Friday, February 25, 2011

I've Got A Feeling....

Hey friends!

Today I'm joining my friend Michelle for some Caffeinated Randomness. After my week, randomness sounds perfect!

Because trust me, our week has not been without its challenges. My husband John and I are both ready for a vacation! I was sharing my burdens with Carol Kent yesterday, and she sent the sweetest response...

"Cindy, What a week! God is giving you fodder for some remarkable illustrations--the hard way! There may be a day when "this" is funny--but when it is happening, it is no fun at all."

Yep, that pretty much sums up my week ~ remarkable illustrations the hard way. I'll let you all know when it is funny. I'm not laughing today though, not one bit! :)

But now for the good news...if you've been stopping by *She Sparkles* for very long, you know tonight is a very special night...the Red Hot retreat kick-off! Woo Hoo!! :)

I can't wait to hang out with a ton of amazing women, worship with Erica Simpson and her fantastic team, have a sleepover with my dear friend Julie, and share 3 Red Hot messages. YIPPEE! :)

My kids don't have school today (again!) ~ so my girls and I are heading out for some pedicures. Here's the song we'll be dancing to today!

I've got a feeling....God is going to do an amazing work this weekend! :) I'm FILLED TO THE BRIM WITH EXCITEMENT to see what He is up to!!

How about you, dear bloggy friend?? What are your weekend plans?? What song would best describe your week. I'd love to hear from you!!

Thank you for all of your kind words, prayers, encouragement and support over these "unique" last few weeks. I THANK GOD FOR YOU!!!

God's richest blessings to you!! :)

P.S. May I ask for your prayer support this weekend?? I'll be sharing Friday night at 7:45 PM EST, and Saturday at 9:30 AM, and 1:30 PM. Would you please pray God would help me speak with clarity and power (even with my sore throat ~ ugh.) and that the women's hearts would be prepared and ready to receive whatever He has for them!!

How can I pray for you?? Please send me your requests, and I'd love to pray for you too! :)


  1. Father,

    In Jesus' name I ask you to empower and enable Cindy to speak with love and authority to these women this weekend. I ask that they see Jesus rather than Cindy and that they come away with a heart change because of their time at this retreat. I ask you to give Cindy rest when she lies down and strength when she stands up. Heal her throat and give her good health, I ask. Thank you for what you will do in and through Cindy this weekend. Amen.

    Cindy, I would ask you to pray the same for me as I speak and serve ladies at a retreat as well.


  2. Praying with and for you Cindy. And as you get that pedi ;) remember that the feet are beautiful that bring good news ... the pedi is just a bonus! :)

    Pray for me as I help my hubby kick of our global missions conference and extend hospitality from servants around the world. A family from Eastern Europe will be in "your room." :) First, though, the Lord has given me a challenge that has taken me to my knees - stretching me to do something hard. The timing wouldn't be my choice, but I know it must be His, and so it's perfect. He's reminding me that I need to stay on my knees .. and while I'm there I'll lift you up too!

    Much peace as you serve,

  3. Definitely wish I could join you all this weekend! Cindy, you and all the women involved will be in my prayers! Can't wait to hear how our amazing God works and provides!


  4. Cindy,
    You are on my prayer list tonight. I know you will be a great encourager and sharer of the awesome word of God. Have such a wonderful time with your friends. We recently had a Sister's in Christ luncheon. Isn't it wonderful to have so many friends that we can truly call our sisters!

    Please pray for my husband and I. We are going through our 3rd try with fertility drugs. Hoping for a more positive outcome this time. We cannot afford the next step if this does not work. I am ready to wear the name "Mommy" and wear it proudly.

    With prayer and sincerity,

  5. I love the title of your blog! I'm glad I discovered it! I can't think of song that describes my week....which is weird because it seems everything reminds me of a song, guess it's been too crazy!!!
