Saturday, October 16, 2010

I hate goodbyes.

I hate goodbyes.

When I was litttle, we moved from Kokomo, Indiana to Grand Rapids, Michigan. I threw up all 5 hours of the trip (my poor mom!). Even at age 12, I couldn't handle the idea of saying goodbye to my dear friend JJ

In fact, I still haven't said goodbye~ JJ and I continue to keep in touch...almost 30 years later.

If you've been my friend for any length of time, you know this is true. You can't get rid of me if you try (smile).

Goodbye is not in my vocabulary.

I know what you're probably thinking. "Cindy, experts say the ability to say goodbye is a necessary life skill".

I know, I know.

And I want to be healthy and whole and normal ~ I really do.

But goodbyes bring up too much pain for me...

* Moving every 3 years as a little girl.

* Saying goodbye to my favorite grandpa to cancer way too soon.

* Experiencing the tragic death of my fiance David just 5 months before our wedding and 2 weeks before Christmas.

I don't want to have to say good-bye anymore.

Julie knows this is true. Every time she is preparing for another international work trip, I'll say, "I'll try and call you before your flight to say goodbye."

We both know I'm not going to call.

Saying goodbye is a necessary life skill, and I guess it's time I start to mature in this area.

In fact, this next week I'm going to have to say goodbye to a very dear friend, and I'm dreading it so much I can hardly stand it.

I hate goodbyes.

How have you made it through painful goodbyes??

I'd love to learn from you, my dear bloggy friends. :)

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. May God bless you with a fresh measure of His joy, hope and peace!

P.S. To be continued tomorrow.....


  1. Ok, you scared me! I just kept reading thinking you were leaving Bloggy World! Don't do that! I love your blog and the energy and inspiration from your world! Ok, I am going back to my cleaning now just took a quick break and I read your blog first!! Yes! and I hate good-byes! as well that means change of some sort! Ha-Ha:). Love and Blessings girlfriend!

  2. Well, as a Christian, the one thing I do know is that I don't really say "goodbye" to my fellow believers...just "see ya later." But it's still painful and I still miss them. Miss him, most especially...

    As for people coming and going, I don't really have a problem with that anymore. Losing my husband has kind of put those things in perspective for me. Or maybe I'm just numb to them now!

  3. Cindy,
    It was so hard for me to say goodbye to you too in 6th grade! My mom died and my best friend moved away - not the best summer of my life!!!! I loved visiting you in Grand Rapids those many many times. You were my big city friend (ha ha) who was so cool. We were such bad little girls. I can't believe we are both living the lives we live now. PRAISE GOD!!!! Thanks for calling me a few years ago on my birthday to get back in touch.

  4. I'm with Nana's Nuggets on this one!!! I was scared and could feel my heart beginning to beater harder.....I also thot you were going to announce that you were leaving bloggy world.......don't do that to me!!!

    Bless your heart, though. My poor husband moved 21 times by the time he entered high school and I know it has had a huge impact on him. I can't really offer any insight however. I know I don't like it but I somehow get through it,......eventually.

    BTW, you won't believe this, but I grew up in Kokomo, Indiana.....all my life until I went to college. Crazy!! God has certainly made this world interesting with little "coincidentals" like that, hasn't He?!?!

  5. I'm with Nana's Nuggets on this one!!! I was scared and could feel my heart beginning to beater harder.....I also thot you were going to announce that you were leaving bloggy world.......don't do that to me!!!

    Bless your heart, though. My poor husband moved 21 times by the time he entered high school and I know it has had a huge impact on him. I can't really offer any insight however. I know I don't like it but I somehow get through it,......eventually.

    BTW, you won't believe this, but I grew up in Kokomo, Indiana.....all my life until I went to college. Crazy!! God has certainly made this world interesting with little "coincidentals" like that, hasn't He?!?!

  6. I don't say goodbye either. :) Especially with my believing friends, I say "I'll see you later/soon/again ..." I know I will, and I try to see my relationships on the eternal time line, instead of the temporary one. The temporary one is so hard. Our hardest goodbyes were during our time as missionaries, and it was very hard. Missionaries live lives of goodbyes, but it taught me not to see this world as my home and to see my relationships as reaching beyond "now." Let's start a "NO GOODBYES" club! :)
