Friday, June 10, 2011

Friendship Friday: The Great Exchange

Looking for Summer fun ideas? Be sure to check out my Family Fun list ~ A to Z style!

I'm so excited....Carol Kent's Speak Up With Confidence is coming to my city of Grand Rapids, Michigan in less than 2 weeks! Woo Hoo!

As I've shared many times before,
God used this powerful conference to significantly teach and empower me. I've also had the chance to meet MANY amazing speakers/writers/bloggers from around the country, and our friendships continue to flourish despite the distance.

For the next few weeks on "Friendship Friday", I'd like to share some of my "Speak Up" friends (and their writings) with you!

For today, may I introduce to you.... Tanya Glanzman

Tanya has a passion to share of the unconditional, redeeming and restorative love of God. As a vessel restored, she loves to bring hope and encouragement wrapped in grace-filled truth into the hearts of women, helping each one to know what it TRULY means to be a daughter of their Heavenly Father.

She is as warm and beautiful in person as in her photo ~ and I've loved getting the chance to know her over the past year. Enjoy her powerful devotion! :)

The Great Exchange

I love Walmart. They have a tremendously gracious exchange policy and will take almost ANYTHING back. Over the years I have tested this theory time and time again- toys that were missing parts…clothing that didn’t fit right…even make up that was not the same color on my face when I got home that it had been resting on the shelf beneath the florescent lighting.

If you have a receipt their grace is limitless – you can buy and return as many things as you need or like. And even without a receipt they will allow you to return and exchange an item up to three times! I have found this such a valuable quality and one which I have come to appreciate throughout the years. If you don’t like what you have you can return it and get something better.

God is a lot like Walmart- not only does He offer the best deals, but He also is in the business of exchange.

God is a healer. He clearly reveals this throughout His Word… I have found however, that as much as He longs to be that very Healer within the life of every single one of His children, it seems that some receive their healing…and some do not. Some become whole…and yet, some remain wounded and limping… oozing even, for the entirety of their lives.

Why is that? What determines who will be made whole and who will not?

Upon my own healing journey I have found that there is a “great exchange” which must occur.

Exchanges which have been predicated by the LORD revealing truth to my heart that I could be free in an area if was willing to make an exchange with Him.

Just a few of the exchanges that I have made….

* Fear for Trust

* Self Sufficiency for Complete Dependence

* Un-forgiveness for Forgiveness

God serves as the most amazing customer service representative.

Each time I approach Him with something I need to exchange He always greets me with a smile. He patiently waits on me, grace and mercy overflowing, as I pull the receipt out of my purse and hand it to Him explaining…”I have this, but I don’t want it anymore.” No further explanations are required. He doesn’t need to know when I got, where I got it, or why I got it. He simply allows me to return that which I no longer desire to have to Him, He takes it for me.

And then the beautiful process of exchange can begin. He never fails to offer me in return something so much more precious than I even knew I could have. Beauty for ashes….the oil of joy for mourning….a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair, each of these are exchanges which are available to any Child of God.

I thank you Father that I always have a place before your throne where I can pour out to you everything in my life and in my heart. I am grateful that you are always willing to take that which I offer up to you. You faithfully, time and again, exchange within my life that which holds me in bondage for the truth which sets me free. ~ Tanya Glanzman

Tanya Glanzman is thankful to be known as her Father’s Daughter, her husband’s wife and her children’s mother. When she is not teaching kindergarten, or cuddling with her kiddoes on the couch she occasionally writes on her blog which can be located at

What a powerful Word, Tanya! Thanks for sharing! :)

If you have a moment, hop over to Tanya's blog and peek around (maybe leave her a sweet note too!). Her testimony is powerful, and you can even watch some of her teachings. Good stuff!!

After reflecting on Tanya's devotion ~ I know I have some exchanges I need to make too. Like stinkin' thinkin' for Truth, stress for His peace, and worry for trust in Him. How about you?? :) If you're comfortable, share with us please!

Have a wonderful, refreshing weekend! I'm heading out for an overnight prayer retreat with my best bud Julie! Is there any way I can pray for you specifically?? We would love to!!!

Sweet blessings~

P.S.S. For more Caffeinated Randomness, head over to visit Michelle and friends. You'll be glad you did!


  1. LOVE this post!!! God is like Walmart....what a comparison! I have exchanged so many things at God's service desk that I'm amazed He doesn't say, "OH, it's her again.".

    Have a great weekend.

  2. Great post, Cindy!
    ps~ check out my blog for an awesome review on Robin Jones Gunn's newest book "Praying for Your Future Husband":) Hope you can vote for me!
