Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My new Theme Song!!!

OK, so after my "Ugh" day yesterday, I was confident today would be better.

Thankfully only one family member has lice (and it's not me), and I felt confident that when all the kids went to school today, I could complete my Red Hot retreat materials (that were due on Monday ~ so sorry, Suzanne!). :(

I had some great prayer time with a friend yesterday, plus some RED HOT EXCITING news (hopefully I can share more in a few weeks ~ here's a hint ~ it involves a call yesterday to come in and talk with a publisher and video production team. Woo Hoo!)

I was praying that God would do IMMEASURABLY MORE and show me how POWERFUL He is!

Can I just tell you...immeasurably more did not mean "immeasurably more kids home sick from school"?!!!

Yep, I started out the morning with 3 out of 4 kids home. UGH.

Thankfully, the one (with the lice) had a clear check this morning, so now we are down to 2.

Still not what I was thinking today, Lord.

But then I was reminded of God's promises, specifically in 2 Corinthians 12:9.

Jesus said to the apostle Paul, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness".

I love that word power. In the original Greek language, it is the word 'dunamis' meaning might, strength, great ability. It's where we get the word 'dynamite'. Dynamic power!

It is the power of transformation, and - amazingly - it was released for us when Jesus was raised from the dead! (Did you catch that ~ for us!)

I want this POWER in my life! When I am weak (which is TODAY!) ~ I want to be strong and mighty and full of His dynamic power! I have tried to live life on my own before, and failed miserably. And, Lord willing, I won't go back.

What freedom comes when we take the pressure and expectations off of us - and put them back on God and His Word. He is Able!!

My friend, we have ALL the POWER we need for ALL the problems we face! God's incomparably great POWER is available to help us!!

I'm not sure when this post finds you today...perhaps weary and exhausted like I am? Overwhelmed? In the midst of relationship challenges? Job concerns? Financial pressures?

May our weaknesses put God's POWER on display all the more!

Teach us, O Lord, how to live in the fullness of Your power!

Here is my new Theme Song! I'm declaring "I've got the Power" and will lived today like the Powerful woman that God has created me to be!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! I thank God for you!! Have a fun, power-filled day!! :)

Sweet blessings ~

P.S. For more Works for Me Wednesday tips, take a peek here!


  1. I can't tell you how many "satellite" prayers I've sent up for you and yours since yesterday, Cindy. Glad things are looking up, and I'm looking forward to the exciting news when you're able to share!

  2. Hi! cindy, it sounds like your are going through the "test" of your faith, my family has just~ not all the way, things still happening~going through a lot of tests! My daughter just broke and cried yeaterday! from the "tests" she has gone through with her health, the past couple of months~ but we know that the Power has been given to us! just read it this morning in Daniel! Yes~Lord~Yes! BTW~ add tea tree oil to your shampoo, does not take much, smells not real good, but will help with the problem of lice! My daughter is a school teacher and has been told by her stylist this is great to use for prevention, outside of that lice shampoo! Keep long hair pulled up along with a little hairspray! Brandi has dealt with this w/Hannah way more than once being in the school relm! Good Luck:) hope these little tips might help! love and Blessings for a well Family! God Loves You, and so do I:)

  3. love this. why do i constantly need reminding about this POWER that is MINE for the asking?

  4. Hi Cindy. I didn't get to read yesterdays post but I'm glad to hear things are better. I just had to tell you how much I enjoyed the energy and positivity of today's post. Your spirit is so contagious! Thank you for always reminding us of Gods goodness.

    Hugs...Tracy :)
