Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Gift

Thursday night I had the opportunity to share my testimony at a beautiful, holiday women's ministry event at Calvary Church called "the Gift".

The church was set up like an authentic fair-trade marketplace. There were beautiful baskets and cards, clothing and pottery, jewelry and so much more...all items supporting artistians from around the world who depend on their craft for survival. It was amazing!

And then I had the chance to tell my story. I shared how God took me from a life of insecurity and defeat, delievered me from addiction and pain, and filled me with purpose and hope and joy.

It was particularly significant and emotional to have the chance to share at Calvary church. This was the church that I began attending right after I became a Christian 13 years ago. This was the church that my fiance David and I attended on our very first date. And this was the church where we held David's funeral, after he was very tragically killed in 1998, five months before our wedding.

I haven't been back to Calvary since 1999. Only God could orchestrate the opportunity for me to return (exactly 10 years later) and share of His faithfulness and unconditional, unfailing love. Only God!! :)

I love how the Apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 9:15, "Thanks be to God for His indescribable Gift!" The Gift of Jesus Christ!!! Yes, thanks be to God!!

Have you received "The Gift"? Are you experiencing the freedom and joy that comes from surrendering your life to Jesus and letting Him lead and guide you??

Take it from one who tried to do life "my way". Nothing in this life compares to the peace and joy from journeying with Jesus. He is the best "Gift" of all!!

Let's pray....Oh Lord, thank You for Jesus. Thank You for the life, hope, freedom, and peace that we can have in Him. I pray that if anyone reading this post has not received "The Gift" of Jesus, that today would be the day that he/she would turn to You. Thank You for Your love.
In Jesus Powerful Name I pray..... Amen!

P.S. I am so excited for some great GIVEAWAY opportunities I'll have on my blog over the next few weeks! AMAZING!! Perfect right before the holidays!! Woo Hoo!


  1. I am so moved by GODs power and perfect timing as I read this post. Thank you for sharing your experience with all of us.
    Blessings and prayers, andrea

  2. WOW! I am sure it was a very moving and emotional moment for you to be there. I am also sure that you blessed many people by sharing your gift.
    God bless you friend,

  3. So glad for this opportunity for you. I'm sure it was a rich time of sharing His gift to you and through you.

  4. I would really love to hear you speak one of these days! Maybe in the future God will make it happen!

    Can't wait for your giveaway!

  5. God is too cool! So happy for you that you had that opportunity!
