

    WOW! What a testimony!!! Reading about she and her husband endured with their only son, and seeing how she has allowed the Lord to use such a tragedy in her life...I was just amazed at her perseverance, her tenacity, her faith...and as it turned out, I had actually seen her son's story on TV...I had no idea the connection. Now I can see why she blesses you so much.

    I can only imagine the amazing time you all had. Hmmm...maybe I'll have to put Speak Up on my radar! :D

    (And hey, if you didn't mail it yet, you can always bring it to She Speaks...I can't wait to meet you there!!! :) )

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. I'd love to receive this book because the title speaks to my heart.
    Best wishes and thanks for this chance to win a book from one of your spiritual mentors, Cindy.

  7. Cindy,

    Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity to further enrich our lives! Too often many people are left hoping and searching for a little glimpse of grace while enduring one of life's trials of uncertainty, struggle, tragedy, or turmoil. It is very easy to resonate with the title of Carol Kent's book "Between A Rock and A Grace Place", and I would be tremendously blessed to receive the anointing of the contents contained therein. This book will certainly help to remember that God's grace can always be found in the midst of any storm one may weather in life, and that God is supplying ALL of our needs at ALL times.

    Thank you once again for this wonderful opportunity and may everyone who enters receive God's abundant blessings and grace in their daily lives!


    Shannon D.

  8. What joy! I want to come to Speak Up some time, but is there a time during the school year? Was praying for you, and I'm so glad for the way God abundantly answered. Not surprised ... .;)

    I would love to win Carol's book, because I'm feeling like I'm really in need of refilling my well. I'm spending as much time in the Word and reading testimonies of faith as I can. The Lord is good.

    Blessings to you Cindy!

  9. Cindy, I also posted the giveaway on Twitter and the Come Have a Peace facebook page. I thought your name would pop up after the "@" on the Come Have a Peace status, but it wouldn't ... I know we're "friends." So I'm telling you. ;)

    Going to She Speaks at the end of July? The Lord doesn't have me going this year ... maybe next.

  10. Hi!
    I would love to receive a copy of this book! I am truly committed to improving my relationship with Jesus, in being more of a servant, willing to serve however He leads me. You truly inspired me just with the words of your blog today and I can't wait to hear more inspirational things from you!

  11. Cindy - Thank you for sharing your highlights with us :)

    This past week I was truly blessed to be a part of a group of women who were truly inspiring. It was such an encouragement to watch God work in the lives of women who each have a heart to serve their Father and others.

    God is good - my heart is FULL as well :)

    <3 Jen

  12. Sounds like you had a wonderful time! What a blessing!!!

    I would love to win the book because it has such a wonderful title! Plus any book you suggest must be a gem!

  13. Cindy,
    I learned so much at your workshop at Speak Up! Your enthusiasm is contagious. Blessings!

  14. Thanks everyone for entering! And Kimberly, your book is in the mail! Carol personally signed it when we were together last week.
    Blessings to you all~
    Cindy :)

  15. Cindy, I already have Carol's book, "Between a Rock and a Grace Place." I got it last year when it first came out and am sharing it with my 20 year old daughter who has her own "ministry" of writing, witnessing to, and encouraging a federal prison inmate. She also prays by name for those who are lost and deceived by false religions, and she mentors middle school age girls. (Can you tell I am excited that she is open to what God will do in her life?)
    I attended the full conference last week, and my highlights include meeting others and seeing how God is working through them; and feeling hopeful about the future and the many things I learned that I was able to utilize immediately. As hopeful as I feel about the future, I also feel unsure of the next step or what direction to go at this time - so I would appreciate prayer for this if anyone is so inclined.

  16. Between a Rock and a Grace Place.

    Wow—what a way to think about this.

    Sometime I am very tough on my daughter, but I need to show grace.

    I was once very hard on myself, and I received the grace of God.

    But I am still missing that step between a rock and a grace place.

    I am still missing something. Even though I read my Bible everyday,

    Sing to my father, go into prayer, I still need to find that place.

    I would like you to enter my name into the drawing.

    Love Diane

  17. Thanks Cindy! This is my second time to Speak up and I will come every year JUST for the worship time! I left both times filled up to serve God in THIS SEASON! I learned to pray before making any steps and be willing to do the little stuff!! My devotions confirmed my lesson on Monday Matthew 25:40 - Whatever you do for the least of these you do for me! That is enough for me! The little things matter!!

  18. Thankful for Speak up!!! I came away both years filled up from the worship time and ready to serve in this season. Be willing to serve right where you are! Love it and loved meeting you!

    Yes I do want the book! I need more grace to give to others in my life!

  19. The reason why I would like to win "Between a rock and a grace place" is because I can not quite get off the rock. I am pretty sure God is not holdign me there but rather my own stubborn self is holdign me there. I feel very distant and want so desperately to get back to Him maybe if I can see more grace with others I can finally realize the grace He has also given me and stop the cycle of self punishing and just open up myself to His love and let Him help me surrender from the mini idols I hold on to (food being a big one)

  20. After 35 months of unemployment, my husband now has a job! We are very thankful for HIS provision, but sad that our family will be separated now with the new job. I pray that as a family we will NEVER forget the grace He bestowed upon our family and His miraculous provision. May He carry us forward in our new adventure:)
