Thursday, December 31, 2009

My Favorite Book from 2009 & GIVEAWAY! :)

Happy New Year's Eve, dear friends!

I love this time of year! I've been reflecting on 2009 ~ the good, the bad, the lessons learned ~ and can't wait to see what God has planned in 2010!! As the saying goes..."even though I don't know what the future holds, I do know the One Who holds the future"...and He is Amazing!!

I am trusting God for 2010 ~ whatever it might hold. He is the Author of my story. I tried writing it for the first 26 years of my life, and made a huge mess. (For more of my story before Christ, click here). Now it is His turn, and I'm trying my best to stay out of His way!!

Although, I must confess, so far 2010 isn't going to look like what I had planned. In fact, I've shed quite a few tears about it over the past few weeks. I'll share more later...but for today, let's end on a happy note!!

So, speaking of happy, one thing in life that makes me HAPPY (besides God, family and friends) is....BOOKS! I just went to the bookstore yesterday and spent my Christmas money on 8 new books. Yippee!!

I was going to make a list of the Top 9 books I read in '09 (and of course, you know, the Bible is my favorite book, that hopefully goes without saying) ~ but there was no way I could narrow the list down to 9 books. Instead, I've decided to share my favorite book from 2009. And I picked up an extra copy to give away!! Woo Hoo!!

My favorite book from 2009 is....(drumroll please)....

Have you had a chance to experience Jesus Calling by Sarah Young?? It's awesome! I keep my copy right next to my bathroom sink. I read the daily devotion first thing every morning and again at the end of the day. I love it!

Here is an example of Sarah's writing... (allow these words to really wash over you today...)

From Jesus to you...

As this year draws to a close, receive My Peace. This is still your deepest need, and I, your Prince of Peace, long to pour Myself into your neediness. My abundance and your emptiness are a perfect match. I designed you to have no sufficiency of your own. I created you as a jar of clay, set apart of sacred use. I want you to be filled with My very being, permeated through and through with Peace.....

Isn't her writing beautiful?? It always points me right to Jesus!!

And now...for the Giveaway!!

To Win my Giveaway: Leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:

What was your favorite book of 2009??

RULES: Starts today, Thursday, Dec 31 and ends Monday, January 4th at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog on Tuesday, January 5th.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

I can't wait to hear from you!! (Even if you already own this book, feel free to enter the Giveaway and pass the book along to a friend!).

Well, I better start getting ready for our big New Year's Eve party tonight!! May the Lord bless you with His peace and His presence in ever-increasing measure in 2010!!

Happy New Year!!



  1. This is tough and although I haven't finished it yet, the book I would consider my favourite is "Fight Like a Girl" by Lisa Bevere. I'm almost done and have learned quite alot about myself.

  2. Cindy that book sounds so great ... oh how I could benefit from it. 2009 was such a difficult hear I find myself kissing it goodbye with abandon. And yet as a believer, I am looking to God to provide a renewed strength and healing in 2010. I don't get time to read as much as I would like but I recently read "Aaron's Way". I've gained insite and some great parenting tips and now my hubby is reading it too. I met the author at a Hearts at Home conference; she is a really neat lady who inspires others with her story. I suggest it to anyone who is raising a strong willed child. Thanks for entering my name in your give-a-way. Happy New Year Cindy!

  3. That book sounds wonderful, Cindy! Thanks for sharing.

    My favorite book of 2009 was Scouting the Divine by Margaret Feinberg. It really opened my eyes to why God wrote the way he did and what scripture meant to those living in that culture at the time it was written. Margaret has become one of my favorite authors and I'm reading her book, The Sacred Echo, right now.

  4. I'm loving the book, "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. I got the book as a gift for Christmas and haven't quite finished but have always enjoyed listening to his messages online.

  5. Love this post. Well, beside the Bible my favorite book is now Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. The year I discovered Rivers and I'm thrilled!
    Jessie at Blog Schmog

  6. HAPPY NEW YEAR, CINDY!!! Guess what, when you mentioned this book a few months ago (I think when you listed the books on your nightstand) I decided to ask for it for Christmas and my hubby got it for me!!! It will be a part of my daily routine this year and I'm very excited about that! Thanks for the encouragement and the giveaway too! Love and blessings, Jenny C. at

  7. My favorite book this year was "The Shack". I read it three times and it was better each time.I'm sure most of you have read it but if you haven't it is a must read.
    I just joined your blog...I have enjoyed reading your post.
    Thanks, Connie

  8. Crazy Love...really got me thinking in a whole new way. Still thinking actually.

    Happy New Year!

  9. Happy New Year sweet Cindy. I'm not sure if you are doing Michigan time or Easter time, so maybe I'm getting in under the wire. ;)

    My favorite book of 2009. That's so very hard. So many good ones. So ... I'll say the one that I was reading as we crossed into a new year. "Becoming More than a Good Bible Study Girl" by Lysa TerKeurst. Great inspirational reading. Lysa is a very gifted story telling, using her story to tell His.

    Blessings to YOU as 2010 unfolds. :)
    ~ Julie
