Wednesday, February 23, 2011


If you haven't had a chance to enter my "The Me Project" Giveaway it's not too late! It's a fun book ~ one I highly recommend! Be sure to enter! :)

Hey Friends!

Although my day started off extremely well (nothing like waking up to find a Starbucks latte left on your porch by a dear friend, thanks, Lins!) ~ I am experiencing new challenges, to say the least.

I guess that should be expected ~ with the Red Hot Retreat in less than 2 days. (Woo Hoo!)

So I AM GOING TO SPEND MY DAY IN WORSHIP! Besides my "Theme song", and "Be Magnified", I'm adding a new song to my arsenal of praise!

Have you heard Mandisa's latest song, Stronger?? I LOVE IT!! It's as if the words were selected for me and the difficult circumstances I am faced with today. (Thank you, Mandisa!)

Please turn up your sound, lift up your arms in praise, and join me in singing at the top of our lungs....

Friends, I'm not sure what circumstances you are faced with today...but may we allow the trials of life to make us STRONGER and more like Him!!!

Praying for you, my sweet bloggy sister, and asking Him to bless you in a special, powerful, and unique way!!!

Enjoy your Worship-filled Wednesday!


  1. Cindy, as usual, your blog is a bright, *sparkly* ray of sunshine reminding me of our awesome God.
    {loved that song!}

    Thanks for being a reflection of Him. Praying for your day... ~H

  2. Praying for you Cindy and for your family. I'm looking forward to the retreat!

  3. I love Mandisa! She has a great testimony and a great sound. Have you read her book, "Idoleyes" ?

    If you want more information, I read it and wrote a book review on it:

  4. Of course Satan is all over you with the retreat coming up. That is just the way it works. I'm going through the same thing.

    Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. Press into Jesus!


  5. And, may our Lord give you all that you need to magnify Him this week-end. You are such a blessing to so many! Hugs!
