Monday, March 19, 2012

Praying Down the Tracks (Pretty Please??!)

Hey Friends!

You may remember one of my favorite quotes f
rom Watchman Nee ~

"Our prayers lay the track down on which God's power can come. Like a mighty locomotive, His power is irresistible, but it cannot reach us without rails."

Isn't that an awesome visual?! I love thinking of a huge, mighty locomotive filled to overflowing with God's power and blessing...and how my part is to pray and "lay down the tracks".

It breaks my heart to think of a powerful Steam Engine, filled with Divine blessings and miracles, waiting patiently in the station, desiring to have rails on which to run.

Two years ago I first asked others to "pray down some tracks" while I worked on writing my "Red Hot" Bible Study. I could totally sense the prayers!! Some days I could barely write fast enough to keep up with the "down load" I was receiving.

After the first Red Hot Retreat, I knew God was up to something significant!

Would you believe today I'm heading with the Day of Discovery video crew to film this study in Turkey??

Only God!

As you know, this journey has not been without opposition

Can I get an Amen?!

Although I do have my voice back (thank You, God!) - this past weekend I was back at the Med Center. I'm loaded up with a new batch of antibiotics and feel good thanks to a big steroid shot (in my bottom, no less. Youch!).

And after sitting in God's waiting room
, not knowing what He was up to - He has opened the door once again. Woo Hoo!

And so today, as I prepare to head to Turkey, could I please ask you to "pray down some tracks"? I am so out of my comfort zone, and desperately need a fresh measure of God's power, presence and peace!

Here's a brief summary of what we'll be doing...

Monday & Tuesday (3/19, 3/20) - travel; arrive in Istanbul

Wed 3/21 - fly from Istanbul to Denizli; filming on site in Ancient Laodicea

Thursday 3/22 - filming in Laodicea

Friday 3/23 - filming in Hierapolis and Laodicea, fly to Istanbul

Saturday & Sunday 3/24 & 3/25 - filming in Istanbul

Monday 3/26 - travel home

I'd be so extremely humbled if you'd pray for things like the amazing Day of Discovery crew, my health, peace, recall as I seek to remember 8 teaching sessions (yikes!), good weather, that I wouldn't make the team take 60 "takes", my family while I'm away (John came down with a sore throat yesterday. ugh), technical stuff would go smoothly, divine appointments, that God's Spirit would come upon me in a powerful way (and that it would be obvious that it is God working in and through me)...

....and most importantly, that God would use this project to transform lives for His purpose and glory alone!

If you'd like to see pics while we are away, be sure to check out the Day of Discovery facebook page. The crew does a great job of sending updates (and urgent prayer requests!) as well as posting pictures during their shoot. (Check them out here).

Lastly, I hope as I share about this opportunity that it encourages YOU to step out into whatever God is asking YOU to do. You have to know that I am the least likely candidate for this amazing, God-sized task. May this story, His story, increase your faith and remind you that nothing is impossible with God!

Lord, we're asking You to show up and show off! For Your Glory Alone!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! Have an amazing, Truth-filled, life-giving week!!

P.S. My son Jake loaded up my iPod with a new batch of worship music for the trip. Here's what I've been singing all day....

P.P.S. Thanks again, sweet April, for sending this in the mail. What a perfect token of encouragement. You bless me!


  1. Praying you up my sweet friend.

  2. It's so awesome to hear/read how Jesus is blessing your life and your study as you give him Glory! I will pray for you and your crew everyday.

  3. A privilege to pray for you Cindy, and help you lay down the tracks so that God can work through all of this!

    Love, Linda

  4. Lord, we praise you that you are sovereign. You are gracious and full of mercy. You are our guide. Our avenger. You are the designer of our days and your eye is on Cindy and her team right now. I pray for you fill Cindy's mouth with your words, give her recall and if she doesn't remember give her new words. Let them come smoothly and without resistence. Let her team be supportive, attentive, helpful, and even touched by the sessions. As Cindy takes in the new atmosphere let the awe propel her and give her an even more renewed energy to communicate the Word you have put in her. We pray against snags that satan would like to throw in her way. We ask you to heal her family and for Ciny's sickness to be gone completely and not return. No headaches, no nasea, no sore or raspy throats. We would ask for complete wellness and renewed strength. Good sleep, Lord. Arrangements to work smoothly. Weather. Accommadations. Transportation. All of it Lord - we pray a hedge of protection and we lift it and leave it to You, for you are perfectly capable to do all things. And for your glory, we ask these things. Amen.

  5. Praying for you, your family and everyone involve with this exciting, spirit-filled endeavor!!
