Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Last Random Dozen of 2009!

Happy Tuesday to you!! Here's my last Weekly Random Dozen of 2009!

In case you are new to my blog, Linda at 2nd Cup of Coffee prepares 12 random questions for us bloggers, and then I try to answer them (to the best of my ability). All are welcome to play along!! :)

Given that my days this week are filled with lots of kids, snow, and new board games to play ~ a little "randomness" is a welcomed treat! Hope you enjoy!! :)

1. Do you find it gross to share drinks with family? Friends?

I don't think I've shared a drink with friends in years. I'm usually fighting a cold, so who would want to drink after me??

2. What have you learned this year?

Wow...so much. Can I come back to this one?

3. When do you dismantle the Christmas decorations?

Usually as soon as Christmas is over! However, this year I am trying to leave everything up a little longer. I almost started tackling all the decorations today, but stopped myself! I'm trying to keep everything up until after New Years.

4. Something you wish to accomplish before the end of 2009 is:

I am hoping to have some extended quiet time and earnestly pray about 2010. (I know, quiet time and Christmas vacation with 4 kids doesn't quite go together. Thus the reason I hired a babysitter for Wednesday night!). I would love a chance to really reflect on 2009, and pray specifically for 2010.

5. How do you feel about winter (after Christmas)?

I'm not much of a "snow girl", but my kids love it! Their joy for winter rubs off on me.

6. Have you participated in after-Christmas sales?

Nope. We have more than enough stuff already.

7. Do you have plans for New Year's Eve?

Yes, and I can't wait! We get together with the same two families each year. And boy do we have a blast! It is a definite highlight for the kids too. Typically we go to our friends' house, but this year we are hosting. Woo Hoo!! I love party planning! And I love celebrating! And I love these friends! :)

8. Is there anything special awaiting you in January?

Good question. I hope so! :)

9. If your life this year was a movie, what category or genre would it be? (Romance, Comedy, Drama, Thriller, Suspense, Farcical, etc.)

I would say a Family~Friendly Adventure!

10. How much time per day do you spend blogging? Please do not lie. I will know.

It depends on the day. And the post. And what my kids are up to. I don't have an average time spent blogging. I definitely try to limit my screen time ~ but I also enjoy blogging and reading others blogs! :)

11. Who runs your household?

Easy answer ~ Jesus Christ.

12. Share one hope/dream for 2010.

I hope to get out of God's way, and watch Him do AMAZING things right before my very eyes. Our God is HUGE!! I want to know Him more and trust Him like never before! I want my life to be less about me, and more about Him!! I want to live REDHOT for Him in 2010!

And now back to Question #2, what have I learned this year??

SO MUCH!! But mostly I've been reminded in 2009 that our God is a God of miracles!!

I witnessed God breathe life back into a dear friend's husband that was close to death (literally). (You can read more here).

I've watched God infuse women with hope and strength and forgiveness and new confidence in Him. (One dear friend's story is (here)

I've experienced the miracle of deep, restorative healing to some childhood wounds. I watched God bring my husband John a new job opportunity "out of the blue". And I stood in a tank of water with one of my closest friends (who had wanted nothing to do with God), and I had the amazing opportunity to baptize her in the name of the Lord Jesus. (This was one of my favorite days!! Click here!)

Only God. Only God.

Our God is such a God of miracles...and in 2009 I learned (again) that there is nothing too hard for Him!! Nothing!!!

What about for you?? What did you learn in 2009??

I'd love to hear some of your responses to the Random Dozen! Share with us please!! :)

Well, I'm off to play more Uno Attack!! Have a Super Abundant day!



  1. I would share a drink with you Cindy - cold or no cold:)

    Thank you for your blog. Your words have mentored me to work on my own walk with God and to go deeper into his word.

    PS - Hope you get lots of Olliebollen New Years Eve!

  2. Thank you for your honesty and open heart here on your blog. Your posts touch my heart.
    Blessings, andrea

  3. Love these responses. I am planning to tackle the decorations tomorrow and Thursday...and thank yous.

    I look forward to reading what you learn in 2010!


  4. Your answers were fun to read...hoping you get your wish for 2010! It's a good one : )

  5. You seem like such a bubbly kind of personality! I enjoyed reading your responses. I thought when you said "Can I get back to this one?" that that was your answer...I was glad you added it to the end. :-) Great stuff.

    Happy New Year!

  6. I enjoyed reading your answers! Happy New Year!

  7. Ah love the answers. 2009 was a sad year for me but I'm looking forward to God breathing restorative peace into my soul. It is sometimes a process but God IS big enough for any job and patient enough for the hardest of rock heads.
