Sunday, August 2, 2009

One Word

If you haven't had a chance to sign up for my GIVEAWAY, please join the fun. (Click here for more information). You have until Thursday night to enter. I'd love to hear from you! :)

Unfortunately, I've come down with an sinus/ear infection. I feel lousy. You wouldn't believe all of the medication I'm taking. So today's post is just for fun :) A friend recently sent this to me. Here's more information about me than you probably care to know!

In One Word....
(and you know it's hard for me to just say One Word. We'll see how I do)

Yourself: Blessed
Your husband: Integrity
Your hair: Red
Your Mother: Giving
Your Father: Helpful
Your Favorite Item: Bible
Your Favorite Drink: Venti-Skinny-vanilla-latte-no-foam-extra-hot :)
Your Dream Car: Clean
Your Dream Home: Cozy
The Room You Are In: Office
Your fear: Rejection
Where you Want to be in Ten Years? Center-of-God's-will
Who you hung out with last night: Robin
What You’re Not: Boring
One of Your Wish List Items: Freedom-in-Christ-for-all
Time: Bedtime
The Last Thing You Did: Bookstore
What You Are Wearing: Pink
Your favorite weather: Spring-like
Your Favorite Book: Too-Many!
Last thing you ate: Qdoba
Your Life: Abundant.
Your mood: Trying-to-stay-cheerful-when-I-feel-crummy
Your Best Friends: love Jesus
Your car: Minivan
Your summer: Fun!
Relationship status: Very-happily-married
What is on your TV: Nothing.
When is the last time you laughed: with-my-adorable-kids!

So there you have it!!

What about for you?? How would you describe yourself in one word?? I'd love to hear from you!!


  1. Cindy, thanks for your encouragement about my time with the middle school girls Sunday morning. The Lord was faithful as ever and had prepared the girls' hearts and minds. They listened well and were so engaged and responsive. I've gotten sweet feedback from some of the moms. :) I appreciate your prayers with me.
