Friday, March 2, 2012

Nashville, Flu Bugs, & a Surprise from the Chapman's

Hey y'all :)

What a crazy week it has been!

First, the flu bug struck again. Which normally wouldn't stress me out so much (well, maybe it would!) - but this week I was headed to Nashville with the RBC's Day of Discovery
team to interview Mary Beth Chapman.

One sweet friend sent this note on FB - Apparently I need to stay more in tune with what you're doing. Why are you in Nashville getting to hang out with the Chapmans?!

Here's the story....

You remember how I'm working with RBC on this new Women's Bible Study

How we're filming in Turkey
later this month (13 days - gulp.)?

Well, woven through my different teaching sessions will be personal stories of women who are living Red Hot for Christ.

I can't wait for you to "meet" these women and hear their stories. POWERFUL stuff. I'm in awe of God and the doors He is opening. And so very grateful to serve with the RBC team. Shed many tears this week over God's goodness and grace.

Tuesday the team was scheduled to drive to Nashville to meet Mary Beth Chapman
. However, then the flu bug hit. Monday night I had to call the Production Asst and tell her I didn't think I could go. John had a crazy week at work, my Sarah had a bad bug, so I needed to be home.

I was super disappointed, but I desire to walk out my priorities (God. Family. then Ministry) went to bed praying and thinking Bummer. BIG BUMMER.

Tuesday morning Sarah was still sick - but so was John. There was no way he could go to work.

At 8:30 AM he said, "You should go. Really. We'll be fine" I prayed, made a quick phone call, packed like a crazy woman, and rushed to meet the 9:00 AM departure deadline. Nashville, TN here I come!

(John William Bultema, you are a treasure!)

Wouldn't you know, the next morning I called from Nashville. All 4 kids were sick with the flu. NOOOO! So many people were praying for our family - I could not even believe it.

The bad news - even my dad had caught it.

The good news - he told John to bring all the kids to his house. He'd watch them so John could go to work.

Thanks, Dad - you are a life saver!!!

Meanwhile in Nashville, we had the chance to have lunch with Mary Beth & Steven Curtis Chapman before Mary Beth's interview. I casually shared with Steven my "all 4 kids are sick at home" situation, and he sent this message along to my John...

(I also told him one of our first dates was one of his concerts - you'll hear him reference that too..)

Isn't that so fun?? John smiled big time when he watched it.

To Be Continued tomorrow.....

How has your week been? What is God teaching you?? I would love to hear from you!!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! Have a fun, life-giving weekend!


  1. How sweet of John to take on the "Bug" and of Steven to send a message to John. Glad you were able to make it down there. Are you gonna do a little singing while you're there? You could start another career on the side, with all your free time:)

  2. Cindy ~ Thanks for sharing your journey to Tennasee. You're a shining (sparkling?) example of how to leave everything in God's hands and allow Him to work rather than making things happen through your own efforts. I'm inspired to stay the course and wait for God to move in my life according to His perfect timing! Blessings to you!

  3. Well Cindy, that was sweet of Steven Curtis Chapman to make that little message for your John. (He seems like such a nice guy!)

    I am thankful that John could be home with the first sicky pooh since he was also not feeling well....and then later that your dad was able to care for the bunch of them at his house when they all got it too, so that hubby could go back to work. God has a way of working things together for our good!

    Love, Linda
