Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thankful Thursday: Divine Infusion!!

My dear bloggy friends,

I was absolutely blown away by your e-mails and response after my Praying Down the Tracks post. Please know I have spent the past few days praying for you (rather than blogging)! Laying down tracks for...

* Karried by His Love who is being bombarded with lies from the enemy (and the many women who are faced with similar challenges). May we all be women of Truth, Freedom and Victory!

* My dear East coast sister who's husband of 15+ years has left her and their 5 young kids for another woman. May God comfort this dear family as only He can, and surround them with helpful, gracious friends during this difficult time.

* Another dear Florida friend who is busy ministering with her husband on the other side of the world. May God empower and equip them ~ and all of my ministry friends around the nation/world ~ for amazing, Kingdom advancing opportunities!

* For my dear friends who are wrestling with health issues, and who are in desperate need of a correct diagnosis and plan. Oh God, we call on You as our Great Physician and ask for Your divine wisdom and guidance!!

I could go on and on... I have lifted every prayer request before the Throne individually and specifically. What comfort and hope to know that prayer really does work ~ and that we can lay down the tracks for God's comfort, strength, and hope to come roaring through! God IS faithful, trustworthy, and True!! Woo Hoo!!

Personally, I'm wrestling with my own "stuff" these days. Hard conversations. Wounds re-opened. Hurt feelings. Overwhelming To-Do lists. In addition, I'll soon be experiencing significant loss, and start to cry just thinking about the loneliness. In many ways, this season just doesn't look like I had hoped that it would.

Life can be hard sometimes, huh??

And so I turn to God's Word (don't worry...I am reading God's Word with a venti Starbucks latte in my hand ~ some things haven't changed! :)). I love Phillipians 4:13
in the Amplified Bible which reads…

I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me – I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses inner strength into me…

That's what I need today ~ an infusion of His inner strength into me! I picture myself in my comfy purple chair with my arms stretched out, palms facing upward, and an IV of His strength slowly dripping right into me.

And I pray....

Infuse me with Your STRENGTH, O Lord..., and I think about how STRONG and MIGHTY He is...

Infuse me with Your PEACE..., and I reflect on His peace, His perfect peace (shalom shalom), that surpasses all understanding...even in the midst of disappointment and dispair

Infuse me with Your PATIENCE, O God..., and I think about how patient He has been with me. Always. Even when I didn't deserve bit.

May I extend that same patience to my kids (and my dog!) today!

Infuse me with Your GRACE..., and I am overwhelmed as I ponder His amazing grace. His grace that saved a wretch like me
. May my life (and my thoughts and actions) reflect His grace to all who encounter me today.

Let's be honest. My circumstances have not changed. My heart still needs healing. Relationships still need mending. And my loss is still coming (I'll share more details later....)

But by asking God for an infusion of His strength, peace, patience, and grace ~ I can now leave the house equipped and empowered by the One True God to face any and all circumstances that life will throw at me today. Bring it on!

What about for you?? Could you use an infusion today? An infusion of God's strength? His patience? An extra dose of His peace? May I encourage you to sit back, rest in Him, and allow God to infuse you with everything that you need. He is able....of this I am sure.
Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. I thank God for you!! May you experience His divine power today!

P.S. May I pray with you.... Dear God, Please forgive us for trying to meet the challenges of our day in our own strength. Thank You for the promise that You will equip and empower us with everything that we need for victorious living. Please infuse us with Your Strength and Grace so that we might reflect You to our friends, family, neighbors, and this lost and hurting world. We love You! In Jesus' Powerful, Liberating, Life-Changing Name..... Amen :)

P.S.S. The winner of the
Angela Thomas giveaway is Karried By His Love. Please send me your mailing address, and I'll be sure to get Angela's book right out to you! :)


  1. My dear sister, thank you for sharing this with us. It's exactly what the Dr. ordered for me. PS: One day I'll make it to Michigan.

  2. ha, I will try out my thought, your post bring me some good ideas, it's truly awesome, thanks.

    - Thomas

  3. Cindy,

    So glad I stopped by today and read your post! What an INSPIRATION you are - our own little prayer warrior.. ready for battle!

    All I can say - is Praise the Lord!

    And of course... yes.. can certainly use the Holy Spirit infusion!

    Great word,


  4. Good Morning Cindy, WoW! again god spoke and I listened!! I am catching up on some blogs this morning for I have been sitting w/ my Sis at hospital all week! Praise God she is better! and for this post it reasurred me of what I have battled this week and that was worry and fret!! and I know better, it wore me out! but God showed me to lay that down! He was in charge!! Thanks for the prayers I just know I was included:), To God Be The Glory!

  5. Being infused by all of HIM day by day and thankful because like you and so many others, I have my "stuff" dealing with right now BUT GOD...that's all I can say. I'm thankful HE's in the midst.

    Read each prayer need and I stand by faith for each person you listed.

    Praying for you and thank you for the comment you left me of praying for me.

    I count you a friend.

    Much love.

  6. hello!This was a really terrific website!
    I come from itlay, I was luck to approach your website in baidu
    Also I get much in your topic really thank your very much i will come again

  7. stopping by to say hi and praying for you as you write. i'll be lifting sisters too. xoxo

  8. popped over from michelle's blog.

    my family was just reading psalm 100 this a.m. "enter his gates with thanksgiving, enter his courts with praise." we discussed how if we want in God's courts we must come with thanksgiving and praise. we talked about how often the circumstances of our lives are up and down, but he is still to be praised.

    you exemplify that.

  9. Thanks so much! I needed this and absolutely the prayer that I needed prayed this day.

    Thanks for always being so inspiring and may the Lord just bless your socks off! Hugs!
