Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Heart Exposed (& a Fun Update!)

A quick update....you may remember when I shared I had the opportunity to sit in Lysa TerKeurst's "Made to Crave" Bible study taping. Although the DVD's aren't out yet ~ the promo trailer is available.

If you have a quick second, check out the 2 minute sneak peek (and see if you can find me! :) )

For today, I'm knee deep in working on my Red Hot Bible study.

(By the way...did I share the fun news that Sunshine Church here in Grand Rapids, Michigan has asked me to speak at a Retreat this February and share some of my Redhot material?? Woo Hoo! I'm so excited! More details to come this week. I'd love for you to join us!)

Anyway (sorry about all my tangents, when I study/write all day, I have the need to get lots of words out!)...

As I was praying/studying about the lukewarm church, and the condition of our hearts...I came across this powerful poem by Steven James from his book "A Heart Exposed: Talking to God with Nothing to Hide".

It ministered to me and made me stop and ponder and reflect on my own heart condition. May it minister to you today as well...

some people hide themselves in religion.
you hide youself in my heart
so that i can finally
stop hiding.

Source of Living Water

is it true that I want you?

Or is it maybe true that

deep down

in the secret place

I don't want you as much as

I want the rewards you offer?

Do I come to you for what you give,

or for who you are?

Are you just an ulterior motive

to get what I really want?

If that's the case,

don't give me what I want.

Give me yourself instead.

Some people honor you, serve you,

so that they can get a crown in heaven.

I would rather spend eternity

conversing with the king

than trying on crowns.

Let knowing you be the only reward

I ever seek.

~ Steven James

Oh dear bloggy friends, may knowing God be the only reward we seek!! And may Jesus alone be our treasure, our hope, our joy, our strength...especially during this CHRISTmas season!!

How about for you?? What is God teaching you these days?? I'd love to hear from you!

Back to writing and my Book! Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! Have an amazing, Truth-filled, life-giving week!!

P.S. I'm linking up with Finding Heaven and the Soli Deo Gloria Sisterhood today. Be sure to check out these amazing women. You'll be blessed indeed! :)


  1. Thank you so much for linking up today! It's so wonderful to have new people.

    I listened to the trailer -- I've been writing about my own food addiction through a series on Blissfully Domestic about this very thing. I would love to do this study so that I can recommend it to others struggling with this as well! As with any addiction, it seems that it is always a process of recovery.

    Also, I loved the words by Steven James.

  2. What an absolutely beautiful poem it spoke to me today.

  3. Oh Cindy I got excited when I saw you! :) I think this study would be amazing to do. It's something I'm struggling with right now. Filling those spaces that only God should be filling. I'm excited about your retreat. One of my wishes is that I could attend. Just have to find the money, time and babysitter. One day....

  4. HOORAY!!! for Red Hot Bible Study! I hope the Lord is giving you great success as you prepare for this awesome study and retreat for His women to His glory!!! Love and blessings to you sweet friend :-)
    ~Jenny C.

  5. Raising hand..I SAW YOU!! lol!

    I am seriously looking forward to the Lisa T. Made To Crave study. My Bible study leader just called to chat and I was telling her about this and how good it sounds.

    Thank you so much for your prayers, dear Cindy.


  6. I saw you! :) So glad you got the opportunity to be part of the taping.
