Friday, March 19, 2010

Caffeinated Randomness: The Good News & The Bad News

Hello dear friends!! Happy Spring to you!!

Today I'm joining Andrea from
Under Grace & Over Coffee for a little Caffeinated Randomness. After my week, randomness sounds perfect! :)

I'll start with some good news and some sad news.....

First, the good news! As you may remember, this week I was asked to speak at the
"A Woman Inspired ~ Get Revived!" on-line conference.

Since this was my first on-line conference and I am scared of technology, I felt way in over my head. Plus, I was filling in for a cancellation, so I just had 6 days to prepare! Yikes!

And then, of all things, on Tuesday I came down with a horrible head cold. I was miserable! I sent e-mails out to my prayer warriors and pleaded with them to pray!! 30 minutes before I was to start my presentation, I literally threw myself on my bathroom floor and begged the Lord for His intervention. And guess what...He showed up BIG TIME!!

Once I got through my introduction, the Lord took over!! Woo Hoo!! I was able to share with clarity and boldness. There were no technical difficulties. And I didn't even sneeze or cough one time!! Isn't God awesome??! When we are weak, He shows up STRONG!!
And that's good news!!

And now for the sad news...

You probably remember I've been planning my St. Patrick's Day Family Fun party for weeks. Obviously I was too sick on Wednesday, and had to cancel. Bummer!! The kids had no green pancakes. No shamrock sandwiches. (I did send a shamrock napkin with their lunch). No party. I didn't wear green ~ I was in my pajama's all day! I didn't even have the energy to put on my shamrock socks. It was a sad day. :(

Thankfully, my dear friend Amy sent me this fun note and pictures...

"Cindy, here's a couple of pics to brighten your day and remind you how you just being you brings joy, fun, and love into families everywhere!

My daugher Dylann was so excited about this "green" day ~ it's all b/c of you and your faithfulness to share your journey..!

I was putting together a clover shaped sandwich and Dylann was sitting on the floor in the kitchen and said "You are the best mom ever!" paused and went on to say... "well, except Mrs. Bultema, she does all this cool stuff and shares the ideas!"

Thanks Hodgkinson Family! Your adorable pics and cute note brightened my day!! :)

Aren't those pictures fun??! Thanks so much for sharing!! :)

And lastly, one more random note...I'm excited for tomorrow. In the morning, I'm headed to Ada Bible Church (my home church) for Hearts Alive Extreme! ~ a day long Women's Ministry Event! It'll be fun to hang out with good friends, and just sit and enjoy Worship Leader & Speaker Gwen Smith. I heard she's fabulous! :)

And in the evening, the family and I will head to Family Fun Night at my little kids' school. What a GREAT day!! Thankfully, my cold is getting better (kinda. I'll bring sanitizer, promise!). It should be a Super Saturday!!

What about for you?? What do you have planned this weekend?? Do you have any special "1st Day of Spring" Traditions?? What will make your Saturday special?? I'd love to hear from you!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*!! May the Lord bless you with His presence and His peace in ever-increasing measure!!

P.S. Thanks again to Andrea at Under Grace & Over Coffee for hosting the Caffeinated Randomness. I had the chance to hear Andrea share her heart this week at the "A Women Inspired Conference" ~ and she is the most gracious, tenderhearted woman ever! Be sure to stop by her blog ~ I'm sure you will enjoy it! :)


  1. Hi Cindy,
    You were wonderful this week and YES God did show up `BIG`.
    I am headed off to a Spring Brunch, at our church, in just a few moments.
    Have a great day!!

  2. never would have guessed you were under the weather listening to you on A Woman Inspired. And you were wonderful!

  3. Hi Cindy! We are spending our first day of spring in gulf shores! woo hoo! (maybe that will be a new tradition) We made it to our condo around noon. The kids did fabulous all 16 hours! praise God for that! Enjoy your saturday!

  4. I am so glad you are feeling better! Enjoy your weekend - you deserve it! (It sounds so fun!)

  5. Oh Cindy how I loved listening to you and your wonderful teaching on Thursday - thank you soooo much! The Lord is using you in such an awesome way. I'm also amazed at how you "hid" your sickness so well - thank you Lord! Hope you had a great Saturday - I went shopping with my mom. Great to be with my mom! Be blessed, Jenny C.

  6. Hi Cindy,
    Just such an awesome post, Yes God is so faithful and He is always on time.
    I am glad you are feeling better, I was so blessed by this, thanks for sharing.

  7. Cindy--as you know our family shared in our 1st ever St. Patricks day celebration! It was SO fun! THANK YOU THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I agree--you do have all the ideas! Love you friend!


  8. Come Visit my blog...You won an award! :)

  9. I just bought a ticket for the AWI marriage conference and I see you are speaking! YAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!!

