Monday, March 16, 2009

Another Detour!

What a weekend! In the midst of what I thought was going to be a beautiful, fun, family hockey weekend ~ everything went different than "my" plans! The girls were feeling better by Saturday afternoon, but then, Saturday night John lost his voice and was sick! We stayed home from church yesterday with all of our germs, and my mom, bless her heart!, took all 4 kids so I could spend the afternoon studying and wrapping up the details for our Monday night Bible Study.

Imagine my surprise when about 5:00 PM last night I wasn't feeling so great. I had been extra tired all weekend, but I thought it was just due to caring for the sick ones and traveling back and forth to a hockey rink 35 minutes away. By 6:00 I knew this wasn't just being tired - and headed up to bed. I'll spare you the details - but let's just say at one point I was curled up in a ball on my cold bathroom floor crying my eyes out. I have not been this sick in years! When Sarah was sick and I would ask her how her stomach felt, she would say, "HORRIBLE!". I now know what she meant. I feel HORRIBLE!!

What a bummer!! Today is a BEAUTIFUL spring-like day, and I would love to be outside playing with the girls when they get home from school at noon (instead, John is coming home at lunch). One of my good friends started a new job today as a nurse in a cancer center. I'm so excited for her - and had a card and flowers I was going to surprise her with and put on her door step. There goes that idea! And, obviously, I won't be able to go to our Monday Night Bible Study (Magnificent Monday's, I call it!). I'm so disappointed!!! I love being a part of this group ~ and tonight we finish up the last chapter of the book. How I'll miss seeing all of my new friends and hearing how they are doing!!! Instead, as soon as my dog comes back in, I'm back to bed. Yuck! This is not how "I" had my day planned at all!!

I still believe with ALL of my heart that God knows what He is doing! This isn't how I would have planned my day (or weekend!) at all ~ but I surrender to His Soverignty and will continue to praise Him (even if it is from under my sheets!).

My stomach is starting to rumble, so I better head back to my bed! May your day be filled with much SUNSHINE and many blessings!! :)


  1. Oh Cindy, I'm so sorry you are sick. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Cindy, I was sick a few weeks ago. It was the worst I have ever felt. I begged Lee to take me to the hospital. I lost six pounds in seven hours. Yep. Gross! All that to say, I understand! I prayed for you just now. Count those blessings (in the form of Ramona and John) and enjoy your sleep as much as you can. Spring is still coming and you will get to enjoy it! Much love! JJ
