Thursday, January 27, 2011

Welcome to *She Sparkles* ~ Blizzard Bloghop

Hi Bloggy Friends and visitors from the Blizzard Bloghop! Welcome to *She Sparkles*!

My name is Cindy and I'm so glad you are here! I'm thrilled to have the chance to introduce myself to you!

First, you may be wondering, how did I come up with the title, *She Sparkles*??

Well, many years ago, my friend Shauna Niequist shared if she had to describe me in one word it would be "*sparkling*" (I thought to myself.."hmmm...sparkling ~ I like it!").
Years later, when I came across Zechariah 9:16...

The LORD their God will save them on that day as the flock of His people. They will *sparkle* in His land like jewels in a crown..... creative wheels starting turning ~ and *She Sparkles* was born!
(And trust me ~ after many, many years of rebellious, defeated, sinful living ~ I now count it a huge privilege and honor to *Sparkle* for Him!)

My hope is that *She Sparkles* is a joy-filled place to talk about faith, family fun, marriage, parenting within our personality, prayer, and even finding hope in the midst of great tragedy.

Most recently, I've been very honest with my life long weight struggle, and my desire to live Fat Talk Free. I also love books and anytime I come across a book/resource I love ~ I try to pass it on! (In fact, it's not too late to enter my latest book giveaway!)

My husband, John, is a controller for a local country club. He is handsome, hard working, loyal, an amazing dad, and enjoys doing laundry (a rare gift, I realize!). We have been married 10 years!

John and I are blessed to have 4 great kids ~ ages 7, almost 8, 9, and 16. Trust me, there is never a dull moment at our house!

This fall I stepped out of my comfort zone and shared my first "vlog"!. Not that I enjoy the video camera (trust me) ~ but I do love sharing with others how amazing God is!

Mostly, I hope any time you visit *She Sparkles*, you will leave you feeling joy-filled, encouraged, ready to have a party & celebrate, and pointed to Truth!

(And, if you're ever feeling stuck or defeated, feel free to shoot me a quick note. Just ask my friends, I love to give little pep talks filled with Truth and hope!)

Thank you so much for stopping by *She Sparkles* ! I hope to see more of you! And please feel free to leave me a comment so I can come visit your lovely blog too!

Sweet blessings to you~


  1. Hi Cindy, Nice to meet you. I hopped over from the Blizzard Bloghop because I just feel like I need some new blogs to encourage me in my momhood and my walk with the Lord! And so I was so blessed to watch your vlog, and hear the story about giving the costume away. Wow! What a neat story, and an encouragement to me, that God cares about the details! Thanks for posting that!

  2. I just LOVE the explanation of your bloggy that verse...

  3. I love how you got your blog name - and it definitely suits you! ♥

  4. Thank you so much for your blog, Cindy it has been a blessing to me! Keep up the good work and sharing the gospel!

  5. You can tell you're very positive! Beautiful family :) Stopping by from the bloghop and love the sparkling name ;) Nice to meet you!

  6. A bloghop...what a great idea. Would love to be part of one sometime.

    I love how you got the name of your blog. How neat!! Thanks for sharing pics and words of encouragement. Blessings to you, Cindy.

  7. hi! So nice to meet you! I love that verse you shared. I have never really heard it before, I obviously spend more time in the New Testament. But that verse means so much - no matter what we go through here on earth, we will be sparkling in Heaven with our Savior!

  8. Enjoyed this entry so much. Your vlog was superb! Thanks for being a real encourager and blessings abundant to you!

  9. I think you just gave me a new "favorite" verse..if there could be such a thing. Nice to meet you and I plan on sticking around for awhile.

    Come visit me at

  10. It's great to know how you came up with your blog name. And I remember this vlog, but I didn't realize it was your first one. Have a bless weekend and enjoy your bloghop!! =D

  11. You always make me smile... hope you have a blessed weekend!

  12. Hi Cindy! I've just been poking around your blog and love it. I loved your testimony and really thought it was wonderful. I can relate to the doing it yourself part. I love where your life has ended up and that your father accepted Christ too. It's so funny that your friend described you as sparkly because that was honestly the first word that came to my mind when I saw your smile. I thought she just sparkles. Your family photos are beautiful. I'm so glad I found your blog and hope to get to know you better.

    Have a blessed Sunday. Hugs...Tracy :)

  13. Hi Cindy! I've just been poking around your blog and love it. I loved your testimony and really thought it was wonderful. I can relate to the doing it yourself part. I love where your life has ended up and that your father accepted Christ too. It's so funny that your friend described you as sparkly because that was honestly the first word that came to my mind when I saw your smile. I thought she just sparkles. Your family photos are beautiful. I'm so glad I found your blog and hope to get to know you better.

    Have a blessed Sunday. Hugs...Tracy :)

  14. Hiya Cindy-
    Would you link this video to my blog? I have a linky called "blessed 2 Be a blessing "
    and it is brand new. Every Wednesday it will be up. I REALLY think it would bless my peeps. Thanks so much for sharing!!!
    Heather @
