Friday, March 25, 2011

Social Online Media & other Caffeinated Randomness

If you haven't had a chance to enter my "FULL book giveaway", it's not too late! If you know ANYONE impacted by an eating disorder, I would highly recommend it! :)

Hey friends! I'm joining my friend Michelle today for some Caffeinated Randomness. It's been one of those random weeks ~ trust me!!

First, the bad news...lice had re-entered our home (thankfully, it's not me!).

One "precious child of mine" was itching last night ~ and sure enough, it's back. Crazy how my perspective has changed since 5 out of 6 family members had it at one time. Just one kid with lice doesn't seem nearly as bad! Still yuck though!

On to the good husband John and I are heading out on a date tonight. Woo Hoo!

Although we try to make "date nights" a regular part of our married life, most of our winter weekends have been spent at the hockey rink. But not tonight!

Any suggestions on where we should go/what we should do??? Rollerskating perhaps?

I'm also in the middle of a new speaking project. Yippee (I love new challenges!)

I've been asked to teach a workshop at Carol Kent's Speak Up with Confidence seminar (if you are interested in developing your communication skills I would HIGLY recommend Speak Up!).

My workshop is called "Building Your Ministry through Social Online Media".

If you are wondering how Social Media impacts our world today, take a few minutes to watch this quick video. I think you'll be amazed at the statistics (I know I sure was!)

Bloggy friends, I would love your help! Are there questions about Social Media you would like answered? Have you wondered how best to build your ministry through Social Online Media?? Any tips you which you would have known sooner? I would love to hear from you (and I'd be happy to send you a DVD of my teaching for your help)!

As I've been working on this workshop message for the past few weeks, I've been reflecting on how God has used social media to bless and encourage me. Never would I have guessed the amazing friendships, connections, and ministry opportunities that would have developed through FB, Twitter, and the blogging world. Thank you for being a part of this journey. I thank God for you!!

Better run and get ready for my big date with my handsome hunk of a man! :)

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! Have a wonderful, joy-filled weekend!!

Sweet blessings to you~