Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Terrific Tuesday: The Greatest Gift

The Greatest Gift you can give someone is to tell them the story of Jesus and how He has the power to change lives!!!

This morning I had the chance to share my message "The Gift of Christmas" with a delightful, engaging group of women at Hastings Baptist Church. (It was "ugly Christmas sweater day" ~ what fun!).

I love having the chance to share the transformation Jesus has done in my life...and am always humbled by the opportunity to do so.

I began my time by sharing a "little Cindy" story. Today I thought it’d be fun to share a “Little Cindy” story with you, my dear bloggy friends, as well!

When little Cindy was a little girl she LOVED Christmas. :)

And do you know why little Cindy loved Christmas so much??
Because she loved GIFTS!! To little Cindy, Christmas was all about receiving GIFTS ~ the bigger, the better!

One Christmas, there was a gift that Little Cindy thought she absolutely, positively must have..... the 3 story, Barbie Town House, Deluxe edition, complete with it’s own elevator!!
(Anyone else remember this??)

Little Cindy wrote her letter to Santa, hand delivered it, and felt confident she would receive the gift she wanted!

Imagine Little Cindy’s disappointment, when Santa came to her house, and there was no Barbie Town House left under her family’s tree. Only a watch.

A ha! Little Cindy thought…Santa must have told my grandma & grandpa about the Barbie Town House! Yes! That must be it!!

Imagine Little Cindy’s disbelief when she arrived at her grandma and grandpa’s house, looked under the tree…and found there was no box big enough for a 3 story Barbie Town House with Little Cindy’s name on it.

There was a wrapped gift that had the possibility of being a Barbie Town House...but it was labeled FOR: BRUCE ~ little Cindy’s grandpa.

Towards the end of the night, the only gift left was the big one for Bruce.

Little Cindy’s Grandpa said, “You know Cindy, I’m pretty comfy right here in my chair. Would you mind opening that big gift for me??”

Sad little Cindy said, “OK”

As she began to rip back the paper…all of a sudden, she saw bright patches of hot pink and orange and sky blue…could it be?? Yes!

The Barbie Town house….just for her!! The gift Little Cindy had always wanted!!!

What about for you?? If you were take a stroll down “Christmas memory lane”, is there a favorite gift you have received?? A special gift left under the Christmas tree just for you??

I'd love to hear a special story from you! :)

And for all of us...as we "make our lists" and "check them twice" ~ may we be mindful of Jesus, the Greatest Gift of all!

Only Jesus could transform this shy, insecure redhaired girl into a woman full of peace, joy, hope, and life. Trust me....only Jesus :)

What about for you?? Have you experienced the indescribable Gift of Jesus??

Let's pray, shall we??

Oh Lord, thank You for the Christmas season and the fun memories that it brings to mind. And THANK YOU for Jesus, the True Gift of the Season. Oh Lord, how we ask that You would help us to keep Jesus in the center of our lives during the hustle and bustle that this month brings. Would You remove the distractions, the clutter, the voices...and quiet us with Your love and Your peace and Your gift of rest. How we desire to be ALL that You have for us to be. May we be lights that SHINE BRIGHT for You everywhere that we go! For Your Glory Alone. Amen :)
God's richest blessings to you!!

P.S. A huge note of thanks for "laying down the tracks" through prayer as I shared the Gospel this morning. God was at work in our midst, and I could sense your prayers! I am so grateful for your encouragement, support, and prayers, dear friends! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! :)


  1. I had a similar moment one Christmas when in high school. I wanted a birthstone ring, had circled it in the flyers, had pointed it out in the store, and said I wanted NOTHING else. So after going through all the presents for my three sisters and I and seeing only a shirt/sweater box left I was quite dissappointed--yes even MAD at my poor mother. I opened it, saw the little box, dropped the pink turtleneck to the floor and SCREAMED in JOY!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU MOM!!!!!

  2. I am so glad that you felt the warmth of AM and PM prayers!

  3. I am so glad that you felt the warmth of AM and PM prayers.

  4. Hi! Cindy, what a sweet story, as I was reading it I could not wait to hear the ending! Loved It! I am so happy to hear that God blessed you w/ the speaking engagement! I prayed for you! To god Be The Glory! for great things He has done!

  5. Praising GOD for all the ways He used you to bless those women and them to bless you!

    Loved the photo!! :)

    As for what I remember?...a child's organ and a song book where I learned and played, Born Free.

    But what I most remember was getting to go to my Grandparents house where I called it home.

    Love you!
