Monday, February 7, 2011

The Good, the Bad, & the GIVEAWAY! :)

Hey Friends!!

I wish we could have coffee together and you could tell me all about your weekend!! I hope it was life-giving, refreshing, and fun! :)

As you know, I desire for my blog *She Sparkles* to be a
joy-filled, celebratory I'll start with my good news and updates! :)

* We had a fun
Groundhogs Day! 17.2 inches of snow couldn't keep us from celebrating! :)

* The kids enjoyed 3 snow days filled with Snow Day Shuffles, sledding, hot chocolate, games with mom, sleepovers, more games with mom, and fun! :)

* Last night we enjoyed a fun Superbowl Party. Not that I'm a football fan...but when I saw a Snickers ice cream pie shaped like a football ~ I couldn't resist throwing a celebration! Such a blast filling our home with food, friends, fun, and yes, football! :)

* I spent the weekend at a Women's Leadership Conference with keynote speaker Carol Kent. I was able to reconnect with dear Carol, Donna Fagerstrom, Jennie Dimkoff, and more! (And just between us....Carol Kent asked me to teach a workshop at her Speak Up with Confidence seminar this summer. Woo Hoo!)

However, please don't let my nice cheery updates fool you....most of last week I looked like this ~

Yes, if the woman above had red hair (and was wearing something sparkley) ~ that could be me! I was definitely ready to pull out my hair last week!!

I won't bore you with the details...just trust me on this. Having all 4 kids home for 3 full days was not part of my plan.

And isn't interesting how the enemy goes right for our mind in his effort to rob us of our joy and peace? Suddenly not only was I overwhelmed by the work I needed to do (but would have to put on hold) ~ my mind was filled with lies like...

*bad mom (for not being excited about the snow days)

* failure

* in over my head, defeated

I could go on and on...

Add the stress, plus the lies, and more challenges with one of our dear was a recipe for defeat. Thursday afternoon, after another round of battling with this child, I couldn't take anymore. I threw myself on my bedroom floor, bawled like a baby, called John in the middle of my ugly cry, and poured out my fears, stress and concerns.

Why do I share all of this with you, my dear bloggy friend?? (Trust me, it'd be easier for you to think my life was all "roses" and parties.)

I think as women there's something freeing to know we all have struggles. None of us have it all together. Now my pain is not your pain, I get that. And having a difficult, strong-willed child is not the end of the world. I get that too.

Someone said to me last week after reading this post, they thought my friends in Egypt had a harder week. I understand their point, and yes, our Egyptian friends did have a very challenging week (but their faith is strong, I just talked to them. Another post...)

And I am realizing my faith is small. Sorry, God...

Thus the reason I am bringing along my Verse Cards everywhere I go. If I'm going to live in victory, truth, and joy ~ I MUST constantly allow the Word of God to dwell richly in me. I must.

And as I shared last week, my dear friend Darlene (the founder of Verse-ability) and the creator of my personalized verse cards, would like to share the gift with others.

In fact, she is offering to giveaway 10 personalized gifts to 10 blessed *She Sparkles* readers. Woo Hoo!!!

You can choose from a personalized Verse Pack (business-card sized Scriptures, packaged in a custom woodgrained pocket box).

Or a Promise Verse Book (32 paraphrased Christian Scripture verses personalized with your first name. The books are coil-bound and have easel backs).

I am so *THRILLED* to be able to share TEN of these awesome, power-packed resources!! Yippee!!

To Win my Verse-ability Giveaway:

Leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:

Why would you like to win this Verse-ability Giveaway??

Also, would you prefer the VersePack or Verse Book?

(And if you would like to win this for someone other than yourself, please be sure to share the name you would like personalized. You can even hop over to Verse-ability and pick your favorite color and format. If you could pick one ~ which would it be??)

RULES: Starts today, Monday, February 7th, 2011 and ends Thursday, February 10th at 9 PM. Winner will be contacted via e-mail.

Extra Entries:

•Post this Giveaway on FB
•Follow *She Sparkles*
•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*
•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

If your email address is not connected to your ID please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! Have a life-giving, Truth-filled week!

P.S. A HUGE THANKS to Darlene for your very generous GIVEAWAY gift! I love, love, love being able to share TRUTH with others. Thanks, Darlene, for making this possible! :) May God bless you for your generosity and graciousness! :)


  1. First, thank you for your sweet comment on my blog last week. Secondly, I love the cupcakes. What a cute idea!

    I love this product and giveaway. I truly have been focused on have verses in front of me to keep me focused on HIM throughout my day. What a blessing the idea of the cards or book would be. I would be excited to win either, but I think the book would work best for me. I would have my name placed on the sage one :) Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  2. I follow your blog :)

  3. Thank you for being real and transparent...the enemy loves to slither in and discourage us when we are weak...a mind filled with truth can make him slither AWAY:) Love these verse books!! Such a neat thing to have them personalized!!

  4. Wow!! What a great giveaway!!! I would love to win this because I think that we can never apply too much Scripture to our lives. Any time of the day and any way we can get it, it is a good thing.

    Thanks so much.


    PS. Feel free to register for my includes chocolate and a Bible study that I wrote.

  5. I'd love the spiral bound book because I have the supplies on my grocery list to make one for myself (although it wouldn't be near as cute or as neat!).

    I like browns, reds, yellows. Thanks!!

  6. And WOOOOHOOOOO about speaking with Carol Kent. I just emailed to ask about the seminars this summer... I even thought of asking you if I could stay with you ;)

  7. I saw these last week and thought how amazingly inspirational they were. We all need verses in our lives to keep our faith in God strong. I am having a hard time deciding between which I might like more. I think the Promise Book, though. Then I can add other verses that keep me strong. I hope this week goes well for you Cindy!

  8. I follow you and am a subscriber. I also posted about your giveaway on facebook and twitter. Working on my post =)

  9. I blogged about your giveaway.

  10. Added your cute She Sparkles button

  11. This is awesome! I would love to fill my mind with the TRUTH. Either combo (book or packet)would be great.

  12. Cindy, this is great! I just want to fill my mind with the TRUTH! I think the spiral would be awesome.

  13. How fun! Cute cupcake!

    I would like the Verse Book. That would fit perfect in my purse, perfect to carry everywhere I go. Sometimes when you are out and about you just need to stop and pray OR read God's word and that Verse Book would be perfect :)

    Thanks for hosting!

  14. I follow She Sparkles!

  15. I have the She Sparkles button under the tab Blogs I am Loving :)

  16. Hi Cindy,

    I just wanted to say that I love Carol Kent. How exciting that you get to speak with her! I heard her at the Women of Joy conference in San Antonio last October. What a heart-breaking but freedom-finding testimony!

  17. I would love to win. It is a great way to keep God's truth at our fingertips.

  18. I would prefer the verses on cards in the nice box.

  19. I am already a happy follower through GFC!

  20. I have your button on my "Blogs I Frequent" page :)

  21. These are awesome! I think I've found a new favorite gift to give to others. I would like to win the Versapack for myself because I like to stick Scripture on mirrors, on the fridge, in the van, even in my pocket. I need the Sword of the Spirit in my life daily to fight the enemy, who is the Father of LIES! Thank you to both of you for offering this way cool giveway!


  22. These are wonderful! I think I just found my new favorite gift item to give to others! Yay!

    I would choose the Versa-pack for myself because I like to stick Scripture on mirrors, on the fridge, in the van, and even in my pocket. I need to have the Sword of the Spirit with me all the time to fight of the Father of LIES!!

    Thank you to both of you for offering this terrific giveaway!


  23. Hi Cindy,

    Even in your difficult times, you have such a sense of humor...Well, maybe afterwards :) I am almost (I say almost) through raising a strong-willed young adult (wonder where he got it from :), so I can so relate. But, you bounce back so quickly, because you have the truth in you! Congrats on the workshop with Carol Kent. God continues to bless and use you so amazingly. Now if we can just get you to Texas.

    I would love to be entered for the verse book giveaway. When I saw those, I thought, how beautiful and to have them so organized and handy to carry with you. God's truth, His power in us to defeat satan! Sweet victory in Jesus is prayed for you this week!

    In His Love,

  24. It would be nice to have a reminder of God's love when I am out & about and need a pick me up!

    I would love to win the Verse Book in green! :)

  25. Hi Cindy :-) May the Lord bless you with a beautiful day and productive week this week! I love the verse cards and spiral - such rich encouragement. I would love to win the giveaway for my friend, Maria, who I think would really love the personalized spiral. Thanks for all you do to encourage us to love Jesus more! Love, Jenny C.

  26. What a great give away. I would love the personalized verse cards in the box. What an encouragement to have Scripture personalized just for you. This past year has been a difficult one with finances, almost loss of a home and discouragement. Actually either one would be a huge encouragement.

  27. hi cindy, I would love to give this to a friend with breast cancer. How encouraging to have personal scripture during such a trying time!

    already a follwer,
    already a subscriber
    posted on fb
    added your button to my blog


  28. I have really become aware of how much I need to have scriptures imprinted on my heart. This is such a neat way to personalize scripture. And, I'm torn as to which one I'd like best. I'd probably say the versebook.

  29. I have the She Sparkles button on my blog's sidebar.

  30. Hi Cindy,

    Please put my name in the drawing for the scripture verses. ( how good is that idea!) Not only is it handy but it will keep me in His word.

    Thank-you also for your blog She Sparkles.... how I look forward to them.

  31. Hi! cindy, I love the verse pack, I love to post scriptures where I can focus on God's word when I am going through something! In fact I wrote a scripture on a bright sticky note and put it on the dash of my car, so when I feel anxious over this situatin that my family is still dealing with(probally about 6 months now)~ I just read my scripture again! Love these! Thanks, and I follow, plus I have that cute button of yours. Blessings to the winners in advance!

  32. i would LOVE to win this giveaway because i know the difference God's word makes in my life when i am really meditating on it....and getting into my brain....and i think that by having all those verses easily accessible...that would happen more easily!


    and i don't care WHICH one i would get...surprise me. hehe...

    lots of love
    erica simpson

  33. Hi!
    I am a homeschool mom of three. Recently my oldest daughter Eden, age 5, has been asking about starting a business. Her ideas include writing books to sell at yardsales, lemonade stand, and selling her toys on craigslist. I recently prayed that God would help me find something to do with her. The other night, I had a dream about a small business idea that we may pursue for her. I think the verses would be an encouragement to her and I know she would read them, as she already is reading the Bible on her own and has a hunger and thirst for His Word. This morning she came in with a crown on and played the part of Esther, while her little brother was Mordecai, ha! Praise God for the opportunity to be a mother! Thanks for allowing me to share this!

  34. Hello Dear Cindy,
    I would love to win your Verse Book. What an encouragement it would be to have God's promises personalized to me and available to carry around everywhere I go! Thank you for sharing this gift! What a wonderful idea! I am sure I will be future orders for friends!
    Sending you and e-hug,
