Monday, April 18, 2011

Facing Our Biggest Fears

Please continue to keep the Derek Taatjes family in your prayers.

Hi Friends!

I'm curious...what is it you are most afraid of??

For me, I join the millions of people in the world with a fear of public speaking.

When I was little, I wet my pants at school all the time because I was too afraid to raise my hand in class. (I'm not kidding, you can even ask my mom).

The thought of everyone looking at me was just too much for this shy, insecure, red haired little girl. My face would turn "beet red" when all eyes were on me (still does!) ~ and I dreaded ever being the center of attention in class. Ugh.

After I came to know Jesus, I sensed God wanted me to share my testimony for His Kingdom purposes. I was terrified.

However, after years of living in rebellion, I was more terrified of not obeying Him than people looking at me. I would go with fear and trembling whenever a church would ask me to share (but trust me, I never went out seeking opportunities).

In 1999 I was hired to work as a ministry leader at a Grand Rapids area mega-church. Only the Lord would provide opportunities for this shy girl to share ministry updates in front of 10,000 people on Sunday's. (Did you notice I said TEN THOUSAND people!)

Only God.

Since that time, God has been stretching me in this area. Thankfully I no longer wet my pants when people look at me (whew!) ~ but not one time do I head somewhere to speak where it comes "naturally".

My stomach is always in knots, I usally can't sleep the night before, and not only do I "pray like crazy" ~ I have a whole team of prayer warriors who pray me through each and every event.

So you'll never believe what God is asking me to do tonight. Once again, only God.

I'll give you a hint ~ it has to do with me, a video camera, lights, a team of people, and our Monday night Bible study. Can you feel my face getting blotchy already??

However, God's Word is clear...

The Lord has not given us a spirit of timidity or fear, but of POWER, LOVE, and SELF-DISCIPLINE (2 Timothy 1:7).

And I refuse to bring my old fears into this new day!!
I will be there tonight ready to face my biggest lifetime fear....and hopefully, Lord willing, I won't wet my pants :)

How about for you...what are you most afraid of??

What would you do if you knew you could not fail? Are you allowing "old fears" to creep into your "new days"?

May we keep our eyes fixed on Him and watch Him work ~ He is a God who can make the impossible possible!! And as Beth Moore says, "Let's do it afraid!"

Have a wonderful, joy-filled week, my dear bloggy friend! I treasure you!!

In His Sweet Love,

P.S. The winner of the Mandisa giveaway is Meredith Moore. A huge thank you to all who entered. I wish I had copies to give to everyone ~ it really is that good! :)


  1. How awesome! God will go before you and prepare the way!! He will! He is Yahweh Shammah--the Lord is there--already in that moment.

    I have no fear of public speaking...never have had. My fear is of growing old. Crazy, huh?

  2. I Praise God for your speaking in front at GR Mega Church. I was there and it sticks out in my mind still to this day. My biggest fear is being in my home during a thunderstorm, especially as they get worse. I have no access to a basement in my home.

  3. Public speaking is my fear as well-so I completely understand your nervous "reactions." :)

    Royal Heiress

  4. witnessing to adults (or even people my own age) scared me so much! But I am really feeling a calling lately...ugh, I know I need to listen but man it would be easier just to prentend I didn't here.
