Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tea Time!

Hi Friends ~
Hard to believe I just have 3 more days left with my gang until school starts. Wow! As I'm thinking through this new Fall season, I'm looking forward to my favorite School Tradition....Tea Time! Enjoy this repost ~ I'm off to have a Thrilling Thursday with my kiddos!

OK, true confession time...I used to dread my afternoons.

Especially from about 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM. The big kids would come home from school hungry, the little kids were whiny and irritable, and no one wanted to talk about school.

Afternoons were no fun around our house. :(

Then last school year, I decided to try something different. I called it "Tea Time".

You should know, we don't drink tea. (I couldn't think of anything else "catchy" to call it). I resolved to make "Tea Time" one of the highlights of our day!

I purchased a colorful tray and little appetizer plates from Target. I stocked our refrigerator with yummy, (semi) healthy snacks and fun drinks. I shared the vision of Tea Time with the kids, and announced that every single day after school, we would have "Tea Time" immediately when the kids got off the bus.

And you know what?? It worked!!

My kids walk in the door and say, "What's for Tea Time, Mom?". If their friends are over, they join us (and comment, "I wish we did this at our house"). We share snacks and highlights from school and lots of laughter. I learn about what happened at recess, on the bus, in class.

I treasure this time with my kids!

Most importantly, my attitude has changed.

I look forward with eager anticipation to 4:00 PM. I delight in thinking what fun snacks I can prepare for my kids. I don't answer the phone during this time. Tea Time is a special, sacred part of my day!

Now I do recognize, it won't last forever. My high schooler Jake has football practice after school, so he doesn't make it for Tea Time very often. But for my 'little ones' (Benj is 10, Amanda is 8, and Sarah is 7) ~ we are building priceless memories!

And hopefully when they think of 'Tea Time', they'll think of a home filled with love, warmth, beauty, and belonging.

A mom can hope anyway...

Here's 3/4 of my Tea Time Gang! :) Don't they just look like fun?!! :)

And my handsome football player....

What about for you?? What has helped your family life run more smoothly?? What favorite "Back to School" ideas have you tried?? I'd love to hear from you!!

And for more great "Things I Love Thursday" ideas, head over to the Diaper Diaries. You'll be glad you did!

Have a Wonderful Week!! Many blessings to you!!


  1. What a great idea! Even though there are no kids in my house, I think this could only improve my marriage. I may try this with my man.

  2. Oh my word!!! I LOVE this idea. Thanks so much for sharing. I want to try this out too. I've struggled getting "school talk" out of my kids too. What a fabulous idea. Can't wait to try it out. Funny how special things set aside for specific things can really make all the difference. Miss ya my friend!

  3. I absolutely LOVE this idea! Super fun! I also love how I can hear your voice through your writing. Maybe it is the name of your blog or your picture, i don't know but I feel like I know you!! =)
