Sunday, April 8, 2012

A to Z Memory Verse Challenge (& another FUN Giveaway)

Hey Friends!

Welcome to the A to Z Memory Verse Challenge 2012! Can you believe we are 1/3 of the way there?! Woo Hoo!

Now true confession time - not all of my family members are up to date. Please don't put us on a pedastal! Just know, if you are still back on "D' or are joining us for the first time - it's ok - you are not alone! I'm just so glad you are here. :)

(If you are new to the A to Z Challenge, you can read all about it here ! Join in at anytime!)

Today is the perfect day to memorize a new verse!

Here are the verses we've learned so far in 2012....

A - As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15b
B - Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved. Acts 16:31
C - Create in me a pure heart, O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10
D - Devote yourself to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2

E - Every good and perfect gift is from above. James 1:17
F - For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, love, and of self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7
G - God is our refuge and strength, an ever-prsent help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

And now for our "H" Verse -

How awesome is the LORD Most High, the great King over all the earth!

Remember, whatever verse you are on, go at your own pace - just don't give up!! :)

You may recall when we were recently on Spring Break, my friend JJ Landis' family was current with their A to Z verses (way to go, JJ!). Here are some things I noticed that were working for her family....

Memorizing Ideas observed at the Landis Home (shared with permission)~

* The verse was written in its entirity on a chalkboard in their dining room. As I sat at her table, I was always reminded of the verse.

(It reminded me of my friend Chellie's homemade chalkboard hanging in her kitchen. See pic below)

* JJ had one of Darlene's A to Z Versepacks hanging on a ring in their downstairs bathroom. (More details on the versepack at the end of this post)

* JJ had a set of A to Z Memory verses hanging by their backdoor where they put their shoes on.

* JJ gives her kids a sticker every time they say their verses all the way through (one sticker per day). She doesn't insist they say the verses for a sticker, only if they choose to. Stickers added up equal fun prizes.

* Mostly I just noticed how JJ and her husband Lee are making memorizing scripture a priority and are being intentional about doing it together. :)

Now if JJ's precious Emma (in Kindergarten!) can tell me all of her verses from A to G - we can do it too!!!

Another Memorizing Idea - for this week's H verse, click here for a free "wallpaper" to add to your computer, phone, or more!

**Feel free to share your favorite tips, ideas, even pictures. I'd love to share your suggestions and/or link to you in the weeks to come!

Giveaways ~

I am thrilled to share another GREAT GIVEAWAY with you! One of my favorite locally owned bookstores is Baker Book House.
Baker has a great selection of Christian books, cards, and music, plus I love their used book selection (it's where I find tons of great bargains - including my complete set of Corrie Ten Boom books)! Baker also hosts many fun kids' events, author readings/signings, plus they have an amazing staff (yes, a number of my friends work there!). Baker is a favorite place for me and the family to hang out!

To encourage us on our Memory Verse Challenge, Baker has graciously donated a "fun pack" of books especially designed for a Mom of preschoolers/young kids.

Here's what you'll find in the Baker Book House A to Z "fun pack"...

* You are Special by Max Lucado
* The Rhyme Bible Storybook from Zonderkidz
* God is Great by Carolyn Larsen

* The Story of the Easter Robin by Dandi Mackall
* Real Moms by Elisa Moragn and Carol Kuykendall

All together this Baker Book House "Fun Pack" of books is worth more than $75.00! This would be a GREAT resource gift for a mom/teacher/grandma or Sunday School teacher!

To Win this week's Baker "Fun Pack" Giveaway: Share with us who you are, where you are from, and what verse you will memorize this week (whether it's from the A to Z or not doesn't matter, just pick one verse to memorize!).

Extra Entries:

•Follow *She Sparkles*
•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*
•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

RULES: Starts today, Monday, April 9th and ends Wednesday, April 11th at 9 PM. Winners will be posted on my blog during the week of April 16th.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

If you are a blogger, please leave your blog address in the comment section. What fun to blog hop and see how you are implementing the verses. Friends, if you are able, please stop by and say hello to these fun A to Z Participants too!!!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Happy Memorizing!

A huge note of thanks to the Baker Book House g
ang for their willingness to share this great resource with a *She Sparkles* friend! :)

P.P.S. Verseability has also made a custom A-Z Versepack that contains all 26 of the verses for the year (this is what my friend JJ put on a key ring). The Versepacks are business card sized and are available for a special price of $ 5.00, plus shipping. You can order them by e-mailing:
. Be sure to mention *She Sparkles* to get the special rate.

Disclosure: I was not provided with any financial compensation for this giveaway, and as always, all opinions are mine.


  1. Look at you going strong!

    Amy from NC. Memorizing "G". Go ahead, test me later this week!

    Hope you are well, Cindy.

  2. Sue, Illinois, memorizing the "G" verse.

  3. Wanda from Arkansas and memorizing the G verse this week.

  4. Thanks Cindy! We wouldn't me motivated to memorize without your blog/inspiration.

  5. My name is Madonna from WV and working on H verse this week. Loving the verses.

  6. I am an email subscriber too.,

  7. Kim from MI. Memorizing 'H' this week with my family.

  8. I subscribe to your email.
    Thank you for always sharing your heart with us, Cindy!
    And thank you to Baker Bookhouse, too!

  9. Bethany from Texas memorizing the H verse this week.

  10. Bethany from Texas memorizing the H verse this week.

  11. +I am Mary Sue from Abilene, Texas and I am memorizing Psalm 47:2. I am a grandma with two precious GRANDS and I teach Bible class. The set of books would be great to have. :>) MS (fw.mso at sbcglobal dot net)

  12. I love getting She Sparkles by email. :>) MS (fw.mso at sbcglobal dot net)

  13. Marie in Illinois starting with A this week! Just found you by searching for memory verses to start with my 3 year old. I am going to try to do one every week until we catch up! meints08 at yahoo . com

  14. I am Cindy from Dearborn. Plan to memorize Psalm 47:2 this week. Also subscribe and follow She Sparkles.

  15. Lacey from Grand Rapids...working on verse H this week! :-) (Loooove reading, especially with our kiddos! Fun giveaway!)
