Friday, August 13, 2010

"Funk-Free" Friday

The winner of my Prayer Guide giveaway is... Kara! A HUGE thank you to all who entered! And thanks to Jennifer and Lara @ Walking With Him for your generosity and amazing prayer guide!

Hello dear Bloggy Friends!

Happy Friday to you! I hope you've been having a fantastic, life-giving week!

As I shared in my
last post, unfortunately, it's been a super hard week for me. Stinging, hurtful words were shared about my outside appearance~ and I received them like arrows piercing right to my soul.

I spent the beginning part of the week walking around in a fog like the "walking wounded", replaying the hurtful words, feeling the sting, living in the pain. And suddenly it was not just the hurts from this week ~ messages from years and years of feeling not good enough were being replayed in my head.


Have you ever been there before??

Thankfully, yesterday the fog began to lift. I woke up at 4:30 AM (which never happens!) and sensed I needed to get up and listen and pray.

I headed downstairs, made some coffee, and sat in my favorite prayer spot. Enough of my pity party, it was time for TRUTH to take over, and for the lies to stop!

With notebook in hand, I soon realized a couple of serious mistakes I was making...
Mistake #1 ~ I was waiting for this person to remove the "arrows". I kept hoping this person would come to their senses, reach out, tell me how incredibly sorry they were, pull out the arrows, and make things all better.

TRUTH ~ Jesus alone is my Healer. He will bind up my broken places. He longs to bring healing to my wounds.

Mistake # 2 ~ Walking around feeling sorry for myself wasn't going to help.

TRUTH ~ Jesus came so that I might experience life more abundant! I am more than an overcomer in Him! I am no longer and insecure 6th grader wanting others to like me. I am secure, significant, and set apart in Him!! (Can I get a woo hoo?!)

Mistake # 3 ~ I shouldn't open myself up and be vulnerable. People hurt me too much.
TRUTH ~ His TRUTH shall be my shield (Psalm 91:4 NKJV)!!

I left my early morning prayer time with a renewed passion for my life in Him and a desire to let nothing hold me back from being the woman who God has called me to be ~ curves and all!.

Praise the Lord ~ the fog and the funk was lifting!!

I also was intentional to fill my day with lots of life-giving things.....
Quiet time @ the bookstore, having fun with my gang, spending time poolside reading Unsqueezed (my new favorite book!), a prayer walk with Julie, checking in with my mom, a chat with my therapist, an encouraging word from my mentor, 1:1 time with John, healthy food, and re-reading the words of encouragement from my dear bloggy friends.
Oh, and a skinny vanilla latte too :)

Thank you so much for your prayers, kind words, and support. I'm so grateful God did not intend for us to journey alone!!
Thankfully, today is a "funk-free" day for me. Yippee! The kids and I are getting ready to head to a hotel for a night of swimming, fun & games, snacks, and laughter!! Woo Hooo! I've got some "life in all its fullness" to catch up on!!
What about for you?? When life gives you trouble (which unfortunately it will) do you make it through your foggy days?? What verses have really spoken to you?? I would love to hear from you!!

May your weekend be filled with many life-giving, precious moments!!
God's richest blessings to you!!


  1. Amen beautiful sister in Christ!

    This says it all:

    "TRUTH ~ His TRUTH shall be my shield (Psalm 91:4 NKJV)!!"

    So glad the "fog and the funk" is lifting for you!

    You're such a blessing and again I love your transparent heart!

  2. What a refreshing entry! Joy does come in morning doesn't it and to me, the earlier the fuller the joy is. :o) Blessings as you continue being "funk free." Hugs!

  3. So thankful for your new perspective! Glad you are feeling better today!

  4. how interesting. I just saw you over at "Come Have a Peace" and thought...WOW! She is so pretty!

    As I was going through my kindred spirit page on my blog, I decided to stop by to read your post.

    I just read about the "funk". You are not alone. And you are so right about not letting Satan win!

    I am in my early 40s and am going through something similar. I started or should I say...restarted repeating affirmations in the morning. Like, I am a child of the Most High God. I am beautiful. I am loved by the Most High God. I am healthy. etc.

    This world would have us all walking sticks, but I know for sure that God is a lover of variety. I see a variety of flowers, trees and fruit. People are made in a variety of colors...although people do not always appreciate the varieties.

    Not to promote anyone here, but the book was on the New York Best Seller list for over 30 weeks...Steve Harvey says in "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man" that ==you may think you are not beautiful, you may not like your legs or hair etc., but somewhere there is a man that likes everything about you. (used my own words). I really believe that. I find it true in my marriage.

    Truly, you do sparkle! You may not see it, but others do!

    Isaiah 43:7 (King James Version)

    7Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.

    Keep the faith!

  5. WOW! I happened upon your page today and what a great post! Just what I needed! I've struggled with my weight all my life and I just need to have a new attitude!

    You are beautiful!

  6. Maurie@GraciousInteriors.blogspotAugust 15, 2010 at 5:56 PM

    Lovely lady, those were lies...and I am glad you aren't listening. How right you are; He alone can take out the arrows. Today in SS a new thought came to me as I have struggled with some unkind words that have replayed over and over again in my mind--the Lord's blood covered the person who spoke those words, washing away their sin, and sending their sin as far away as the east is from the west. He paid for their sin. I want others to see him in me and not my sin...I should look at this other person that way too--as dressed in His robe of righteousness. That has helped me today. Maybe it will help you, too. Thanks for your comments on my post. Yes, my hubby bought the cake from a young woman in our church who has a bakery nearby. She is amazing, as her cakes are as yummy as they are pretty. Sparkle on!

  7. Yay! Sweet Cindy so glad to hear that the Lord was faithful and true in His promises to you this week. A verse that I keep seeing over and over the past few days is 1 Cor. 10:13. I'm thinking the Lord is trying to draw my attention to His provision of "ways of escape" for my temptations, and He wants me to be faithful. I should've written down all the times I saw the verse this week! I have a feeling that I will need it in the week to come.

    Praying for much truth and peace to reign in your heart and mind.

  8. I am glad you are out your funk because you are fearfully and wonderfully made...God's very own masterpiece. Have a bless and astounding week.
