Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Celebrating Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day 2010 ~ me and my honey playing BINGO together :)

OK, I'll warn you ~ I LOVE Valentine's Day! Even as a little girl ~ Valentine's Day was my all-time favorite holiday!

It hasn't always been because I had a "Valentine". Some years it's been downright painful. In fact, Valentine's Day 1999 was extremely difficult for me. My fiance David had just been tragically killed 2 months prior (recap here). The thought of happy couples and roses and date nights nearly kept me in bed for the day. Instead, my aunt Debbie and I spent the day making Valentine's for all my single friends.

Thinking of others and focusing on blessing them helped make a hard day much less painful.

To this day, I love trying to think of creative ways to bless my friends and family ~ and remind them that they are dearly loved!! :)

Here are some things we do to celebrate Valentine's Day in an inexpensive, simple Family Friendly way:

Books ~ I have a special heart basket with Valentine's Day books I pull out on February 1st. My kids LOVE reading from the heart book basket, and I usually add a new book or two to our collection each year. One of our favorites, "
Roses are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink". Too cute! :)

Decorations ~ Our city has a
Dollar Tree store where you can purchase plastic table cloths for $1. (I always have an assortment of colors on hand). On Valentine's Day, the family will wake up to a red table cloth and heart paper products. (I stock up at Party City right after Valentine's Day each year). It's amazing how simple decorations can make it look festive already.
Oh, and don't forget the confetti and the tattoos! :)

Food ~ I'll make heart shaped pancakes for breakfast, pink milk, and have fresh strawberrries.

For dinner, we always have heart shaped pizzas.
In my city, Papa Murphy's Take & Bake Pizza is a great resource. The kids love it ~ and I am grateful it is so easy (and not too expensive).

Sometimes we make desserts, or heart shaped finger jello. Last year I picked up cute cupcakes from our bakery. Do you think my daughter liked them???

Games & Activities ~ What would be a celebration without games and activities?? We like to have...

* Color sheets, word searches, etc... (Many to choose from here)

* BINGO. We use conversation hearts, red hots, or pink and red M & M's for markers. (Here is one happy BINGO winner. I think she liked her new prize)...

We've been having our Valentine's Day party ever since the kids were little. I found this fun picture from 2007. Aren't they cute? :)

* At our party, we'll make sure we reflect on the origin of Valentine's Day. Easy kid version here.

We'll probably end our Valentine's Day Celebration all snuggled up together watching Charlie Brown Valentine's Day. Simple, but fun :)

Our Valentine's Day Celebration will actually be on Sunday this year (the 13th). The date doesn't matter ~ I would just encourage you...whether you are single, married, a Grandma, an aunt, a mom, a student...take the time to share LOVE with others this week! :)

And please share with us what you are planning for Valentine's Day ~ I'd love to hear your ideas!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! Have a love-filled day! :)

P.S. The greatest Valentine anyone could ever receive came in the form of a tiny baby - His name was Jesus, and his LOVE for us - went to the cross, died and rose again, so we might have life ~ full, abundant, and eternal life! Make this Valentines Day the best of all - and give your HEART to JESUS! :)

P.S.S. For more Works for Me Wednesday ideas, head over and visit Kristen at We Are That Family. What fun! :)


  1. I'm not much into celebrating holidays myself, but I do like your heartshaped pancakes and pink milk idea! My daughter loves pancakes and strawberry milk! How do you make heartshaped pancakes?

    Your family looks like they are having so much fun!!! :)


  3. I have been looking for some great ideas to celebrate valentines with the kids now that they can really have fun with it. Thanks so much! Can't wait!

  4. I have been looking for some great ideas to make some vday traditions with my kids! Love it! Thanks so much!

  5. Oh, I love Valentine's too, just about my favorite! Hubby and I's first date was to a Valentine Banquet in 1966.

    Happy hearts to you!

  6. I love the pictures! So cute and Valentinezie! (read about your sad story, I'm so sorry; but I'm glad your Dad became a Christian!)

  7. Love this post...and I too love Happy Hearts Day...
