Sunday, December 26, 2010

"Magnificent Monday" Bible Study starting SOON!

If you're looking for family fun Winter Break ideas, check out my Christmas break Family Fun list from A to Z!

I'm taking the week off from blogging while my 4 kids are home on break, but look forward to joining you all again next week with some new RED HOT announcements & giveaways! :)

But for today, I can't wait to fill you in on our new Bible Study that will be starting SOON ~ January 3, 2011!!

This winter we will be going through the Bible study He Speaks to Me: Preparing to Hear from God by Priscilla Shirer. If you live in West Michigan, I would love to have you join us on Monday nights!!

First, some history about our group....(I love sharing how God works!!)

In 2006, my best friend Julie and I led a Bible study in her home. There were 12 of us that journeyed together that summer. Here's the original gang...

Soon the group began to grow and grow! We moved from Julie's living room to her basement. A dear woman named Mary Swierenga (an amazing prayer warrior and Bible teacher) began to mentor us. The group GREW AND GREW....

Julie sensed we should move to a location where even more women could come and join us! She went to the leaders of her church (Sunshine Church), and they graciously embraced the idea of hosting this gathering of women. I stepped in as the Bible teacher. The first season, winter 2009, the group grew to 40 women. I loved it! I was in my "sweet spot".

(Here's a fun picture from when they surprised me on my birthday....)

Since that time, the group has continued to GROW!! Women bring friends who bring friends who bring friends! All different churches, all different ages, all different stages of life!

Over the years, one thing has stayed the same ~ our commitment to providing a welcoming, safe, and fun place to learn more about Jesus and His great love for us!! It has been such a blast watching women come, regardless of where they are on their spiritual journey, and have fun while digging into God's Word!

What a huge blessing ~ my Monday nights are now truly "magnificent!!"

And beginning Monday, January 3rd ~ our Magnificent Monday Bible Study will be "re-starting" after our Christmas break. If you live in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area and are interested in joining a Bible study, this may be the perfect one for you! We would LOVE to have you come ~ bring a friend too!!

Here's more about the study we've selected for this season....

A common question of many Christians is, “How can I know when God is speaking to me?” Priscilla uses the account of God speaking to Samuel in 1 Samuel 3 to show how God speaks to Christians and how we can discern His voice and position ourselves to respond. In this exciting adventure, participants will discover how God spoke to Samuel, Samuel’s response, and how He speaks to believers today; they will be encouraged to listen and respond to God’s voice; and by listening to God’s voice and obeying Him, women will experience spiritual growth, Christian discipline, and the desire to serve.

And here's more from Priscilla about her study....

Awesome, huh??! Boy is Priscilla gifted!!

You can also view a sample chapter of the Bible study guide here

Our Magnificent Monday group meets at Sunshine Community Church at 7:00 PM. (Again, although we meet at Sunshine, women from all different churches, all different backgrounds in the area attend).

Typically, we will begin with a large group gathering, have some fun, worship (wait until you meet our worship leader ~ she's phenomenal!), break up into small groups, and then come back together and for a 30-40 minute teaching. We end at 9:00 PM.

We'll be meeting every Monday until February 14th (just a quick 7 week study ~ perfect!). In the fall, we had nearly 100 women in attendance. What fun! :)

Oh, and did I mention we serve yummy coffee and treats?! :)

If you would like to pre-register, you may do so here

or if you have any questions about the study, please leave a comment or e-mail me at I'd love to have you join us!!

God's richest blessings to you~

P.S. If you do not live in the Grand Rapids area, I'd love to hear more about your Bible study. Are you going through a study guide? What is your favorite part of your Bible study?? What has God been teaching you??
Share with us please :)

P.S.S. GIVEAWAY ANNOUCEMENT ~ Just for fun....I have an extra copy of the Bible study guide, so I'll randomly pick one blessed woman who has pre-registered by Sunday, January 2nd and give a new copy of He Speaks to Me to you! :)

1 comment:

  1. This is the first of heard of this study.It must be new. I know I did her "Discerning the Voice of God" which sounds similar but this study you said is focused on Samuel -- awesome!

    Thanks Cindy and I love your beautiful group. I am leading studies at our church group. I enjoy that. I led Bible Study in my home ministry for 7 years back in VA and missed that very much until moving here and connecting. Awesome to share the Word with others!

    New Year Blessings to you my friend. Love you.
