Monday, January 24, 2011

Marriage Monday: Marriage Wisdom

Our Wedding Day ~ August 5, 2000 @ Mars Hill Bible Church, officiated by our friend & Pastor, Rob Bell Jr.

Hey friends~

Question for you....if you knew a couple getting married and wanted to pass along a "nugget of wisdom" with them, what would you suggest??

One of the best pieces of advice John and I received was the idea of mini couple getaways, or what we refer to as "mini-moons" (get honeymoon, but just a "mini"... ).

Our wonderful marriage mentors suggested that John and I take time away once each season (yes, season) to reconnect, enjoy each other's company, have fun, and relax. We've graciously accepted the challenge! And whereas we've not been perfect at getting away once a season, John and I have been intentional about going on "mini-moons" as often as we can!

Thankfully we've been blessed to have "Grandma help" to make this possible with 4 kids (thanks Mom & Jackie!) John and I have been able to go on "mini-moons" to beautiful places in Michigan (including Traverse City, Saugatuck, Pentwater, Grand Haven, and even the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island).

Last summer we ventured out of state and enjoyed our "mini-moon" to Port Washington, WI. We learned that as much as I try, I'm not a boat girl. Here I am trying to hold down my lunch as we take a 4 hour ferry ride across Lake Michigan. Ugh.

My favorite "mini moon" was during the summer of 2006. I was experiencing some serious health difficulties, and felt very anxious and worried about my condition. I mentioned to John how I longed to be "fortressed" in a castle to better understand God's protection and mighty care. I wanted to feel like a princess, and rest in my Strong Father's arms.

John, being the amazing man that he is, found a real castle an hour south of our home. I spent the weekend in a real castle totally feeling like a real princess! What a blessing!

Here are some highlights... (Can you tell I'm wearing a crown? ~ smile)

In the picture below, yes I'm wearing flip flops with my dress. You had to take off your heels at the front door as to not scratch the castle's hard wood floor.

And lastly, our beautiful castle bedroom. Our window overlooked the castle's flower garden. I was able to sit in the morning sunshine, read from the Psalms, and feel like a genuine, protected, dearly loved Princess! (Thank you, John!)

John and I have both enjoyed our Mini-moons over the past 10 years of marriage! A special thank you to our marriage mentors, Doug and Judie Childress, for giving us the challenge many years ago!

What about for you?? What's the best nuggest of marriage wisdom you've received?? I'd love to hear from you!!
And for more Marriage encouragement, be sure to check out fabulous tips with Julie at Come Have A Peace or Jill at the Diaper Diaries!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Have a wonderful, wisdom-filled week!!

P.S. John, if you're reading's time for us to start planning our Winter 2011 getaway! :) (Any suggestions, friends??)


  1. Beautiful wedding dress and pictures! I can't think of any marriage advice I received, but one of my favorite marriage books is the Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian. If I were to give any advice it is to never underestimate the power of prayer when it comes to working out issues!

  2. I think some of the best advice I was given...and I do not recall who gave it, was not to expect Greg to be everything to me. Only Jesus can be our all in all. Great advice.


  3. Hi Cindy,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog - I had to check yours out as well. I'm glad I did, I really enjoyed hearing about your fabulous vacations. I must admit, we don't get away much.

    My marriage advice would be...make sure God is #1 and your not looking to your mate for fulfillment. Then everything you share together is just like the icing on the cake.

  4. Marriage advice that we receive that we often refer to and pass along - remember you're on the same team. Simple, yet important.

    It would be nice to take mini-moons if we had money and grandmas willing to watch kids... oh well.

    Winter minimoon suggestion for you - Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I'll hook you up with a romantic bed and breakfast or a lovely family willing to host you in their home :)

  5. The best advice we got was from our Pastor who married us. He said in marriage do not give 50% but 100%! As hard as it sometimes that is what we try to do!

  6. Hi, Cindy!

    Your mother-in-law Jackie was my mentor mom in bible study last year. I had just had my third baby and she gave me the best advice..."God First, Husband Second, Children Third". In this season of life it isn't easy, but so important! Love your blog! :)
    ~Jen Benham

  7. Hi, Cindy!

    Your mother-in-law Jackie was my mentor mom in Bible study last year and she gave me great marriage advice. I had just had my third child and she said the proper balance for any mom is "God First, Husband Second, Children Third". In this season of life it is so difficult, but so important. Love your blog! :)
    ~Jen Benham

  8. My husband and I try to go away together once a year. It really is a refreshing way to reconnect. How fun that you got to go to a castle!

  9. It's never "easy" to get away together, especially since we don't have any family nearby to help with kids, but it's always well worth the effort. The best advice I was given was from my mom on our wedding day: Don't try to be your husband's Holy Spirit. :)

  10. Your pictures are beautiful. What a great husband, one that not only listens but went to all the trouble to make your wish come true.

    Have a blessed Sunday...Tracy :)
