Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I am exhausted and drained and desperately begging God for a miracle for our dear friend, Tom Torresson. Rather than write my thoughts and feelings ~ today I'll just post a prayer update I just sent to anyone I even think might know Jen or her family or believe in the power of prayer. As I stood over Tom in the hospital today, I just wept. For him, for my dear friend Jen, for his 3 little kids that need their dad!!! I could go on and on... Please pray!

Here's some updates to help you know what has happened over the past 12 hours...

Dear Friends,
Many of you have heard of the urgent prayer request for Tom Torresson. I am just coming home from the Heart Center ~ please, I beg you, please pray for Tom and his family!!

At this time, he is in a medically induced coma and is on a ventilator. The doctors are planning to start “warming” his body at 8:00 PM tonight (Tuesday). THIS WILL BE A CRUCIAL TIME TO BE PRAYING!!! Tom’s Mom Liz is a nurse (and was able to get on a direct flight, along with his sister, from Virginia ~ praise the Lord!) ~ Tom’s Mom was saying that this is when it will be very “risky”. The doctors do not know how Tom’s body will respond. I was there when the cardiologist told Jen it could “go either way” ~ and that she should prepare for the worst. Friends, Tom is 39 years old! PLEASE PRAY!!

How is Jen?? She is in shock right now. She is tired and drained and weary.

How are the kids? At this time, they just think Daddy is at the hospital because he wasn’t feeling well. Sydney (the 2nd grader), bless her precious heart, asked her mom to have Daddy call her so she could say Goodnight to him. Oh, please, please pray!!!

How can we help Jen and her family?? As I mentioned, Tom’s mom and sister are now here, his dad and step-mom should be arriving any minute, and Jen’s mom will be here today. I think right now they need prayer the most. I did say we have an amazing group of men/women who would love to serve at any time ~ if you are interested in bringing a meal, could help with child care or anything, would you please let me know?? I can start putting a schedule together for later in the week. Maybe just shoot me an e-mail, and I’ll keep you posted as needs arise.

How can I best pray?? For a MIRACLE!!! Plus so many other things…for Jen, for the kids, for his family, for peace, for the doctors and care staff, for God to bring HOPE in this difficult situation, and for God to continue to reveal Himself to Jen and her family. Oh Lord, we need Your presence and Your power!!! Lord, we need YOU!!!

When the Physician's Assistant came out and was sharing updates with Jen, he said, “Well at least Tom has his age and his health on his side”. Friends, Tom has GOD on his side!! Let’s go before the Throne and ask God to do a miracle in our midst!!!!

I will update you as soon as I hear anything. Please pass this along to any and all friends and prayer warriors!!!!

In Him,

An evening update sent from a friend in our small group….

Tom, Jen's husband, is at the Heart Center. They have stabilized him as best they can and are going to cool his body down and keep him 'cool' for the next 24-48 hours. After that, they will slowly warm him back up and see how it goes. Sounds like they are unsure what damage has been done and are hesitant to say how they feel it might go. They did confirm it was a severe heart attack. Family is flying in tonight. Cindy was taking Jen home to get some things to stay the night with Tom. Please pray for a miracle! Sounds like he has some precarious days ahead before they can determine anything long-term....but we know the Great Physician!! Pray for the doctor's wisdom, Tom's comfort and Jen's (and family) worry and stress. Keep praying and pass along to any prayer warriors in your own life.....we know Jen would appreciate it! Will keep you posted with any news--

First e-mail sent today (thanks Lindsay!!!)

Ladies- I just got off the phone with Cindy Bultema-- please pray for Jen Torreson's husband. He has had a massive heart attack, was taken by ambulance to the heart center and when Cindy last heard, they were trying to resuscitate him. She was told by EMT's to "prepare for the worst"....... Please pray!! Will keep you updated as I/Cindy knows more details...... Lindsay

P.S. If you can't place Jen from our Monday study, she is the pretty girl with the blond bob who sat in Cindy's second chair (Patti with the power!) when she did the Identity illustrations. She has 3 kids (8,5 and 3) and family is not in town.....pray for Jen and the kids too!

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