Thursday, February 10, 2011

Party Time

Hey Friends!

I must confess ~ I have parties on the brain today!

I'm supposed to be preparing for the upcoming Red Hot Retreat (which I am THRILLED about, by the way!) but I'm a bit distracted. Yes, Valentine's Day is right around the corner, (Family Friendly ideas here) ~ however, that's not all I'm thinking about.

Can I let you in on a little secret that has me jumping up and down on the inside???

My favorite party store contacted me about hosting giveaways for you all on *She Sparkles*. Can you believe it?? I would have parties, they'd supply the party goods, and I'd host giveaways for you. WOO HOO!!! As my husband shared, "little do they know they hit the jackpot. You love to throw parties for ALL KINDS of occassions!"

Yes, I do!! Let the Celebrating Begin!! :)

So as my mind has been whirling and twirling about parties I could throw, I thought of this "Random Dozen" party-themed post. Enjoy (and please be sure to play along at the end!) :)

1. Would you rather host party or simply attend a party?

I love hosting parties! Ask my husband and kids, I am always looking for an excuse to throw a party! Any day is a day to celebrate! My motto (originally shared by my Pastor)..."Life should not just be lived, it should be celebrated!" :)

2. Tell us about the most memorable party you've been to.

My 40th birthday last May was very special. I loved that so many of my family members and friends could attend, and that everyone seemed to be having a GREAT time together. Did I mention we rented out a Roller Skating facility?? So much fun! :)

3. What is one thing you hope for in the after-life?

No more sorrow. No more pain.

4. What do you enjoy most about sunshine?

Playing kickball with my family outdoors.

5. When you attend a bridal/baby shower, do you prefer to bring your own gift or chip in with others to buy a larger gift?

Good question. Probably depends on the recipient and how crazy my life is at the time.

6. Would you rather have a FREE week of having your house cleaned or all of your meals cooked for you and your family?

Definitely having the house cleaned for a week. Especially if they would help sort through all of our clutter!

7. What song describes your mood today?

Oh wow ~ another great question. My girls and I were singing "Everlasting God" at the top of our lungs in the car today. I think the words are pretty appropriate for the season we find ourselves in...

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord

Our God, You reign forever
Our hope, our Strong Deliverer

You are the everlasting God
The everlasting God
You do not faint
You won't grow weary

You're the defender of the weak
You comfort those in need
You lift us up on wings like eagles.....

(Have I ever told you I collect eagles?? Another topic for another day.....)

8. What is something you received for your own bridal shower/wedding that you still own or use?

John and I were so blessed when we got married! We had amazing showers with tons of great gifts! I'm looking at coffee/end tables that we received as a gift that we still love, as well as a special clock from John's brother. Too hard to choose from all the blessings.

9. Your favorite flavor of ice cream is?

I don't really have a favorite. I'm not a huge ice cream girl. I guess I'd say Mint chocolate chip.

10. When was the last time you felt "tested?"

Today. Yesterday. The day before....

11. "[Fill in the blank] is a food that once I start eating I find really hard to stop."

Chips and salsa. Especially my favorite chips and yummy homemade salsa.

12. "-----" is the best motivation.

The fear of the Lord...

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! Will you join in on the Party Time fun?? Please pick any question and share your answer. I'd love to hear from you!

God's richest blessings to you!!!

P.S. As I'm preparing for the Red Hot retreat, I've been going through old photographers. I came across this one of "little Cindy" last night. What do you think ~ does it look like me??

P.S.S. For more Things I Love Thursday ideas, hop on over and visit Jill at The Diaper Diaries. :) Be sure to share with her that Cindy sent you! :)


  1. That is the cutest picture of you! I used to have red hair when I was little, but now I'm like a strawberry blond n_~ I'll have to show you a baby picture of me sometime :D

  2. A-stinkin-dorable picture! How cute.

    One thing I hope for in the after-life...after I see Jesus? To see my Daddy. Cannot. wait.

    Butter pecan is my fav ice cream flavor.

    Song??? hmmm, I listened to a ton of them as my dentist/husband prepped my tooth for a crown today. Love so many.


  3. I would much rather attend a party than host one. However, I managed to host a surprise birthday party for my mother's 70th birthday, which would be my answer to the most memorable party I've ever attended! :) She was really was great. Hmmm...I should blog about it, lol! She couldn't believe that we pulled it off without her knowing, especially since we live with her! Definitely the best party I've ever been to!

    Your picture is really cute! My first little boyfriend in Kindergarten had red hair and freckles. To this day I am SO very partial to red hair! Love it!


  4. I can't wait to get to Heaven and see God! I just am so thrilled and excited! I was listening to the lyrics in "I Can Only Imagine" and the song actually made me cry happy tears!

    I would rather host a party than attend one.

    I enjoy the warmth of sunshine! I think my dogs are addicted to it at nap time! *giggle*

    My favorite ice cream would probably be "moose tracks"; Since I'm a chocoholic those big chuncks of chocolate are amazing (not like they wouldn't be to a non-chocoholic)! ...(ummm... moose tracks ice cream sounds good...Hey Mom...)

    Chocolate is hard for me to stop eating...haha!

    Your blog has really been an awesome motivation. I alway love to read all of the surprises God has put in your life (or salad)!


  5. How fun!! I love to host parties, too. It's a great time to get all creative and try new things.

    I did an Alice in Wonderland party last summer and it was a blast!!

    Hope you're having a great day!


  6. Mint chocolate chip is my favorite and ice cream is probably my favorite treat!
    Yes, the picture of you as a little girl looks like you- what a great picture. Love your mom's hair :)

  7. Cindy, your picture is the most precious thing in the world! It reminds me of my baby niece who is also a gorgeous red head just like you - love it!!! Also, I'm answering question #1 about host a party or attend. Well, I'd definitely want to attend a party, but not just any party, I want to come to one of YOUR PARTIES -hehe!!! Blessings on you! Jenny C.

  8. I can't wait to get to Heaven and see God! I just am so thrilled and excited! I was listening to the lyrics in "I Can Only Imagine" and the song actually made me cry happy tears!

    I would rather host a party than attend one.

  9. Hi, I am a new follower from

    I am in the book hop too if you haven't stopped by yet, please do
