Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Kids Book Review and GIVEAWAY :)

I love books! As a little girl growing up in Indiana, one of my weekly highlights was a visit from the Bookmobile. Even now, there is barely a day that I don't end up in a local bookstore! My girlfriends even stop by the bookstore if they need to find me! :)

I also love kids!! During my life "b4k" (before four kids), I served as the Children's Ministry Director at a megachurch here in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I had the privilege of overseeing a ministry that served 2700+ kids. I loved it!! One of my favorite parts was hanging out with the kids, as well as thinking of new and creative ways to teach them the foundational Truths of Scripture. It was a dream job!

So, imagine my delight when Zonderkidz asked me to review some kids books on my blog! I was thrilled! What an awesome opportunity to combine 3 of my passions (God + kids + books!) Yippee!! :)

And the best part of all....the two books I am reviewing, God is with Me through the Day, and God is with Me through the Night..are books I would highly recommend. Woo Hoo!!

From the minute I opened the box, I had a feeling these were going to be good books! I barely had the books in my hand, when my two girls were in awe! The cover and pictures are very kid-friendly, and captivated my young audience (Amanda is 6, Sarah is 5). The girls were immediately hooked!

We sat down and read the books, and I'm not kidding, I had tears in my eyes. I won't give away everything (you'll have to read the books yourself), but I love when the monkey says, "I say out loud, I AM LOVED!", and the tiger follows with, "I roar like a tiger, "I AM SAFE!". What awesome Truths I so desire for my kids to know to the depths of their innermost being. I am loved! I am safe! (And a great reminder for me to say aloud too!)

Having read about 1 billion books to my children (ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but not much), I love it when a really great kids book comes along. Especially one that I don't mind reading over and over again. God is with Me through the Day and God is with Me through the Night both definitely fit the bill! And good thing, because we've read these books daily for the past 3 weeks!!

I also loved what the author of these two delightful books, Julie Cantrell had to say. Julie shares on her blog....

If there’s one thing I want everyone to know – it’s that they’re loved and that they’re never alone. If these books share that message with even one child a day, then I am very blessed.

Awesome, huh?! :) If you are looking for a book for your little one (ages 4-7, I'd suggest), grandchildren, or need a great Christmas present, I would highly recommend these books. Take it from a girl that knows my books, you won't be disappointed!

The dear folks at Zonderkidz have provided me with a set of these beautiful books to GIVEAWAY. (Don't worry, Manda & Sarah, I'm not giving yours away!) If you have little ones or know any little ones you’d like to share these books with, please leave me comment. I will pick the winner on November 30, 2009. Woo Hoo!! :)

Blessings to you and Happy Reading!!

P.S. You might also enjoy the author Julie’s blogsite: Julie has a fabulous website with tons of fun family ideas and activities. My favorite idea so far has been playing the "Where is Mr. Turkey?" game. Check it out! :)

P.S.S. A huge THANK YOU to Julie and Zonderkidz for the beautiful copies to review. We are grateful! :)


  1. Cindy - Leaving a comment is still trcky for me for some reason so I hope this works.... I woudllove ot be entered into the drawing giveaway- these books look great! And I trust your review and opinion on everything :) -Jen

  2. Hi Cindy,
    I would love these books, they look great! My 2 absolutely love to read as well. Joshua is learning to read, so exciting! And of course I trust your judgement.


  3. You got me all excited! Put me in the drawing!

  4. What cute books!!! But please don't include me in the drawing. There are so many others with young children or grandchildren. I don't have either now. I merely wanted to comment about how delightful these books are.

  5. Cindy, these books look so precious! I'd love to be entered in your drawing - my niece would love them. Her mom is a single mother and I think the books would be a blessing to both of them! Thanks and God bless, Jenny C. at

  6. Hi Cindy!!!!

    How are you? Can you believe it? I figured out how to leave a comment!:) I had too. I wanted to enter the drawing for the books! I love children's books so much that I became a reading specialist!

    Hope you are doing well! I love your blog!
    Blessings friend!

  7. Hey Cindy! Great post !! And great books! Would be grateful to be entered into your drawing for my now 2 daughters, Sahara and Ayantu! What a great idea this is! Blessings to you and thank you for your prayers on behalf of Ayantu!

  8. Hi Cindy,
    I'm always looking for new books for the girls...thanks for the recommending these...what a fun opportunity for you!! Blessings, Angie O.

  9. These would be great for my boys! Thank you for the chance to win! I love your blog too!


  10. These sound so cute. I would love to win them for my kiddos.

  11. My five year old niece recently passed her first reading test! I'd love to win a book for her. I taught her how to spell her first word!

  12. What cute books! Kids of any age can appreciate that message. I would love to share them with my kids!


  13. Thanks for the review of these books. They sound great! I would love to read these with my youngest daughter, she has nightmares sometimes...I think the God is with you through the night would be great for her!

  14. I would love to have these books to read to my two sons, ages 2 and 5 :)

    onlycancan ta hotmail tod com

  15. Hi friend, it's me, h and j.d. we would love to be in on your drawing. i didn't know how to leave a comment on your page. sorry. love ya, h


  16. These are gorgeous books!

    janemaritz at yahoo dot com

    We posted about this giveaway at Winning Readings:

  17. I have three little nieces that I know would love these.

  18. I so hope I win! Enter me.

  19. Please enter me in this great giveaway

  20. Hi Cindy,
    PLEASE enter me in your kids book drawing!!! :) I tried to leave a msg last week, and I now see it's not there... hummm.

  21. The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.

