Friday, September 16, 2011

Fantastic Friday Giveaway: Carol Kent's DVD/Study Guide Set

Hey Friends!

Happy Weekend to you! :)

If you've spent any time hanging out here at *She Sparkles*, you know I have a ton of respect and admiration for my friend, award winning writer & dynamic communicator, Carol Kent.

Carol's latest book, "Between A Rock and A Grace Place" has been a tremendous source of strength, encouragement, and inspiration to many women (and men) around the world!

If you haven't read it yet, trust will LOVE it!

Last winter, I had the joy of sitting in with Carol and 20 other amazing, beautiful women, along with the Zondervan team, as Carol taped 6 powerful teachings to correspond with her best-selling book.

And guess what?? The DVD's are ready!! Introducing the "Between A Rock And A Grace Place Kit" Woo Hoo!

Here's more...

"Bestselling author Carol Kent teaches this six-session video based study of facing the challenges of life and discovering the last thing you ever expected-the sweet spot of grace.

Join Carol as she teaches the liberating truth that when we are caught between a rock and a hard place, we are given a choice: Will we place ourselves in a posture of humility and complete dependence on God, or will we just “try harder” and stumble over what could be a transforming encounter with grace?

With hope, joy and a sense of humor, Carol Kent will help you and your group see God’s “grace places” in the middle of your worst moments.

Each pack contains one soft cover participant’s guide and one six-session DVD study. Retail: $31.99

Not only are Carol's teachings awesome, the publisher sent a production team to Florida to videotape her son Jason behind the razor wire. Cameo appearances from Jason are featured in each of the six sessions of the small group study. You will find him honest, transparent, humble, and encouraging.

Trust me, you are going to love this series!!! :)

You could go here to order a kit, OR you could enter to win one here....because I was graciously given 3 sets to giveaway to you!! Yippee!

To Win my Between A Rock and A Grace Place Giveaway: Leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:

Why would you like to win Carol Kent's Between A Rock and A Grace Place DVD Set & Study Guide??

Extra Entries:

•Follow *She Sparkles*
•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*
•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

RULES: Starts today, Friday, September 16th and ends Monday, September 19th at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog during the week of September 20th.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

I'll close with these powerful words shared by Carol (from 1 Peter 4).

"Be encouraged with these words: Friends when life gets really difficult, don’t jump to the conclusion that God isn’t on the job. Instead, be glad that you are in the very thick of what Christ experienced. This is a spiritual refining process, with glory just around the corner.” 1 Peter 4:12-13 (MSG)

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Have a wonderful, grace-filled, weekend!!

P.S. Here's a little promo of the DVD's. See if you can find me too! :)


  1. I follow you on my Google dashboard. I love Carol Kent. I heard her speak at a ladies conference in Derry, New Hampshire. I would love to hear more from her. What a blessing.

  2. God has placed it on my heart to start a ladies neighborhood Bible study. I've been looking for a good study to use and this could be it! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  3. Oh and I am a blessed follower of your blog! Extra entry...yea!

  4. Another entry...I just tweeted!
    Thanks again!

  5. oooh Can't wait to see this series!!

  6. WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! To God be the glory! Great things HE has done!

  7. Because I love to hear how Carol Kent lives her life the way Jesus did with such grace & mercy. And, how she is so real in & out. She tells it like it is & I love that about her. And, I am enrolled in a Bible study at my church in Largo, FL & we are studying her book "Becoming a Woman of Influence."

  8. Carol had allowed us to know that there can be a new kind of normal and can bring glory to God through anything. I have been so moved and inspried and would love to share this study with my sisters in Christ in our ladies class

  9. My email here is

    I would love to win one of the sets as I have heard Carol speak and read many of her books. We have a small study group who would enjoy sharing it. Also we have several ladies at work requesting prayer for serious family problems that would benefit in sharing. My husband and I recently met a missionary couple who minister now in a jail ministry. She had not heard of Carol Kent and I shared info with her.

  10. I am also on my way to like your page on facebook.Thank you.

  11. "Why would you like to win Carol Kent's Between A Rock and A Grace Place DVD Set & Study Guide??"

    I would like to win this because Carol has been my seasonal "mentor" when she didn't even know me. I feel I am suppose to start a women's Bible study up sometime soon and I feel this would be a GREAT study! Carol's book "When I lay my Isaac Down" helped me through my own unthinkable. I am blessed to have met her and have sat under her teaching!

  12. We all need to find the our graace place, and i believe that the rock is sweet sweet jesus himself.. I think this study would allow us to find out how to connect with God not only through the hard times but to see His plan in the hard times.. What a way that study could bless...

  13. As a women's ministry leader at our church, I am always looking for Bible Studies to use. Thinking I was ordering your book, I accidentally ordered the workbook! I didn't realize it was a study and was thrilled. I relate to your story as I have a son too who is currently at a military academy. I was so blessed by your testimony and the encouragement you gave.

  14. Oh man, I would so love to win this because I love Carol Kent's insights and her vulnerability. She doesn't even know it or have a clue that her book on becoming a woman of influence was HUGE in my early days of ministry.In fact, I'm about to go through it with our youth pastor's wife. I would love to do this study with some women in our church because rarely do you find someone willing to share openly in the midst of their "grace place"...usually it's when life is all better that one is willing to go back and share. This is what I love about Carol Kent...she is willing to speak from the pain.
    I totally saw your smiling face my friend!!!!

  15. Hi Cindy,
    You know I love Carol Kent! I'm also looking for a new Bible study for our group at church. Would love a copy of the DVD set! Blessings on you for all the encouragement you give to us!

  16. Cindy, I would love to win the Carol Kent DVD's. I read her book and would love to share her message with my sister-in-law, her son is now serving time in jail. I also have friends I believe would benefit from the DVD’s.

  17. I have read both of Carol Kents other books and find her story so Inspiring!! I would love the opportunity to share her story and 6 week study with the ladies in our Adult Women's Sunday school class. I can't wait to read this book. Blessings!!! Kim Goldstein

  18. Another entry :0) I followed you.
    Kim Goldstein

  19. Cindy,
    I read the book in a day and now my dear mom is reading it. It is an encouragement to us both. I have been praying about what bible study I woud like to jump into and the Lord is placing on my heart to lead one :) HONESTLY, I was in Baker Book House today seeing if this study was in yet. Now it is on your blog today. As you woud say, ONLY GOD! You are also praying me through my own rock/grace place moments... I could really use this right now. Love to you!

  20. Cindy,

    Met you at Speak Up with Confidence & was blessed by your sweet spirit. I tried to comment on the blog but couldn't so here is my comment:

    I would love to win the DVD's and use them in our women's ministry. Our leader is battling for her life with cancer and is in the hospital. Our women's ministry isher passion and right now we are struggling with trying to carry on and keep the ministry on track without her leadership. I believe this study would encourage and help us refocus as a ministry while going through this transition period. This lady is also my prayer warrior leader for my ministry.

    Love Carol...she is a gift to the body of Christ!

    Teresa Harmening

  21. Hi Cindy: After reading Carol's book and listening to a little bit of the DVD I would so like to study and share this great woman's wonderful testimony with some of my friends. What an attitude! Evie Brus

  22. HI Cindy,
    Oh wow,
    why would I like to win this set of Carol Kent goodies?

    This is exactly what I am living right now...
    I've been between a rock and a grace place over
    and over again this year through two job losses of
    my husband, a move from one home to another
    and the loss of one of our pastors. Two dear friends
    and my two married kids moved far from here in the last
    month and yet we are overwhelmed with Gods' love
    and grace and providence in our lives. The pain has made
    us seek Him more.
    He is here, he is near and he is teaching us that in Him
    we are strong. In Him we are more than conquerors. In Him
    we give no ground to the Him all is grace and abiding
    love and joy.
    I would love to share this message through Carol's teachings
    to my friends at my church who are also hurting after losing
    our pastor. It is a message of hope. We all need this kind of hope.

    Michelle B.

  23. I would love to win this study set. I don't know any of Carol Kent's work I am just going on your reccomendation. I am between a rock and a hard place. My daughter, husband and two children (ages 3 and 1)have moved in with us. I am now doing full time daycare for the kids until my daughter finds a job that she will make enough to pay for daycare. My mom is failing rapidly with congestive heart failure and she is going to need to live with me. I know I am blessed - but I need some help every now and then!!! Thanks

  24. I'm sorry to say that I'm not familiar with any of Carol Kent's work, but I would like to. This DVD set & study guide sounds like something that I would enjoy using/learning from. Thank you for the chance to win.

  25. Wow! This giveaway sounds like some much needed encouragement - I'd love to win it to grow in grace and share with others too, Thanks for your blog - so special in my life and for the giveaway. Love, Jenny C. Email is
