Monday, June 6, 2011

Marriage Mondays: In-laws

Hey friends!

Happy Marriage Monday to you! :)

I recently had a friend tell me that the two biggest causes of divorce are money and in-laws.

Wow! Have you heard that before?? I did some research and she is right on!

Our relationship with our in-laws has a definite impact on our marriage satisfaction!

Thankfully, I am blessed to have wonderful in-laws.

John's parents, Bob and Jackie, have been gracious since day one. Over the past 10+ years of marriage, they have provided unconditional love, support, and encouragement. I am grateful!

Today is my mother-in-law's birthday and as we prepare to celebrate her ~ I've been reflecting on our relationship. I'm thanking God for the gift of having Jackie in my life. :)

I've often joked with Jackie that we should write a book ~ we've both invested a lot into making our relationship/friendship into what it is today.

We've been willing to share, listen, pray, forgive, extend grace, and seek to understand one another.

All of the talks, time and prayers have been worth it! :)

I also appreciate Jackie's sensitivity to my relationship with my mom. Although Jackie didn't have a daughter (until me, and soon Gwen!) ~ Jackie has been careful to honor my special relationship with my mom, while building and pouring into our important "mother-in-law/daughter-in-law" relationship.

Jackie is a great cook, has passed on many great recipes my way, as well as taught me the importance of always cooking with an apron!

In honor of her birthday ~ here is a recipe I've concocted for anyone desiring a closer relationship with their in-laws.

Recipe For Strong "In-law" Relationship

4 cups of Love
2 cups of Loyalty
Dash of Faith
3 cups of Kindness
4 cups of Understanding
1 cup of Friendship
5 spoonfuls of Hope
1 barrel of Laughter
Pinch of Forgiveness (no substitutions)
Dash of Thoughtfulness (not optional)

Take love and loyalty and mix thoroughly with faith.
Blend in kindness and understanding, add friendship and hope.
Sprinkle abundantly with laughter. Garnish with forgiveness and thoughtfulness.
Bake with sunshine.
Serve with generous helpings.

How about for you, dear friend? Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to enjoy a healthy, enjoyable relationship with their in-laws? I'd love to hear from you!

Also, Focus on the Family has a number of great resources for anyone desiring wisdom, assistance and/or help with their in-law relationship. If this is a difficult area for you, please do not allow your relationship to suffer ~ God has good plans for you and your marriage!!!

I wonder...before you close this post ~ would you take a minute to pray for any friends you know who wrestle with their in-law relationships?? May God breathe fresh life, love and grace into all in-law relationships today!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! Have a Marvelous Monday!

P.S. For more Marriage Monday ideas, please visit my dear friend Julie from Come Have A Peace!
P.S.S. Happy, Happy Birthday Jackie! May your day be filled with all of your favorite things!

Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: (Proverbs 31:28)


  1. this is definitely one of the most difficult areas in our marriage. Both of us coming from extremely dysfunctional backgrounds, trying to maintain relationships with boundaries while still showing love and grace to the in-laws {on both sides} is a challenge we only survive through the strength of Jesus.
    You are blessed to have such a wonderful MIL...Happy birthday to her :)

  2. Great post Cindy! I am so blessed to have great in-laws as well. His family has been through a lot during our first two years of marriage, I feel though that the heartache and sorrow has brought us closer together. I look at my sister and her relationship with her MIL and I know I'm very lucky. =) Have a blessed week!

  3. This is our number one issue. We come from very different families. And I being a people-pleaser didn't know how to set good boundaries and wanted their approval, and my hubby could never come right out and say, "no" or "that's not ok".

    It's been difficult. The one thing that has saved us is realizing that God is For our marriage. We stand before Him first. No matter what anyone around us says about us or tries to do to us. He is For Us.

  4. Love this sharing Cindy! Beautiful family photo and I pray Birthday blessings for your precious Mother in law! Awesome that you both have this loving relationship.

    I have a very kind mother-in-law as well and we both have love and respect for each other over the 21 years I've been married to her son.

    Thanks for being a blessing in your sharing.

    Love you much!!!

  5. Cindy,

    I am visiting from Come Have a Peace. What a great post. Having good relationships with In-Laws is such a blessing. My In-laws both passed away 2 years ago. When they passed I felt as if I was losing my own parents. We had a very close relationship built on mutual respect, love and admiration.

    Early on it wasn't so easy but, when my husband (then boyfriend) explained to his Mom his love for me and our desire to spend the rest of our lives together she opened up to me. He assured her he would always love her and that I would never replace her but, that I was a very important part of his life and he wanted 2 of the most important people in his life to get along. That act of support for me went a long way towards making my relationship with my Mother-In-Law as close as it was.

    Have a blessed day,

