Friday, May 13, 2011

My new favorite book: Weird (& Giveaway)

Have you read any new good life-changing books lately?? :)

A few weeks ago, I took my weary self to my favorite bookstore, and asked God to breathe new life into me. I also prayed that He would guide me to any book that would help encourage, inspire, or teach me new things.

I grabbed a stack of Bibles, and then also picked up the book "Weird" by Craig Groeschel. I hadn't really heard a lot about "Weird" yet ~ but enjoyed Craig's previous book, "the Christian Atheist" ~ so I thought I'd check it out.

Can I just tell you I stayed at the bookstore THE WHOLE DAY and could not put "Weird" down. It's that good! Really.

In case you're wondering what the book is all about, here's the author Criag Groeschel sharing a quick 60 clip on Weird...

My favorite part of Weird...

***You must read Chapter 1, specifically page 33.

Craig writes, "instead of saying 'and' we need to say 'or'. Instead of fried chicken and grilled steak, we can have fried chicken or grilled steak. Instead of soccer practice and guitar lessons, you and your child can pick soccer or guitar. Instead of working late and taking work home, it's one or the other."

Oh, the brilliance in that one little shift in thinking!!

I was trying to be a Proverbs 31 wife and speak at MOPS groups and be an amazing mom and teach a weekly Bible study and blog everyday and walk my dog and meet my friends for coffee and keep up on all my emails and....

You get the drift?? No wonder I crashed and was all "drained out". No wonder!!!Can anyone else relate???

As I shared on my FB page (when I finally left the bookstore that day) my new favorite word is OR! I will pray about doing this OR that....but not both. Woo Hoo!

Reading this book had encouraged, inspired, and empowered me to make specific changes in my life. And I love it! I want to be Weird!

I immediately emailed my friends at Zondervan and they graciously sent 3 copies right over for me to share with you. Woo Hoo!

To Win my Weird Giveaway:

Leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:

Why would you like to win a copy of Weird??

RULES: Starts today, Friday, May 13th and ends Monday, May 16th at 9 PM. Winner will be contacted via e-mail.

Extra Entries:

•Follow *She Sparkles*
•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*
•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post
•Post this Giveaway on FB

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

If your email address is not connected to your ID please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! Have a life-giving, empowered, AMAZING weekend!

P.S. For more Caffeinated Randomness, head over to visit Michelle and friends. You'll be glad you did!


  1. Ooh, I would love to win the book! I've heard so much about it!

  2. Cindy, I think I've been wired for so long to "Yes, and.." I don't know if "or" is possible. I'd love a copy. If I don't win though..there's always the library. :-)

  3. I was at the bookstore yesterday and was drawn straight to this book. I'd love a copy because I stood there in the store for almost 20 minutes reading it...I couldn't put it down. Unfortunately it's not in our budget right now to buy. Felt God saying it's okay to wait. I'll make a way for you to read this cheaply! Maybe this is it! ;)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. entry #2...I'm a blessed follower!

  5. Hi! Cindy, I have heard about this book! Sounds so good! Thanks for a chance, and Congrats to the previous winner! I do follow, I do have your button! and I Love your blog! Have a great wk-end:)

  6. I think we all struggle with this to a degree but I have friends who struggle seriously. I would love to have a copy of the book. I'd read it first and then share it.

    A great post! Have a great weekend and I've been a follower for a long time. :o)

  7. I want to be "weird" too. I love this changing your thought pattern. Something I need to work on.

    PS: Thanks for the PR!

  8. What a fabulous concept! I'm not sure I'm capable of using that word. But I'm definitely going to pray about it. :)

    Many blessings,

  9. Sounds like a book I could use right now.....


  10. I saw this man talking about the book on Life Today and it sounded great! If I am not too late put me in the running :)


  11. I would like to win this book because I'm curious to find out what exactly he considers to be "weird". I definitely have my own ideas, lol!

  12. I would love to win this book. Alwaya looking for new ways to learn and grow.

  13. I would love to win this book. Alwaya looking for new ways to learn and grow.

  14. This is the third time the name of this book has crossed my path. I believe God is trying to tell me something...

    Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy.

  15. This book is on my summer reading list! I can't wait to read it. Ready to be challenged and to look at my life differently!

  16. I would love to win this book because I need to learn the lesson that I cannot do it all and do it all well!! A "I'm afraid I'm going to miss out on something mentality" mixed with an "I'm afraid I'm going to let someone down mentality" mixed with an "If I don't do this now I might never get the change again mentality" mixed with "I want to do it ALL RIGHT mentality" leaves me at a place of often feeling tired from running around maintaining a whole bunch of "fires" but never being able to dedicate enough time to any of them to truly help them burn as brightly as they can... As a teacher, a minister, a mom, wife, friend, church member, Bible study leader, writer, and now graduate student, I need some wisdom on exactly what I could say OR to...because none of the irons in my fires seem disposable- they all seem very important and necessary... okay- so- I'm a wordy girl, but that is my answer in a nutshell :O)

  17. I would like to win the book for a friend from church named Dawn. She does alot for the Childrens ministry at my church and its on her summer reading list :).

    I mentioned your giveway on Fb

    I am a Subscriber to your blog

    Dawn subscribed to your blog :)

  18. I subscribe! I would love to read this book!

  19. I linked to Facebook about this post!

  20. I love on the video when he says "weird in the God sort of way.". I am anxious to read this! Thanks for doing the giveaway. Love to you, Jenny C.

  21. I would love to win a copy, as I am a Martha with a Mary heart and need to be okay with not getting it all done. I am sure there is more!

  22. "The Christian Atheist" was brilliant! Really, I just love books! (I get them, I review them and then if I'm lucky I interview the authors! :D and then do the cycle all over again. Read. Review. Interview.) That's why I'd want to win...and your post really hit me there with changing "and" to "or".

    I'm the type that wants to do it all. Work AND College AND Dance AND Teach AND write AND go to all the Women's Ministry Events at Church AND be with my family AND be with my friends. I try to do it all, and I do crash at times. So that's an eye opener..."you can't do it all" (Isn't that what Momma always said?)

    Anyways, thanks for the post!
    (my blog is under a different email address, I think. But whichever you can get to works. I check them all.)

  23. Also, I am a follower of your blog, and a subscriber, and I tweeted your post. :)

  24. Cuz i snorted out loud when I read the title, a light went off over my head when I read the description and when I'm done with it I'll donate it our library. :)

  25. Hi Cindy,

    I saw a few brief videos about the "Weird" book and it sounds like a fascinating read. The subjects covered in the video address allowing God to help us keep balance in all areas of our life: embracing God's opinion of me rather than seeking man's opinion; being intentional on working at my marriage relationship; seeking God's guidance in activities and ministries I pursue or making a "to-don't" list (like that idea). I could certainly use help in resting, being still before God and listening to His voice more than what others want from me.


  26. Okay, before I go and tell you I'm your newest follower I want to tell you I didn't follow you just to get into your book give away. I'm following you because you sparked an interested in me. I've been reading for a bit this afternoon and find your blog refreshing, wonderful and my kind of normal.
    Now after saying that, please allow me to be part of the drawing for this great book. I like that "or" so much better then "and".
    Thank you for stopping by Cindy. Oh your name caught my eye too, my sister is a Cindy.
    Take care and have a blessed and awesome afternoon.

  27. I watched a brief intro for this book on another blog...then your vdeo which was posted. This book looks fabulous. My husband and I have joked for years with each other that we are "weird". How cool would that be to have a book to possibly confirm "why" we should be weird:)
