Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Well, it's Day # 6 of "my" plans being thrown right out the window. John and Sarah are both home sick. I'm feeling better, but not great. The detour continues!

I spent the whole day in bed yesterday. Literally. Except for an occasional trip down to the kitchen in my fuzzy slippers for a drink or cracker, I was upstairs. Alone. My bed was filled with books and Bibles, and I had Beth Moore videos going on our TV (Unfortunately, I fell asleep more than I watched or read anything). I was so sad to miss our Bible Study at Sunshine Church and/or the chance to say Goodbye to my friend who leaves for Israel today. Detours aren't always much fun, are they??! Nor are they convenient!

But I still have lots of choices! I will keep my eyes focused Up! It's like I'm holding a magnifying glass, and I get to choose what I focus on. Will I focus on the illnesses, the inconveniences, the piles of laundry, the yuckiness of it all - or will I focus on God's hand in the midst of my detour? I am choosing to point my magnifying glass right up to the Lord God Almighty and asking Him to be HUGE in my life!

I haven't always lived this way. For a lot of years, I magnified my problems. I focused on my insecurities and hurts. I exaggerated my weaknesses and mistakes. It was empty and defeated living.

And then I met the Lord Jesus. And I began to see how BIG and POWERFUL and HUGE He is! I experienced His LOVE and His Grace and His Goodness! And today, and all of the days of my life, I choose to focus on Him, regardless of my circumstances!!

And you know what...I've been blessed today! By the phone calls and the e-mails and the chicken soup and the peppermint tea! I've been blessed by the sunshine and the robin in my tree and the flowers starting to pop out of the ground. I've been blessed with a day home with my cute husband and the chance to snuggle more with Sarah and to bump into friends while I was walking my dog. Today is a GOOD day. :)

What about for you?? What are you focusing on? Your endless "to-do" list? The money you don't have? Your husband's flaws? Your fears? Your kid's messes? Your insecurities? Your disappointments and your hurts?

May I encourage you to turn your gaze Upward? Point that "magnifying glass" right towards the sky and ask God to be HUGE in your life! There is nothing that He cannot do!! And may the Lord reveal Himself to you in a special and unique way!! You are loved, dear one!!

Oh magnify the Lord with me, And Let us exalt His Name together! Pslam 34:3 KJV


  1. Seriously, Cindy....when are you going to start that book?????

  2. Maybe the blog is a start of the book?? Really, Cindy you are soooo inspiring. - Jen
