Wednesday, November 23, 2011

When the Holidays Are Hard - Pt 2

Today I continue my 2 part series on how to help others when the holidays are hard (Check out Part 1 here) If you know anyone who has gone through a recent loss (death, divorce, job loss, etc.. - you may find this helpful). Enjoy!

When the Holidays are Hard

1. Do Something.

Don't say, "if you need something, call me" - do something!

When someone is grieving, it's hard to think of what you need (and even harder to reach out for help).

Make a meal. Send a gift card. Shovel their driveway. Bring postage stamps. Do something!

2. Offer to help decorate for the holidays.

Trust me, when you are grieving, the thought of putting up Christmas decorations can be overwhelming (but if you have kids, you feel like you should). If you know someone struggling this season, offer to come and decorate their house for them.

True story...the first Christmas after David's death
, I couldn't face putting up holiday decorations.

A friend from church (named John) couldn't imagine me and Jake not having a Christmas tree - and took Jake out to cut one (Jake's first time cutting down a tree).

Aren't they cute? 12 years later, John's still cutting down Christmas trees for me and Jake! :)

3. Say Something.

A simple, "I'm sorry for your loss. You are in my prayers" ...or "I'm sorry this is a hard season. How are you doing, really?".

Rather than ignoring the pain/loss, say something.

(My friend Shauna wrote an awesome chapter on this in her book Bittersweet. I'd highly recommend it!)

4. Listen

If your friend wants to talk about the deceased love one and/or feelings associated with the loss, LISTEN. Active listening from others is an important step to healing. Don’t worry about being conversational or having "the right thing to say"…. just listen.

5. Cry with them.

If tears flow, don't feel you have to "be the strong one". Tears are cleansing and an important part of the healing journey. Just be sure to bring lots of Kleenex!

6. Be Flexible.

Be flexible and supportive of the way the person chooses to handle the holidays. Some may wish to follow traditions; others may choose to change things up. There is no right way or wrong way to make it through the holiday season.

When David died just 2 weeks before Christmas, I didn't have a clue about what I wanted to do on Christmas eve or Christmas day. Every hour was painful and hard to get through. My friends and parents were super supportive, and their flexibility was just what I needed during an extremely difficult time.

7. Be Available.

If you say, "Call me anytime" ~ mean it. Be there!

One cold winter day I was having a hard time. I called a girlfriend and left a message. When she heard my phone message, she immediately hopped in her car and drove right over.

Being available makes a huge difference. Grief can come in available for when the wave hits!

8. Extend Invitations

When you are going through loss, nothing is worse than feeling all alone. If you know someone grieving, extend an invitation to your holiday gatherings. Leave it open ended (i.e. We'll be getting together on Thursday night. If you would like to come, we would love to have you. No need to bring anything, you can just show up anytime between 5 -10. Stay as long as you'd like. If it doesn't work, it's ok. Just know we'd love to see you.")

Sometimes just having different options without the pressure of committing to anything can be very helpful.

9. Offer to Take their Kids.

If you know someone struggling (or a single mom), call and offer to take their kids. Let them get some rest, time to think and/or pray, or just have a break. You could even say, "Could I come and play with your kids while you stretch out/do some laundry/etc..." Big help ~ trust me!

10. Pray.

Keep your friend in your prayers. Lift them before the Lord, and ask God to reveal Himself to them in very personal, specific ways during their difficult time.

Can I share one more true story?! :)

Two days after David's death, I went to Calvary Church (my church at the time). My friend/pastor Rob Bell Jr. asked me to come on stage. Friends layed hands on me, while Rob, Ed Dobson and others prayed over me and lifted David's family in prayer.

When I listen to the tape of that church service now, would you know that God answered EVERY SINGLE PRAYER?! Prayer works, friends, of this I am sure! :)

Whew! There's my list! Again, I'm not a trained professional ~ just an ordinary girl who has been healed and transformed by an extraordinary God. :)

What did I miss? What would you add to the list of how to help others when the holidays are hard. I'd love to hear from you!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! Sweet blessings to you!

P.S. #11 - You can always send your hurting friends to Disney World. My friends did! Although Mickey Mouse doesn't heal a broken heart, he does help!

Thanks again Karen, Michelle, and Michele! Jake and I still talk about our amazing Disney trip.


  1. Thanks for such awesome tips, bless you.

  2. Thank you Cindy for taking your ashes and making them beautiful for all of us to share.
    Love you and so blessed to have you in my life. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. I was looking forward to this and loved your ideas - thanks!

  4. You were "right on" with everything you said. Well written!
    Always brings a smile to my face when I stop by. Blessings to you!
