Friday, January 21, 2011

Caffeinated Randomness & A Red Hot Giveaway!

Hey friends! Happy Weekend to you! I'm joining my friend Michelle today for some Caffeinated Randomness. I warn you in advance ~ my thoughts are scattered, random, and I'm a little ticked about some stuff...(but I also have a fun GIVEAWAY ~ so please stick with me)!

So first, thanks for your grace as I vented this week about Fat Talk and how it's driving me crazy! Even this morning, one of my favorite Bible teachers (who is a thin, healthy, beautiful women) shared that she has been eating so much this week she is now Fat. Really? You're fat? How does that make all of the women larger than a size 6 feel? Lord help us all!

Also, on a sad note, remember the post I shared about the French model Isabella Caro (who recently lost her battle to anorexia). Yesterday I learned that Isabella's mom committed suicide. Their whole journey is so tragic. :( May God bring healing, comfort and health to their family during this difficult time.

Personally, this week someone broke into my husband John's truck and stole his briefcase, which was filled with many important papers, backup computer files, etc.. Ugh. (Fortunately they didn't use the garage door opener, esp. since we forgot to lock the door from the garage to the house ~ thank You, God!)

John has spent the last few night searching dumpsters in our area to see if he can find his briefcase. (If you live in our neighborhood and saw John "dumpster diving" this week ~ that's why - smile!) We're praying for a miracle!

On a lighter note (whew!) ~ I have spent the week knee deep in God's Word, preparing my Red Hot messages for the upcoming Red Hot for Jesus retreat sponsored by Sunshine Church in Grand Rapids. I'm so excited!!

The retreat is this February 25th & 26th. I'll be sharing Friday evening, as well as 2 messages on Saturday. I just love, love, love the *BRILLIANCE* of the Bible ~ and can't wait to share what I'm learning!

I get so fired up thinking about the huge impact a group of Red Hot, passionate, powerful women could make for Kingdom purposes in this lost, hurting, and broken world! Woo Hoo!

And, guess who is the Worship Leader for the Red Hot retreat?? Erica Simpson! Have you met the gifted, beautiful, amazing Erica?? You will love her! She's been sending over samples of some of her song selections ~ and can I just say they are AMAZING! :)

Here's a quick little promo for Red Hot with Erica (on the left), Cheryl Bauer (from Sunshine's retreat committe) and me :) As you know I "dislike" the video camera, but since we're all friends here at *She Sparkles*, I'll humble myself and share... :)

Lastly, the generous Retreat Committee of Sunshine Church has given me a Red Hot retreat ticket (value $40) to GIVEAWAY to one blessed *She Sparkles* reader. Yippee!!

To Win my *Red Hot* Giveaway:

Leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:

What do you think is the biggest obstacle for women living *Red Hot* for Jesus??

RULES: Starts today, Friday, January 21st and ends Monday, January 24th at 9 PM. Winner will be contacted via e-mail.

Extra Entries:
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Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

If your email address is not connected to your ID please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

Out of State friends ~ if you live out of state (or just know you won't be able to attend the retreat), feel free to enter the GIVEAWAY (just let me know you will not be able to use the ticket). I'll randomly pick one "non-attender" and send you a Red Hot retreat package after the event ~ complete with DVD's from the weekend, retreat notes, etc.. What fun! :)

Whew! So what have you been up to this week? What's on your calendar for the weekend?? I'd love to hear from you!!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! Have a wonderful, joy-filled, FUN weekend!

Sweet blessings~

P.S. Did I ever tell you when I'm in the midst of a huge writing project I cook/bake a lot?? It's crazy, I know... My family has enjoyed cider-glazed stuffed pork roast, homemade twice baked potatoes, roasted pork tenderloin, banana chocolate chip bars, and so much more! I need more recipes :) Share with me please!! :)


  1. If only I lived closer! Ah well. I am so sorry about your husband's truck being broken into! :(

  2. Oh if only I lived within driving distance to Grand Rapids I would so be in the front row. I can't wait until the book comes out. I so want to read it and spread the Red Hot word around! Thanks for linking up today. I'll be spreading the word.

  3. Hi! Cindy, girl just slow down, while reading your post, I felt excitement as well as saying Whoa! Alot going on here! cindy you just speard such energy! I love it! and answer to that question? I'm not sure other than maybe a woman may be tagged as "too much religeon for me", maybe! or too overboard with sharing! I hope that makes sense! But enjoyed what all you had to say, and will be Praying for that briefcase! That even makes me mad for you! But Praise God it was not your Home! Have a Happy Wk-end! Thanks for the give-a-way! in advance Blessings to the Winner! e-mail{}

  4. Cindy, you DO sparkle! This is my first time here and I enjoyed it very much. Couldn't believe the sadness regarding the French model and her mother. Loved the photo of "Created In His Image" - what a great idea to have around a teen girl's room!

    Good luck with Red Hot! It sounds wonderful - I don't think you are in Indiana but would certainly love to win the retreat package!

    So nice to "meet" you!

  5. Hi! again, oops, joined in on the give-a-way, too soon, Please remove me for I know I can't attend the retreat! but I would love to attend but just can't make that longggggg drive from Texas! Ha-ha! but my prayer is that whoever God has got picked out will have their socks Blessed Off!! with the love of Jesus!! Blessings of love and Peace for the Retreat!!

  6. I love women's retreats! I haven't been to too many, but the ones I've been to I have enjoyed so much. I'd be going to this one if I lived closer!

    Wow, I'm sorry about your hubby's truck! I am thankful that God protected you and your family. I accidentally left my car unlocked one night...and wouldn't you know, it got broken into. Good news is that since the car was unlocked, they just opened the door...instead of breaking in the windows like that happened to other cars. Funny how God can help us find a blessing in any situation!

    My answer to your question as to what is the biggest obstacle preventing women from living "red hot for Jesus"... forgetting to take care of and be good to ourselves. Instead of burning for Him, we burn out!

    Not sure how this works, but here's my email cuz I don't know if mine links or not:

    God bless!

  7. Haha! I bake when I am procrastinating - my family always knows when I putting off some real work when the cinnamon buns make an appearance! ;)

    I would love to enter your giveaway - I do know I won't be able to attend, though. I don't even have a passport right now! Let's see the biggest obstacle I think women have that keep them from following Jesus is a misunderstanding of who they truly are in Him and what their worth is. We are so prone to measuring our value by what the world tells us is good, that we can't see the beauty He has placed within us through His power and grace.

  8. Cindy, This whole fat talk stuff really bothers me!! I know many people struggle with body image. I also know a size 6 woman who is commenting on being fat has her own issues. There can be fat skinny people - those who are small but turn to food and idolize it - and skinny fat people - those who are healthy but are larger than size 6. Just remember there are lots of woman bigger than you who are wondering why you are even concerned with your size! You are beautiful because God is in your life. I received the invitation and spent about seven hours trying to find a way to come to the retreat. Oh, how I would love to attend. Maybe you'll travel to PA sometime...

  9. Hi Cindy,

    This is my first visit to your blog. I'm linking up via Michelle's Caffeinated Randomness post. I'm so glad you linked up! I enjoyed reading your testimony and about all that you've been through. Praise God that your Dad was saved in the midst of tragedy. I was a single mom at one point, too, and I've got myself a wonderful husband now. We'll be celebrating 10 years this July. I just love hearing about other former single moms who have given their lives to Jesus and devote their lives to pointing others to him.

    You sparkle, shine and glitter for Jesus. I can't wait to read more.

    God bless you,

  10. Oh Cindy, it was so great to see and hear wonderful you on the retreat promo. I miss you! Oh how I'd LOVE to be there, but sadly VA is far from Michigan. But I'd sure love the DVD and notes! I think the biggest obstacle to living Red Hot for Jesus is walking in our limited earthly, temporal perspective rather than a heavenly, eternal perspective. About this w/e, I have been helping taking care of my baby niece while my sister has been out of town. Also, I have a yummy, super-easy recipe for enchiladas that I'll send to you. Love you my sweet friend, Jenny C.

  11. I love your randomness =) Hate car break-ins and am praying hard for your retreat xoxoxo

  12. I think my own disappointments with how I "think" things should be and how they are keep me from being "red hot" sometimes. I beg God for what I think I need, and when things don't turn out that way, and life can be so hard, I get not so hot.
    I hope this makes sense...
