Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It is Finished! Woo Hoo!

Hey Friends :)

I'm home! I'm home!

Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement! God is so faithful and the trip/filming/Turkey adventure was amazing!

In the days to come, I'd love to share how God showed up BIG TIME! I was healthy, the weather was perfect, we were able to make it through all 7 full teachings, plus 7 intros/closings, the crew was awesome, the equipment worked perfectly, no traveling delays, etc..

I could literally sense the prayers and the Presence of God the entire time!

For today, I'm going to just leave you with a few pictures. My head is quite foggy (this jet lag is intense!) - but I couldn't wait to say THANK YOU for your prayers from the very bottom of my heart!

Here's a very brief, random photo recap.....

Pic below - opening of Bible study filmed atop Istanbul overlooking Bosphorus River
Traveling with crew on the site of Ancient Hierapolis (Best. Crew. Ever. - I never heard anyone complain during our 8 days together. Not once)
Pic below...Walking the ruins of Hierapolis
Pic below - filming in hotel room (the story of when Jake went sleepwalking in Chicago). Do you remember that scary story?? Who would have thought I'd be sharing the story before a camera 6 years later...
Pic below - standing atop the ruins of Colosse

Pic below - standing on the Syrian Road in Ancient Laodicea. Crew trying to keep me "cool" in between takes. The sun was HOT! :)

Pic below - Crew picture taken just as we were leaving Ancient Laodicea.

Only God could orchestrate something like this Red Hot Faith adventure! Thank you so very much for praying down the tracks! I am at a loss for words!

With much love and gratitude ~


  1. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! Only God. Thanks for sharing pictures!!

  2. So excited for you! I can't wait to see the finished product! Blessings!

  3. Oh Cindy - I am so thankful to the Lord for helping, sustaining, and using you on this amazing journey! I'm also breathing a sigh of relief that you're home and reunited with your dear family. Can't wait to see and hear more. God is so good! Love to you, Jenny C.

  4. Glad your trip was a success, and that you are home safely.

  5. Prayed much for you! Glad you are home.

  6. WOW, I so enjoyed keeping up with you while you were on this mission and can't wait to hear more details from you. What an amazing opportunity! Rest up, and we'll be right here when you have time to "fill us in." Hugs to you!

  7. So glad that it all went so well. Love the pictures.

  8. Awesome pictures! Glad it went well!!!

  9. Cindy, thanks for sharing your journey and letting us pray with you and participate in being amazed by "only God" things!

  10. It looks like an amazing adventure for you! I am glad you got to go. I am glad that God worked it all out. And I know it will become a blessing to others. God is so good!

    Love, Linda
