Saturday, March 12, 2011

Weekend Wrap-up ~ Hockey, Japan, and Gold

Photo courtesy of Lifeway

If you haven't had a chance to enter my Dayspring Giveaway, you have until Sunday evening at 9 PM! :) Be sure to check it out!

Hey friends!

Happy Weekend to you! I hope you are having a GREAT weekend! :)

I must admit to having 3 things on my mind, Japan, and gold. These are thoughts from my bed ~ where I miserably sit with a horrible sore throat (I'm thinking it's strep for sure!),
sick bell and laptop!

(I'd say I feel "lousy" ~ but did you know that word originally came from how people felt when they had lice? And I'm still lice free ~ which is good, good news!)

Why am I thinking hockey?? Today is my son Benj's last game. We're supposed to be having a Hockey Celebration tonight for him. Instead I sit home all alone in my bedroom. "Don't like!"

Here is a little video I shot at Benj's last game. (Benj is blue # 23). I'm trying to get better at my video taping skills! :)

I did better this time (than with my son Jake's hockey video....don't you think? :)

Also, I've spent the day looking at the devestation in Japan. Oh Lord, reveal Yourself in the midst of this horrific tragedy. I came across this video which helped guide my prayers....

And lastly, I have GOLD on my mind because of the GOLDen teaching I was going to share at Bible study this Monday night (from my Red Hot series, based on Rev 3:14-21).

Unfortunately, I think I'll be doing good to even make it to Bible Study this week, much less share a lesson. Once again, "don't like". (Monday night friends, save your gold outfits for the 21st!)

But as I sit in my "sick bed" and watch the reports from Japan, I can't help but think in the midst of my yuckiness, there are so many around the world that need our prayers! May God remind of His goodness, in the midst of the devestation, set our minds wholeheartedly on Him, and use us to make a difference in this lost and hurting world!

I'm heading back under my cozy covers with my prayer guide, and would love to pray for you., my sweet *She Sparkles* friend. What's on your mind and heart these days??

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Have a wonderful, joy-filled, life-giving, lice-free weekend! :)

P.S. One more of my favorites shared by the amazing, worship-full Erica Simpson! :)


  1. Thanks for sharing the video on Japan! Wow, what lovely violin music...quite a contrast against the backdrop of all those images.

    Praying you feel better soon! If you'd like to pray for me, I am seeking wisdom from the Lord as to how to fulfill his challenge/nudge to me to "enlarge the place of my tent", and grow and expand in areas of influence and ministry. Thank you!!

  2. Hi! cindy, Oh girl, hope you get to feeling better! And yes the devastation in Japan, my mind cannot concieve! I just so lift this up in my heart today! The give-a-way is so cute! I love Day Spring stuff! I love the windchime! Thanks for the chance for entering! and Blessings in advance to the winner! Love and blessings for feeling better soon!

  3. You poor thing. Praying you feel better quickly. And praying for Japan, China (earthquake), and Indonesia (volcano). There is so much going on in the world right now. I pray those on trips or called to the mission fields are safe. Please Jesus, make Yourself more known all around the world. May these disasters and crises bring You glory. I ask Lord that you will bring healing to my dear sister as well. I pray in Your Holy Name, Lord. Amen.

  4. Well I guess I've been "lousy" more than I want to admit. :)

  5. Cindy, GET WELL SOON! I'm so sorry you're still sick. I've been thinking about a couple things: my friend is hosting 2 university students from Japan for several weeks and she told me they had no knowledge of the story of Jesus or about the Bible and this is so very sad to me. She is a Christian and trying to show them the Lord's love. Also, all that is going on in the world makes me think "When will Jesus come, will it be soon, maybe TODAY?" That is what's on my mind! Love, Jenny C.

  6. Hi sweet friend!!! I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I feel for you with the dis-liking of missing out on things! Are you studying David? Oh, feel better soon! My heart is so sad about Japan & so many things going on that need prayer!!!! Praying with you...

  7. new follower! love the blog! i played hockey on an all boy's team in highschool! it scared my parents lol!

    follow me?!
