Tuesday, January 10, 2012

One Word

Hey Friends :)

By now you've probably heard about choosing one word for the year??

(If not, you can read a great Guideposts article or visit the Grit and Glory blog for more details).

Last year I prayerfully selected my one word - "Faith".

Truth be told, I wanted a word like "victorious" or "freedom" - but FAITH kept standing out to me. Little did I know that 2011 would stretch and grow my faith in such HUGE ways, and that I would spend half of the year studying what it means to have Red Hot Faith.

I was curious what my 2012 word might be. I spent Christmas vacation studying the scriptures and praying. Once again, I was leaning towards VICTORIOUS, HEALTHY, FREE - but I knew those weren't my 2012 words (maybe because in Christ I am victorious and healthy and free - I just need to walk in that victory each day. Another post....)

Anyway, I finally have my 2012...

FOCUS is my One Word for 2012.

I sense the biggest obstacle for me in 2012 is my easily distracted self. I need Focus. Big time.

Part of my problem is I just love everything.

I love being with people. I want to help out at school 24/7. I want to have coffee with every single person I know. I love Jesus and want to know Him more and make Him known around the world. I love planning parties and want to celebrate every day (yes, I'm even thinking about my Olympics party this summer - Lord help me). I love reading and could read all day long. I love the church and wish I had more time to serve. I enjoy praying and could easily spend a day in prayer. I love blogging and encouraging other blog friends. I love being a hockey mom and want to ride the team bus this weekend (but Jake won't let me. Boo!)

I love my family to pieces, and enjoy every precious minute I spend with them. I also love sending cards to people and staying in touch with my friends. I love memorizing scripture and get fired up about the A to Z Memory Verse Challenge. I love sharing Jesus with others and want to say yes to every single opportunity that comes my way. I love going to the gymI enjoy the benefits of caring for my body. :)

See my problem?? Lord help me!

For 2012 I want to live with laser beam focus.

The Lord has opened some amazing doors (and I am humbled beyond belief), and I want to FOCUS on the calling He has before me. I want to focus 100% into the projects that are before me during my "working hours" and be 100% focused on my family when they are home.

I want to say Yes to God's best for me this season and No to the rest so I can serve with excellence. I want to be like Jesus and set out resolutely for the calling God has for me.

I need focus. I need a miracle.

Hebrews 12:2 AMP is my verse for 2012.....

THEREFORE THEN, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who have borne testimony to the Truth], let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us,

Looking away [from all that will distract] to Jesus, Who is the Leader and the Source of our faith [giving the first incentive for our belief] and is also its Finisher [bringing it to maturity and perfection]. He, for the joy [of obtaining the prize] that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:1-2)

OK friends, any tips on staying focused?? I would LOVE to hear your tips and ideas!!! Please?!

Have you chosen one word for 2012? Share with us!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! God's richest blessings to you!

P.S. A huge thanks to Melanie for my pretty graphic.

P.P.S. I'm linking up today with Jen and friends at Soli Deo Gloria. (She's also in the midst of planning a retreat in Austin, TX this October 2012. Woo Hoo!) Be sure to check out this amazing sisterhood of women! :)


  1. Yep. My word isn't great like victorious. Lol. I chose "Portion" with the vs. Psalm 76:23 and a song called "My Portion". Funny how it all comes together.

  2. I think my word for 2012 is Strength! I'm going through a major challenge right now and I need to focus on my strength in all things! I need to grow and become stronger! I've never had a word before so I'll see how it goes!

  3. Love that word and so appropriate for all God is doing in and through you! My word for the year is confidence. God is really working on my heart about being confident in who I am in Him and being confident in all that He has in store. ((hugs)) sweet friend and prayers for you to have laser focus this year!

  4. I haven't chosen a word for 2012 but FOCUS would be a good one for me, also. I find myself wanting to spend time on many good things and yet know that God wants me to focus on His best. Thanks for sharing this insightful post, Cindy! Blessings!

  5. Love your word for these year and I know God will provide ways for you to focus!! For 2011 my one word was "Embrace" and it was such an incredible journey for me as I embraced who God is and who He says I am! This year it looks like my word will be "Delight", as in delighting in the deliverance of the Lord and delighting in the moment that He has given me NOW.

  6. It is clearly evident how much you love to serve. You give so graciously out of your heart. I don't know if you thought about this, but perhaps God's word for your this year (focus) is His way of protecting you? Protecting your energy, your being, your true desires to serve Him so that you may live into your calling in the fullest possible way.

  7. What a great idea! In retrospect my word for 2011 would be survive. My word for 2012 is Embrace! :)

  8. I love your word! Who couldn't use more focus? Gosh, the more I read posts, the more words I want! LOL
