Thursday, June 16, 2011

HELP WANTED: Moms Raising Daughters (& GIVEAWAY!)

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Hey Friends :)

Today I'm linking up with my real-life neighbor, the hilarious Jill from the Diaper Diaries, to share something I love.....a new book, Help Wanted: Moms Raising Daughters.

As a mom of 4 kids (2 boys, 2 girls) ~ I have learned first hand that boys and girls are VERY different. (Can I get an Amen?).

As much as I love my two daughters (aren't they cute?!)....

...I was not prepared for the social, emotional, and physical differences between my boys and girls!

(After starting with two boys, I thought I had this mothering thing down. Then came my girls and I realized I was clueless!!)

I am always on the lookout for great new resources to encourage, challenge and teach me on the rewarding (and exhausting!) task of mothering. When I was contacted about reading Help Wanted: Moms Raising Daughters, I was thrilled! :)

Here's more about the book...

Be Inspired. Be Challenged. Be Ready and Willing to Take the Job! (No experience necessary.)

Flavored with honesty, humor, compelling stories, and creative solutions, Help Wanted navigates the 13 jobs moms must accomplish in the dynamic, often challenging mother-daughter relationship to make the maximum difference in their girl's life: Coach, Creative Counselor, Time Manager, Media Director, Academic Advocate, Professor of Gender Studies, Relationship Counselor, Sex Ed Teacher, Financial Consultant, Bodyguard, Communications Specialist, In-Home Demonstrator, Military Strategist.

The action guide every mom needs to raise confident, healthy, self-fulfilled daughters....

And about the author....

Darlene Brock is a motivated self-starter who, while raising her two daughters, found time to produce award-winning music videos, manage recording artists, promote concerts throughout the US, and serve as the Chief Operating Officer of ForeFront Records. Yet, when reviewing her varied accomplishments and successful career, she proclaims her most important and fulfilling job is Mom.

You can also check out this fun video introducing this new book ~

I really enjoyed this book! My favorite part was all of the stores Darlene shares about her mothering journey with her two daughters. Darlene shares not as a "know it all expert" ~ but as a woman who has sought to be the very best mom she can be, and learned many lessons along the way. By the end of the book, I felt as if I had just shared coffee with Darlene, and was now ready to try some of her new tips and techniques at home! :)

But don't just take my word for it! Here's what others are saying...

**“I love this book, and I’d recommend it to anyone at any stage of parenthood. It has a very broad range of application. It also fills a gaping need for mothers to be encouraged and given wise counsel (before we learn the hard way).” –

**“This book has GREAT tips for anyone who is a parent-she is the mother of two and wanted to share her experience of being a mom with the world.” – Empowering Mommy

**“Help Wanted is a page turner! I found it to be fun, engaging and one that will make you look at your own mom in a whole different way. I’ve always appreciated my mom and also my wife for what they do on a daily basis, but as a father, this book opened my eyes even further. As I get ready for Mother’s Day I have to say that this book is a must read for any mother or anyone who has a mom. You will definitely appreciate what is shared and will want to share Help Wanted with others!” – Dad of Divas

And guess what??? I have a copy of "Help Wanted: Moms Raising Daughters" to give to a blessed *She Sparkles* friend! Woo Hoo!

To Win my Giveaway: Please answer the question,

Why would you like to win the Help Wanted: Moms Raising Daughters?

Extra Entries:

•Follow *She Sparkles*
•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*
•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

RULES: Starts today, Thursday, June 16th and ends Monday, June 20th at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog during the week of June 21st.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

So that's what I'm loving this Thursday!! How about you??? I'd love to hear from you!! :)

May you have a wonderful, thrilling, Thankful Thursday filled with all the things you love!!

P.S. For more Things I Love Thursday ideas, hop on over and visit Jill at The Diaper Diaries. :)

Disclosure: I was provided with two copies of Darlene Brock's book, "Help Wanted: Moms Raising Daughters" (one to read, one to giveaway). I was not compensated in any other way for the review and, as always, all opinions expressed in this post are fully my own.


  1. “Yes I am gorgeous, no I am not gorgeous, yes I am beautiful, no I am not beautiful, yes I am pretty, no I am not pretty.” As I listen to the words of my 3 year daughter, I have no idea how to handle this situation expect say, yes Anna you are beautiful, she than responds no I am not beautiful, I am gorgeous. I reply, yes you are gorgeous, she replies I am not. I reply, well I think you are. I am female, but still do not understand what goes through my little girl’s brain. She is delightful, witty, and strong. Yesterday, we were reading the story of Samson; she teased her 4 year brother saying that she is stronger than him because God gave her longer hair. Of course I had to explain just because you have longer hair does not make you stronger, this only applied to Samson. Once I sent her to room to think about her behavior, as I was walking away I heard her praying, “God, I’m not perfect!” I laughed as I have said this prayer many times. I am a mom of 4, 2 girls and 2 boys, my 2nd daughter only 8 weeks old. I would love to read Help Wanted: Moms raising Daughters, as sometimes even though I am female, I question on how to respond to my daughter. I maybe could get a heads up for the future of hoe to handle situations involving my daughters. Thanks Cindy for your posts, I am encouraged to be a better Mom.

  2. oh my! this book sounds good! i have a 10yr old and nagivating these new hormonal years is challenging. she's an amazing girl and we are a lot alike.

  3. I have a beautiful teenage daughter who can sometimes leave me completely dumbfounded as to what to do or say! I need godly wisdom daily!!!! God bless you with you girls, Cindy. Hope the first week of summer break has gone well! As of this afternoon my kids are done with school too! Love ya, Jenny C.

  4. Hi, Cindy! As you know, I have 4 daughters. I recently read "Six Ways to Keep the Little In Your Girl" and it was excellent! I'd love to take the ideas I noted from that book and couple them with what I would glean from "Help Wanted: Moms Raising Daughters." It's a joyful journey that I pray I lead them through with confidence, wisdom and grace.


  5. I would love to win this book, Cindy! Not only am I always looking for wisdom in raising my own daughter (can't believe she is growing up SO fast!!), but I would love to find a new resource to share with the ladies in my ministry. Thanks for passing on the new title for moms of daughters.

    Love to you!

    (And should I win ... be patient. I'll be camping and offline when the contest wraps up ... unless it's really hot or stormy. Then I'll be home and thankful. :) )

  6. I think I just lowered my odds ... but I tweeted and posted to facebook. ;) I'd love for one of my gal pals to win a copy!

  7. Hi, Cindy! I just won one of your awesome giveaways so I'm not going to enter this one, to give someone else a chance! But I just wanted to say thank you for visiting my blog and for your sweet words of encouragement! They truly uplifted me today. I look forward to meeting you at She Speaks! I'll look for the red hair and sparkles! :D Blessings to you! (And this book does sound amazing, I'll definitely have to check it out as the mom of a sweet little 7 year old girlie girl!)

  8. Hi Cindy!
    I have 3 girls from 10-7-2year old. So that is why I would like the book.
    I do follow you on facebook
    As well as subscribe to your email.
    Thanks for sharing this book with us.
    Amy Bowman

  9. Oh...pick me, pick me, pick me!! This book sounds so fabulous and like just what I'd love and need to read! I have two daughters 2 and 6 and raising them WELL is so important to me. But there is definitely a challenging mother daughter relationship starting between me and my 6 year old. If I can't navigate through this time successfully now, I fear what will happen when she's a teenager. I don't want our relationship to falter then when she may need me the most as she makes difficult peer related and young life choices.

    I'm already a follower and already have your button on my blog on my resources 'blogs I follow' page.

    Tweeting this out now...

    Many blessings,
