Friday, July 31, 2009

Putting My Feet Up (and my first GIVEAWAY)!!

This week I finally had the chance to put my feet up!

We just came back from an amazing, fun-filled week! For the past few summers, our family has rented the same little yellow cottage right on beautiful Silver Lake. Our time away was packed with daily boat rides, wiffle ball on the sandy beach, yummy vacation food, amazing sunsets, tons of swimming, and lots of reading and relaxation! Woo Hoo! :)

When I go on vacation, I like to bring two suitcases ~ one for me, and one for my books! This trip was no exception. My "heavy" suitcase contained my Bible, my Prayer Guide and notebook plus:

* The Five Silent Years of Corrie TenBoom (I finished The Hiding Place by Corrie TenBoom in June, and it was absolutely life changing for me!! Now I want to read everything I can to learn more about this amazing servant of the Lord!)

* Heavenly Man by Brother Yun

* How To Pray by R.A. Torrey

* Secrets of a Prayer Warrior by Derek Prince

* Anointed, Transformed, and Redeemed by P. Shirer, B. Moore, and Kay Arthur (our Fall Bible Study ~ I'm so excited!!)

* I Stand at the Door and Knock by Corrie TenBoom and

* Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Talk about my kind of vacation!! I love to read...and this vacation was the first time I've been able to tackle my reading list (sure helps to have the kids a bit older, and this year we let everyone bring a friend to the cottage too!).

What about for you?? What book(s) have you been reading this summer? What book (in addition to the Bible) has been impactful for you on your journey?? Do you have a reading recommendation for me to add to my list?? I'd love to hear from you!!

In fact, to encourage your participation, I'm hosting my first GIVEAWAY. The winner will receive a $20 Barnes & Noble gift card. Yippee!!

To Win my Giveaway: Leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:

What book (not including the Bible) has been most impactful for you on your journey and (briefly) why??

RULES: Starts today, Saturday, July 31st and ends Thursday, August 6th at 9 PM. Winner will be contacted via e-mail.

The winner will be chosen by If your email address is not connected to your ID please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway". (If you have a hard time leaving a comment, e-mail me and I'll walk you through it.)

I can't wait to hear from you! My mom is watching my kids next weekend (thanks, Mom!) ~ so John and I are headed out for some more relaxing. I'd love to bring some new books along!! :)

P.S. Can I just encourage you too...if you haven't had a chance to "put your feet up" this summer ~ could you schedule some time to do so? Take it from someone who usually likes to go, go, will do your soul well to rest. (Trust me, I am no expert in this area, but I am learning and growing...!)


  1. I love the feet picture at the top. So, precious. I am glad you had a great getaway...such a blessing.

    My husband and I have been reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan. If you haven't read it yet, you is awesome. He has a website that has intro videos to each chapter, so you feel even more of a connection through his words. Very powerful. So, to answer your question on what book has made a powerful impact...other than the impact the Crazy Love book is making in my life right now, I would have to say The Purpose Driven Life. When my husband and I read it several years ago, it completely changed the way we viewed ourselves and the world.

    Have a beautiful weekend my friend.

  2. I read "A LOT" but recently I was given a book called, "Messy Spirituality" by Yaconelli (hope I spelled his name correctly). As I read this book it really opened my eyes to some of my own thoughts and comments about others. It transformed my heart and life. Hope you will check it out. It is a small paperback. It is an easy read.
    Blessings and prayers, andrea

  3. I "put my feet up" for the first time in a long time and started enjoying some time on my patio instead of mopping for the 7th time in the day.
    The book I've been reading is "Siblings Without Rivalry - How to help your children live together so you can live too" by Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish. What an amazing book thus far. I'm half way through and I am amazed at how much progress there is in my home since I started implementing what I've learned. I will be blogging about it on when I take more time to "put up my feet" -

  4. Just want to thank you for your wonderful comments and support on my blog at Stand Firm 4 Christ.
    One of my favorite books to read is by a youth speaker David Nasser - A Call To Die. It's about a journey of giving up something for 40 days on, a fast from the world and feasting on God. It teaches you to really lean on God and to trust him. He even puts my favorite Scripture in it Galatians 2:20.
    Another book I have picked up recently to finish is Six Hours One Friday by Max Lucado. So far I've learned my life is not futile and there will be fatigue but God has a formula for that and to remember what Jesus has done and to go back to the first time I met Jesus Christ face to face. Glad you spent time with God and your family on your vacation. In Christ Robin
    e-mail address:

  5. I don't do a lot of reading, other than scripture...but I loved "The Shack". I know it's a bit controversial...but it really helped me in understanding better The Trinity. Thanks for your sweet give-a-way!!!

  6. You already mentioned The Hiding Place, but it is my favorite. I ususally read it once a year, and always start to cry at the beginning. I hope I would love and value a stranger enough to be brave enough to risk my life to protect theirs. And to have such a deep trust for God, and be able to praise Him when there are fleas in my bed like she did!
    Glad you had fun on vacation but I missed you and look forward to catching up!!!

  7. I would have to say The Purpose Driven Life. Sometimes it helps to refocus me.


  8. I would have to say that the biography "John Adams" by david McCullough made a huge impact on my insofar as it was a great example of what really hard work and perseverance can accomplish. Also, it highlighted the amazing relationship he had with his wife and how she was such an integral part of his life and presidency.

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  9. I've posted about this giveaway at Winning Readings:

  10. And inspirational books? My Utmost for His Highest, and Created to Be His Help Meet...

  11. Sounds like an awesome vacation! I love to take books too.
    I think the Dobson Night Light devotional for couples has impacted me a lot. We're reading it for the second time.

  12. Humility by A. Murray was life changing for me. I believe it should be given to new believers when they accept Jesus - eye opening and life changing.

  13. I used to be an avid reader until college. Then, I became bogged down with mandatory reading. I'm starting back reading and I'm using the Thomas Nelson Book Review Blogger program to get going. I'm reading What's He Really Thinking by Paula Rinehart and it is very interesting. It's a book about relating to men.

  14. Um, there are many, but one that I really like is the Hiding Place. Corrie Ten Boom is one of those people I would have liked to meet. It seems that her sister Betsy would have been such an inspirational person to know, and I think it rubbed off on Corrie. Her suffering only caused her to have more compassion, strength, courage, and I long to be more of that. I watch the movie and just soak in the tidbits of wisdom and faith, longing for more of it in my own life...

  15. The blog looks great I love the A-Z verses listed on the side.

    You know I love to read also (maybe one reason why our souls are so connected:). I loved B.Moore Believing God and N.Anderson Victory Over the darkness (but you know those both well). So my 2 additions from this summer are Mitten Strings from God: reflections for mothers in a hurry by K. Kenison - SOOO Good. And Growing a Spritually Strong Family by D. Rainey.

