Friday, March 27, 2009


I'm feeling better today. Not great physically, but better. I took Nyquil last night before bed and this morning, John, bless his heart, let me sleep in. (What an amazing guy - he got the kids up, made lunches, drove them to school, and covered recess duty for me!! Thanks honey!)
I stayed in bed until 10:30 AM! Woo Hoo!!

Emotionally and spiritually, I feel more like my old self. I had two hours this morning to be in the Word and study before I had to pick up my girls.
I'm not nearly as crabby today ~ Praise the Lord!! And I didn't go to Starbucks one time! :) (See Jake, your mom is disciplined :))

I'm mindful today of something the Lord taught me years ago when I wanted to run to "lesser" things. When I'm stressed out and overwhelmed and everything in me wants to drink a pot of coffee or eat something chocolatey or drown my sorrows in chips and salsa.
When my flesh wants to run to something, anything...this is what I've learned to do. It is based on Proverbs 18:10, which reads – The Name of the Lord is a Strong Tower, the righteous run to it and are safe.


Just stop. Maybe the kids are fighting, the dog is barking, my husband is coming, the house is a mess, I’m still in my workout clothes, I smell, I don’t have dinner planned, the phone is ringing,…. Just stop. I need to take a deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. Stop.


I am learning to pour out my heart to God. It really helps to get my stresses off of my chest.
Whether it’s through journaling, prayer, crying, whatever. Sometimes it may be throwing myself on my bathroom floor and telling the Lord I just can't handle my girls fighting anymore.
Or sometimes I might pray a Scripture (Psalm 86 works great). Letting the Lord know how I am really doing ~ and Acknowleging my need for Him.

Sometimes I open the Word and start praying scripture out loud. Or Sometimes I start at A and work through the alphabet…
Lord You are awesome, You are beautiful, You are our Creator, You are a Deliverer, You are Eternal, You are Forgiving… Usually by the time I get to F or G as I’m focusing on the Names and the character of God, I start to feel His peace…but not always…I’ve been known to make it to Q or even Z on those hard days :)

Sometimes, I picture myself with an IV and I pray for an infusion....
I love Phil 4:13 in the amplified Bible which reads…
I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me – I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses inner strength into me…
So I pray…
Infuse me with your power, and I think about how powerful He is
Infuse me with your peace, and I think about He is the God of peace
Infuse me with your patience, and I think about His patience
Infuse me with your strength, and I think about how strong and mighty He is

However I can Fill my mind and heart with God’s Truth!

What a blessing to know that God always hears our prayers! Even if I walk away “feeling” the same, the Truth is that God has heard me, He cares, and He will answer – He will show up!

So let’s be honest, after I pick myself up off the bathroom floor....
My kids may still be fighting
I’m still wearing my smelly workout clothes
My husband is now closer to home
And I still don’t have a dinner plan –

But by running to the Strong Tower, I now have a peace, a strength, a sense of security that I wouldn’t have by running to Starbucks or a plate of chips and salsa!


Acknowledge your need for the Lord
Fill your mind with God’s Truth
Expect God to show up!

Dear friend, my hope is the next time we are faced with a challenge or stressful situation (which may even be yet today!), the Lord will equip us and empower us to walk through the challenge victoriously (rather than running elsewhere)!

Perhaps the SAFE example will come to mind (it has helped me tremendously!). Whatever the Lord uses, may we be committed to turning/running to Him alone, and may He remove ANYTHING in our lives that is getting in the way of FULLNESS with Him!!

Have a super weekend!! :)

Proverbs 18:10 ~ The Name of the Lord is a Strong Tower, the righteous run to it and are SAFE.


  1. Cindy, This is really helpful. Thanks. You should try to sell it to a Christian magazine. Love ya. Glad you're blogging these days. JJ

  2. Cindy,

    I am printing this out and sending to my brother in Calif. He is a new CHristian and this will be very helpful when he is under attack. Adv
