Thursday, April 14, 2011

Things I Love Thursday: Mandisa (& Giveaway)

If you haven't seen the new Easter Flash mob ~ "Rise Up", be sure to check it out! Love it :)

Hey Friends!

I'm so excited to share something I love, love, love with you ~ Mandisa's new album, "What If We Were Real". It is amazing!!! :)

You may remember, a few weeks ago I shared a clip of Mandisa's new song, "Stronger". Her song came out during a time when it felt like my world was caving in, and I would sing Stronger at the top of my lungs over and over again!

Just in case you've not heard Stronger, check it out....

Thankfully today, after making it through the crazy challenges of February 2011~ I'm pleased to share I AM STRONGER and my circumstances did not destroy me! Woo Hoo!

Imagine my delight, when I was asked to review Mandisa's new album, "What If We Were Real", containing, "Stronger". Of course, my answer was yes!

Can I just tell you that it is POWERFUL, AMAZING, and A MUST HAVE FOR EVERY WOMAN?!

I thought I would like it...but my goodness, every song on the album so identifies with a woman's heart. I don't just like it ~ I love it! I said to my friend Julie this week, "If I had all the money in the world, I would buy a copy for every single woman I know."

It's that good, friends. Promise.

Here's more about Mandisa's new album....

"The concept of the album came to Mandisa as she bared her soul to her more than 20,000 followers on Twitter (@mandisaofficial).

“I was really amazed at the responses I’d get when I’d Tweet that I was struggling, or needed prayer with something, or having a bad day,” she explains. “People said, ‘I’m glad to know I’m not the only one.’ Or ‘I need prayer for that too.’ It surprised me that people thought I had it all together. The truth of the matter is I have bad days too.”

That learning curve is evident on the vulnerable but empowering What If We Were Real.

“I will always struggle with my weight,” Mandisa says, recalling how a disappointing morning on the scale prompted her startling online confession that things are not always rosy. “I had gained weight and was so frustrated at that moment that I said so on Twitter. I said, ‘I’m fed-up and over it.’ I was feeling embarrassed and ashamed. I realized that I had only talked about how great things were. I never let people in when they were not. It was then that I decided I’d talk about the bad things too—that I’d be real.”

And so she is, through 11 songs of struggle, worship, and redemption.....

I would love, love, love to share this new CD with you!!

To Win my Mandisa Giveaway: Leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:

Why would you like to win Mandisa's new CD, "What If We Were Real"??

Extra Entries:

•Follow *She Sparkles*

•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*

•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog

•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

RULES: Starts today, Thursday, April 14th and ends Sunday, April 17th at 9 PM.

Winner will be posted on my blog during the week of April 18th. If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

I'll close with one more quote from the beautiful, gifted Mandisa....

“A struggle is a struggle, and Jesus is there through it all. He is there in compassion and grace. I have found that what He has spoken to me through these songs has been encouraging and I think that’ll be true for other people who are going through their own hard times...”

Amen, Mandisa, Amen! :)

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Have a wonderful, strength-filled, empowered day!!

P.S. For more Things I Love Thursday ideas, hop on over and visit Jill at The Diaper Diaries. :)

Disclosure: I was provided with one copy of Mandisa's new CD, "What If We Were Real". I was not compensated in any other way for the review and, as always, all opinions expressed in this post are fully my own.


  1. Sounds like an AMAZING CD...wish I had the $ to buy it. But maybe I will win it ;o) My mom and I both love her music soooo much...she is definitely an inspiration!

  2. I would LOVE to win this CD! I try to be 'REAL' about everything, as I've figured out that being anything BUT helps nobody! I've been through the wringer over the past two years, and this year has been a year of amazing healing for me. I've tried to be as vocal as I can about my struggles with depression because I know there are SO many women who need to know they are not alone. When I heard 'Stronger' for the first time, I thought 'THIS could have been my theme song!'. LOVE Mandisa! :)

  3. I also just subscribed via Google Reader. :)

  4. AND...I just added your button to my blog. I really really want to win this one! LOL! :)

  5. Thanks for sharing this album. I want to share it with my lovely daughters who are 13 going on 14 and meeting life head on. I want them to stay graciously real.

  6. why? b/c we cannot move forward with our lives unless we live in TRUTH! and "what if We Were Real?' is bringing TRUTH to our lives! we will be better women /people for hearing the message. our actions follow our beliefs, so i want this music influencing my believing and my being... many thx for the opp!!

  7. I followed on Google Friend Connect.

  8. GFC following !
    you're welcome at FHC too ~

  9. I've loved Mandisa way bck during her American Idol season where my family & i routed+ voted for her.. then she got eliminated too early but doesn't matter cuz since then she's alredy fave on our household esp. With her Debut Gospel Album "Freedom" its inspirational album helped me go tru my emotional + spiritual stage as my family faced our Dad's 3yrs Cancer battle tat ended in Jan. 7, 2011 where my Dad died.. Mandisa's music & prayers helped & is stil helping me cope up, its only been 3months since our Dad died frm his cancer battle; stil hard & struggle. But Mandisa songs were there 2pull me together.. Now i canot wait 2hear more new gr8 songs frm her newest album.. (hope i win) she's one of my inspirational artist! Thank U & God bless U Mandisa!

  10. Added your button to my blog, and it looks pretty nice in there with my favorite heavy hitters.

  11. giveaway tweet "love this CD by @mandisaofficial ~ excited to have one to giveaway too! @CindyBultema"

  12. I tweeted. I am new to twitter, so I retweeted yours and made my own @AccidentalDesig

  13. I would like to win it just because of the stand she has taken and the inspiration she has been since losing on American Idol. The Lord has so used her and I know has even greater things in store for her. Blessings!

  14. I don't have any of Mandisa's music but I have always been struck by how genuine and real she is.....The CD would be put to good use b/c I LOVE to worship. :-)

  15. I happen to love, love flash mobs. Serious dream of mine is to be in one. . . don't laugh. Clicking over now.

  16. I'd love to win Mandisa's CD because I love the messages in her music. I love music & praising GOD through it and being able to share it my kids, too.
    Stacey N.

  17. I puffy heart Mandisa. Love how she is "real"
