Sunday, April 5, 2009

Our God is a God of Miracles :)

First, true confession case you're wondering how many Starbucks decaf skinny vanilla lattes I had during my crisis week, the correct answer would be.....three. (If you're wondering why I'm not drinking lattes, read here I'm sorry to disappoint you if you thought I'd stay strong and keep away from Starbucks. I did fine until Friday, and on my last trip of the day to the hospital, I made a Starbucks run. It's not like I was trying to hide it ~ my good friend Jen noticed my latte right away, but it just felt like a nice treat at the end of a very long and emotionally challenging week. Saturday, my Amanda and I were out shopping and a latte just sounded so good after being outside for hours freezing cold at an awesome Easter egg hunt my good friend coordinated for 200 of her closest friends :) (Thanks, Natasha!). Unfortunately, John and Jake were very disappointed when I showed up with a latte in my hand. Guess Jake should learn now that his mom is very human (and there are worse choices I could make!) And then today my brother showed up with a nice hot vanilla latte for me. How could I resist?? Tomorrow is a new day, and I do want to begin afresh with my personal ban of Starbucks decaf skinny vanilla lattes. I'm so grateful for God's grace, aren't you??? What a week it has been! It's hard to believe that tomorrow will be one week since I received the phone call from Jen that changed everything. Has it only been 6 days??? John and I stopped by the hospital with our gang after church this afternoon. Tom Torresson was sitting up in his chair getting ready to eat lunch. I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT!! It's hard to put into words what the past 6 days have been like~ shocking...heartwrenching...exhausting...amazing...sacred..prayer-ful....unbelivable... Our God is such a God of miracles!!! The cardiologist shared with Tom today that he has been given a second chance at life. Wow!! To see a picture and/or read more about the miracle, visit Tom's care page at (This is shared with permission from Tom's family) I'll end with one of my favorite quotes from author Max Lucado... When men work, men work... but when men pray, God works!!!! Amen!!! We have seen God at work in POWERFUL ways this week!! To God be ALL of the GLORY!!! :)


  1. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Drink up!!!

  2. So sorry my "children's ministry outreach" event turned out to be your downfall:) I will talk with God about providing warmer weather next year...frappicino's aren't an issue for you are they? Loving you where you're at girl!
