Friday, April 22, 2011


Hey Friends ~

Happy almost Easter to you! I pray your weekend is filled with much *joy* and celebration of the real meaning of Easter....our Risen Lord!

Personally, I am officially worn out!! I am exhausted, weary, and have landed "in a funk". I still need to recover after our fun Spring Break (my suitcase is still packed ~ and that was 2 weeks ago!) & my crazy, full week last week. Anyone else?? :)

All of that to say, I'm going to take some time off from blogging. I need to spend time with Jesus! The next few weeks are filled with wrapping up Red Hot, teaching opportunities, and lots of fun, family stuff (not to mention my birthday!) ~ and I need to be whole (emotionally, physically, and spiritually).

I am learning that I must stop and allow Jesus to fill me completely and tend to my weary soul. I never want to share with you, my dear ones, out of the leftovers and scraps. If I want to reflect Him well, I must allow Him to fill me with His peace, His presence, and His joy. And that takes time just being "still". (Which is not something I do naturally ~ but I am learning....)

Thanks for understanding my need for a rest. I will miss you ~ but look forward to connecting again towards the first of May!!

May your weekend be filled with much joy, love, *sparkle*, and laughter!!

P.S. If you haven't entered my Giveaway, it's not too late! Click here for more information! :)

P.S.S. For more Caffeinated Randomness, head over to visit Michelle and friends. You'll be glad you did!


  1. Happy Easter! Have a great break!

  2. Have a happy Easter sweet friend and enjoy "your time" it makes us better people when we care for ourselves!

  3. You are wise, Cindy. Rest in HIM, sweet sister. Thank you for the reminder. Love you and miss you, Jenny C.

  4. You are so wise to realize this need and to "do it." May our Lord refresh and renew your soul during this time. Easter blessings to you!

  5. That's really great that you're taking that time with God:) Happy early Birthday, Cindy:D Hope you have a good one!

  6. Have a blessed Easter; a Happy Birthday and enjoy your rest:)

  7. Have a beautiful Easter. May you find joy, peace and refreshment as you spend time with Him!

  8. What a beautiful way to write that! I think we all need to keep still and wait. In that quiet....amazing things happen! Blessings, Joanne
