Monday, December 6, 2010

Marriage Mondays: Let's Celebrate ~ Part 2

Today I am thrilled to once again join my dear friend Julie from Come Have A Peace for Marriage Mondays!

You may remember that last week was my husband John's 40th birthday. Being the celebration-lovin', party girl that I am, I wanted John to have a extra-special, fun-filled birthday!

However, one of the many, many lessons I've learned being married is that what John would desire for his birthday and what I would hope for are very different. (like exact opposite!)

Some years I've missed the mark. For example, I thought a limo ride and a "This is Your Life" themed surprise party (with a huge house full of people) would be tons of fun!

But for, not so much.

Since then, I've worked really hard to understand John's "party language" and plan fun things that would be special for him.

This year, besides our family birthday celebration, John's folks and I came together to plan a fun trip for John to visit his very best friend Tim Leyen and his wife Erin (with me going along, of course!).

So in case you were wondering from my last post (I'm sure my clues of luggage, library, Starbucks, and confetti were very helpful!) where John and I spent the weekend...

We traveled from Grand Rapids, Michigan to...

Charlotte, North Carolina!

Once we arrived in Charlotte and were greeted by our dear friends Tim & Erin, we enjoyed visiting the Billy Graham library....

It was so beautiful! :) And what a blessing to see the impact that one man empowered by God had on an entire world!

A few other trip highlights included celebrating John with lots of confetti (how fun to know I'm not the only person who collects confetti ~ and I learned something new...I never there were confetti sticks ~ woo hoo!)

The guys were so very kind to make a morning Starbucks run for us :)

John and I had the BEST time with Tim and Erin! (Thank you so much, Tim & Erin, for your pampering! You blessed us!) What a GREAT birthday celebration trip! :)
What about for you, dear bloggy friend...what's your "party language"? What have you learned about celebrating your husband/wife? I'd love to hear from you!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! May your week be filled with much joy, love, and CELEBRATION!!

P.S. I'll be heading out in the morning (Tuesday, December 7th) to share "The True Gift of Christmas" at a local MOPS gathering. My presentation will include a Gospel message, and the coordinator shared there are a number of mom's who do not yet know Jesus. If the Lord brings it to mind, would you please lift this opportunity in prayer? I would be so grateful!! Thank you! :)

P.S.S The winner of my Bittersweet book giveaway is Erica Simpson. Congratulations, Erica! And thank you to all who entered!! (Erica, please send me your mailing address, and I'll get that book right to you).


  1. I WILL pray for you in the morning! Ahhh, party language. Jeff's favorite party is far away in the mts by a campfire. :) We are in the midst of some planning, and we're still working out the details ... It's so fun to see the different "party languages" that our kids have, too, and it reflects back on us as their parents.

    So glad you had such a great time away!

  2. What a fun week-end in one of the greatest places in the country. Loved sharing in your fun and seeing the pictures!

  3. Sweet Cindy - the Lord answered my prayer and gave John and you a great weekend! Yeah!!! I'll have to think about the "party language" question for me and my hubby - probably on the low-key, close family end of the spectrum. And, I will definitely pray about MOPS tomorrow - I know the Lord will use you to bless those ladies, Cindy. Love U, Jenny C.

  4. so glad to be back reading my favorite blogs...always enjoy yours

  5. Hi Sweet Sister, I missed visiting with you while I was off line 2 weeks.

    What a beautiful message here! I had to laugh because it took me a few years to learn my hubby's party language too as it is SO opposite mine as well. We've been married just over 20 years and I finally got it right. He likes a loving, quiet time with me and the family. No fuss he says. I on the other hand like the family time but I want all the fun and fuss (SMILE).

    I am praying for you as you are out right now I believe at MOPS. Praying for the ladies who don't know the LORD yet!

    And...came over to say, come visit, you won Starbucks.

    I love and appreciate you. Merry Christmas!

  6. Very interesting topic. My dh's party language and mine can sometimes be miles apart. He would just as soon forget his birthday, although for his 30th I planned a surprise romantic getaway weekend that he still talks about many years later ;-) We are not part of the "party crowd", yet I love to plan surprise parties for others.

    I'm so glad you two had a wonderful weekend!!!
